Thursday, December 16, 2010

Add some shine--read EnlightenNext

I receive an email from EnlightenNext every week. It has a quote or paragraph written by Andrew Cohen, a spiritual teacher and founder of EnlightenNext--the website/organization. I have been impressed and overjoyed by his modern look at spirituality--not that of organized religion--and his ideas on how to evolve and live today in a way that contributes to our overall well being.

Spiritual Practice is Spirit Lived is a wonderful article by Andrew that speaks to the seeker in a effort to help make the leap to finder. A lifetime of seeking is not what we ultimately want, is it? Finding what we are looking for, starts us on the new path of being spirit and of continual development if we so choose.

This blog is a journal of my seeking. Every step along the way has opened my mind and heart a little bit more-- has added another facet to the jewel of my being. It is what we are here for, or at least what I am here for. I figure the "finding" will begin the polishing phase of my existence, making me as shiny and bright as I can be.

Check out the online magazine EnlightenNext for the videos and writings of Andrew Cohen. Add another facet to your diamond.

Monday, December 6, 2010

What are you built for?

We all have our special purpose in this incarnation on this planet. It is what, if we are paying attention, we are here to learn and fulfill. A few of our fellow human beings have been given the gift of voice (Manifestor)--others the gift of powerful physical energy (Generator)--some are here simply to observe and partake of the experience (Reflector), others are here to guide (Projector). The whole range of human experience is born of /created by the interaction of people--either using their gifts or out of line with their purpose.

In my quest to evolve and become a better me, I have become aware of the Human Design system, presented to the world by Ra Uru Hu, (A French Canadian born in 1948). A friend has also shared with me her knowledge of the system after studying for a number of years. From the website:

The Human Design System is a synthesis of two streams of science, traditional and modern. The traditional sciences - astrology both eastern and western, the Hindu-Brahmin Chakra system, the Zohar or Kabbalah, and most importantly of all, the I’Ching, the Book of Changes - these are the traditional elements in the synthesis that is Human Design, and combined with the modern science of reading the genetic code, this offers you profound insight into how you are designed to navigate the material world.

In the Human Design System you are provided with a bodychart, based on your date and time and place of birth. Your bodychart shows how your body was designed based on 3 months before you were born, and also your actual birth time. It is all very interesting--who does not want to find out more about themselves. As I proceed I will be using some Human Design speak--if it interests you at all--check out the link above. There is a dictionary in the resources section.

I am the type known as a Manifesting Generator. My type is not what I think or feel I am, but what I am by design. My inner authority (where I go to make correct decisions) is the sacral center. My strategy in life (based on my type) should be wait to respond. Wait for what? Wait for a request to commit my energies that rings true. The ringing truth is to be obtained in the guttural primal without thinking response uh huh (yes) or uh uh (no). When making decisions from this place, supposedly I cannot go wrong. Now, how the hell does one connect with this gutty decision maker? Life is so loud.

I have quickly learned that it is almost impossible to do this unless you slow way down and pay close attention to it. Try to get a generator--a doer--to slow down and listen--not to what the mind is telling you, but what the pulsation of your core is. Rushing ahead on a wave of emotion, or with the momentum of getting on with things can get you in some trouble, or more likely waste your time and energy.

The Human Design system is very detailed with volumes of information available on your type, your design and all the little subsets of delineation that make you, you. You can dive in as deeply as you like but the most important thing to learn is your strategy and how to listen to your inner authority. New age speak, or brilliant tool? You decide.

So, what gifts have you been given?

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

More Marko

 Words of wisdom from Marko Pogacnik regarding a mind set of co-creation on this planet.

February 14th, 2008

The Blog

The people of the modern age, alienated to the essence of our beloved planet, believe that the Earth is endangering our lives. On one hand they feel guilty for the ecological destruction humans are causing. On the other hand people fear the consequences of our civilisations insensitivity to the life organism of the Earth.
None of both is right! Instead of bouncing between the feelings of guilt and fear, the change in the personal relationship to the Earth is needed:
Accept that we human beings are part of the Earth, also part of her heart-consciousness. What we do, she is doing. She has no other hands to create upon the Earth surface, as ours. Even the destruction in the environment can be understood in a positive way, as a means, for example, how to produce urgency for change. We are urged to change. Our civilisation has to move towards a greater wholeness, true freedom, towards a quantum leap in consciousness.
See how it is possible to collaborate with the ongoing Earth Changes instead of projecting a negative stamp on them. If the Earth is getting warmer day by day, we should also open our heart-consciousness and become warmer in our relationship towards each other, towards beings of nature, towards ourselves. Rise the heat of your heart and the heat of the planet will get revealed as a proper circumstance, enabling us and other beings of the Earth to make a quantum leap in our evolution!
Look where you can help to move away the obstacles on the path of change and transmutation. It may be obstacles on your individual path, obstacles created by the human fearful thought forms, or by the means of environmental destruction – I specifically mean the one that damages the subtle (etheric, emotional) levels of life.