Monday, December 21, 2009

Momentous learnings; a shift in yearnings

Sometimes there is too much information at our fingertips. Some things we are just not ready for. Like a young person viewing a porn site, the impact of such encounters imprints us and influences the way we think about very fundamental things.

I wrote just a couple of days ago about our lovely plant earth--our Love Boat--as I envisioned our future home. Inhabited by a civilization that knew their connectedness--that felt love towards all--I had/have hopes for such a thing. I spoke of an upgrade in consciousness and an accompanying physical change. Perhaps these things will come about, perhaps it will all take a different path.

What I started to do only a little more than a month ago (this blog) has taken me places I could not have predicted. It has grown out of my seeking--attempts to connect the dots of conscious self~subconscious self~inner self and our greater relationship to the universe or All That is. Honestly, I feel like I've been on the accelerated program. My head is heavy with information.

It is said, as we get closer to this phenomenon of convergence (the upgrade) our lives quicken. We are presented with stimuli to move us along the path towards recognition of our connectedness--large events of major importance will happen with more frequency--our planet will display changes (global warming), etc. As I process all of the information I've taken in I realize that I need to step back--get quiet--breathe--and look inside for signs of recognition. What resounds in my most intuitive places? Intellectual knowledge (Reason) must be balanced by intuitive understanding.

The holidays are upon us allowing some time away from the job, and if we are lucky, time together with the people we most care about. For me, this will be a time of reflection on all of the marvels I have stumbled upon, and a hopeful alignment of heart and head.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

What are we growing towards?

The generated energy I spoke of in the last blog entry, called by some torsion waves, is predicted to have the ability to alter our very DNA. This torsion energy is consciousness-based (all energy is). It's primary purpose is to cause an "upgrade" in human consciousness--the altered DNA providing us with an advanced physical body to accommodate the new expansion of our psychic capacities. This gestalt evolution has been seen by the ancients as well as some contemporary psychics. No one can be sure how it will play out--how those who are ready will evolve, and what happens to those who are not. (Does this seem to have Biblical apocalyptic overtones?)

I find this information fascinating. It certainly feels as if we (our general society) are in the river rapids and moving closer to the falls. So much upheaval and the worst to come--too much money being spent or lost--too many people--not enough resources--manipulation of populations by those in control--the misuse and mistreatment of our fellow creatures and general environment--disregard for human value on an unprecedented level.

Something is coming. I never have subscribed to the doomsday theories--so this positive spin (the gestalt evolution) on what might occur around Dec. 21, 2012 is more in line with my thinking. Does anyone else feel this way? I can only look to the future with a sense of what I want to see go down. My heart feels and sees evidence that All That Is (GOD) fosters creation, love, joy, understanding. I would rather be aboard this Love Boat--the vessel our beautiful blue planet can be--than anywhere else. I hope to see this happen.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

RA RA RA: The Law of One

While investigating what Seth refers to as consciousness units and a good working description of their being, I have stumbled onto the website Divine Cosmos (David Wilcock) and The Law of One written as Seth's books were--through a channel--by an entity named Ra. While Ra's work doesn't have the feel of Seth's--Seth's efforts seem more human than Ra's--the information runs parallel, shared truths weaving in and out of both works. The Law of One seems innately scientific and is focused upon changes that are coming to our civilization very soon.

In line with the 2012 predictions of several ancient cultures, and with universal cycles, Ra tells us that our planet is at a critical stage of evolution, not just physically, but psychically. We as a collective race need to become more evolved in our consciousness--more attuned to each others well-being and that of our home, planet earth. Without the evolved mass consciousness, we will destroy ourselves. There are those who are ready for the upgrade, so to speak, and those that are not. The universe in its innate wisdom provides just what the planet needs -when it needs it. According to The Law of One, and other weighty sources, increased "energy" is being generated (a contributor to global warming?) within our universe that will cause a rather gestalt understanding--our light bulbs illuminate so to speak--so that we as a race and viable planet can continue to grow as beings.

This is a simple summary obviously (based on my recent reading) of the factors involved. There is plenty of material out there--I would suggest if you would like to explore, start at Divine Cosmos.

What are we growing towards? Next time.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Consciousness Units

Since Seth and Jane's collaboration in the 1960s and '70s, scientists have begun to discover basic frameworks that support Seth's material. Physicists, unaware of Seth and his Magnum Opus have begun to discover that energy such as consciousness units do exist. Here is a site Divine Cosmos  that examines the following Seth material from a scientific point of view, if that is of interest to you. Fascinating! After you read Seth's words, check out the Divine Cosmos link above.

