Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Terence McKenna on DNA, the I'Ching and more

My son Tommy turned me on to Terence McKenna--the psychedelic scientist.

I have listened to many hours worth of McKenna's lectures--he is amazingly coherent--brilliant--and now, has passed on to the next............. HERE is a youtube link to his last interview (Hawaii, Oct. 1998)--he discusses how the I'Ching is a guidebook to our DNA and many other goodies.

The Human Design system is an amalgamtion of the information provided by the I'Ching, DNA, Kabbala, Astrology, etc. and I found this interview of McKenna's--in particular--to be of mad interest.

Guide to the Perplexed Interdimensional Traveler

Guide to the Perplexed Interdimensional Traveler -an interesting article by Jonathan Zap posted here at  Reality Sandwich--I thoroughly enjoyed it.