Now: These units of which we spoke earlier are basically animations rising from consciousness. I am speaking now of the consciousness within each physical particle regardless of its size; of molecular consciousness, cellular consciousness, as well as the larger gestalts of consciousness with which you are usually familiar. Because of Ruburt's [Seth's name for Jane] limited scientific vocabulary, this is somewhat difficult to explain. Also some of the theories I will present to you in this discussion will be quite unfamiliar to you.
These emanations rise as naturally as breath, and there are other comparisons that can be made, in that there is a coming in and a going out, and transformation within the unit, as what is taken into the lungs, for example, is not the same thing that leaves on the exhale stroke. You could compare these units, simply for an analogy, to the invisible breath of consciousness. This analogy will not carry us far, but it will be enough initially to get the idea across. Breath is, of course, also a pulsation, and these units operate in a pulsating manner. They are emitted by the cells, for example, in plants, animals, rocks, and so forth. They would have color if you were able to perceive them physically.

They are electromagnetic, in your terms, following their own patterns of positive and negative charge, and following also certain laws of magnetism. In this instance, like definitely attracts like. The emanations are actually emotional tones. The varieties of tones, for all intents and purposes, are infinite.
The units are just beneath the range of physical matter. None are identical. However, there is a structure to them. This structure is beyond the range of electromagnetic qualities as your scientists think of them. Consciousness actually produces these emanations, and they are the basis for any kind of perception, both sensory in usual terms and extrasensory.

We are only beginning this discussion. Later you will see that I am making it simple for you, but you will not understand it unless we start in this manner. I do intend to explain the structure of these units. Now, give us a moment.
These emanations can also appear as sounds, and you will be able to translate them into sounds long before your scientists discover their basic meaning.
One of the reasons why they have not been discovered is precisely because they are so cleverly camouflaged within all structures. Being just beyond the range of matter, having a structure but a nonphysical one, and being of a pulsating nature, they can expand or contract. They can completely envelop, for example, a small cell, or retreat to the nucleus within. They combine qualities of a unit and a field, in other words. There is another reason why they remain a secret from Western scientists. Intensity governs not only their activity and size, but the relative strength of their magnetic nature. They will draw other such units to them, for example, according to the intensity of the emotional tone of the particular consciousness at any given “point.”

Seth relays this scientific information in a way that the non-scientist can follow it and not get lost in technical verbiage. It is fascinating and yet still just out of reach of my true understanding. I do like that there is an audio quality to these units of consciousness--somehow that seems right. Please do check out the Divine Cosmos link above for more information on CUs, EE units (electromagnetic energy units) and how our consciousness actually creates physical reality.

EE units next time.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Thoughts Emotions Desires--the Playdough of the Universe

Seth says our beliefs form our personal realities. I wrote briefly about this in my last two blogs--this topic could have 100 blog postings and perhaps still not cover all of the nuances (known and unknown) that spin from it. I struggle to present an organized summation of even a portion of Seth (and Jane's) oeuvre. Thinking out loud (isn't that what blogging is?), it would be nice to have a comment or question or even a vehement "you're crazy" note. It would be a theme--a focus-- a rallying point.

But ultimately this blog is an exercise in learning via articulation. My attempts to explain the unexplainable moves me ever so slighter closer to the crux. As I search for ways to express what I am trying to intuit, (as a poet strives for pure descriptive verse?), I feel a pressure/a need to transform my own understanding of the concepts to visceral knowledge. I come up short time and again. I need to feel more and think less.

Which brings me to the power of emotion. Seth says that thoughts, backed by strong emotion and desire, are actually able to create physical matter. Yes you read that correctly. This world is the collaborative creation of all of us-- living in this physical system and the portions of us that operate outside of it. We exist primarily to create, to become. Every cell of our body is infused with this predilection. And though it sounds like something out of Fantastic Four, Seth gives us a pretty interesting description of how it all works in The Seth Material and subsequent books.

Now: there are electromagnetic structures, so to speak, that are presently beyond your (scientific) instruments, units that are the basic carriers of perception. They have a very brief “life” in your terms. Their size varies. Several units may combine, for example; many units may combine. To put this as simply as possible, it is not so much that they move through space, as that they use space to move through. There is a difference.
In a manner of speaking, thermal qualities are involved, and also laws of attraction and repulsion. The units charge the air through which they pass, and draw to them other units. The units are not stationary in the way that, say, a cell is stationary within the body. Even a cell only appears stationary. These units have no “home.” They are built up in response to emotional intensity.

They are one form that emotional energy takes. They follow their own rules of attraction and repulsion. As a magnet, you see, will attract with its filaments, so these units attract their own kind and form patterns, which then appear to you as perception.
Now: a fetus utilizes these units. So does any consciousness, including that of a plant. Cells are not just responsive to light because this is the order of things, but because an emotional desire to perceive light is present. The desire appears on this other level in the form of these electromagnetic units, which then cause a light sensitivity. These units are freewheeling. They can be used in normal perception or what you call extrasensory perception.
It is not that you cannot devise instruments to perceive these units. Your scientists are simply asking the wrong questions, and do not think in terms of such freewheeling structures.

We all know how it feels to be in an emotionally charged environment (ever attended a political rally?). We can feel the energy intuitively and feel it's intent. This, because the energy is alive or conscious. Seth says when this energy is so supercharged with emotional intensity it can and does form physical matter. This is indeed a step up from spoon-bending and other psychic parlor tricks isn't it?

More on consciousness units next session.