Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Discipline of Peace

"Often upon your planet, peace has been misunderstood. It is seen as an absence of war. Peace is the freedom to be the fulfillment of being who you are--of your divinity in and out of form. Peace is the the acceptance and the embrace of your inter-transdimensional self.  Peace is when you know and feel that you are in harmony--not with just your immediate environment, but with all. Peace is the knowing--the guaranteeing that as you rise from your bed that there is harmony.........the knowing of your divine connection and the unified grid which you are a key part of. Peace is balance--in all things in all realms."

"Discipline is an aligned exercise of your free will--making the choice to embody peace. It means making peace with the old and letting it go. A constant monitoring of your thoughts and behaviors so that you become peace in your form and body--from there the ripple effects go out.....changing the face of the universe....assisting in the divine plan."

Serapis Bey via Linda Dillon

Perched on the edge

Folks--we are almost there. For days now I have been only half here. Sleep has been unusually intense and hard to wake up from. I have had severe allergies, nausea, tingling in the head and body--I have been in disarray. We people who are so attuned, can actually feel this penultimate clash of light and dark in our bodies and psyches. Old negative energies are coming back into our lives to either drag us down or be dealt with in a way that increases one's positivity and sends the same (positivity) back to that negative source.

I have been following the channelings of the Galactic Federation of Light (our Brothers and Sisters on the higher dimensional planes) for a year or two. These days information is coming fast--reflecting the quickening pace of our current paradigm.

Today, this channeled info came through Sheldan Nidle--Sheldan gew up in my hometown of Buffalo, NY. I have included the transcript as well as an audio. Our galactic allies will be making contact with us soon--check out Are you Ready? the last blog post.

Galactic Federation channeled by Sheldan Nidle transcript
Click here for the audio link 

Not too many people in my life have allowed an opening for this kind of material to be discussed.  This blog has no followers. Crazy and delusional I would be labeled, and I am ok with that. Still we are on the precipice of in your face proof of our alliances and all of the realities that surround us. The vast majority of earth is not ready. The energies our earth is receiving from our galactic center and our sun and the planets surrounding us is helping to prod each of us into a higher awareness--tuning our bodies to receive higher frequencies, so that we may embrace and recognize the changes that are upon us. Most people need a jolt to kick them into gear. I hope the upcoming jolt does not consume them.

I look daily for openings so that I might share a tiny bit of information---but until another is ready to hear, I remain a ghost blogger.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


for the happening of a millennium? 

 The days are winding down towards December 21st and the time is quickly approaching when our Galactic brother and sisters will once again reunite with us here on the earth. Up close and in person. For real. This reunion has been in the making since antiquity--since the time of our separation--back so far that all we really have of it is a cellular memory.

How outrageous is this proposition really? UFOs and ETs have had their champions and naysayers. One is always left with a whisper of a doubt when hearing the accounts of pilots and observers.  Crop circles? 3 guys, some rope and a board. Really? Stop to ask yourself in a quiet moment, just how can we be alone in this universe? There have to be those behind us on the wheel of life (call them our past selves) and those that have gone before (our future selves). (Some reference to this phenomenon/idea in an older post.) Our future selves are very much invested in our progress--how we learn our lessons of love and unity with all. That we have Free Will, keeps things interesting. It is all not set in stone, yet it is all contained in it's completion, within the one thought. Kind of a paradox, eh?

Our future selves are these Galactic Brothers and Sisters I speak of. They are very close by but not normally detected because of dimensional differences. They are of the 5th dimension and above, and as our planet and it's inhabitants vibrate into the 4th and 5th dimensions we will be finally able to communicate, work and live amongst their numbers. They have been working behind the scenes so to speak, on our behalf--and really on their behalf also--to help us through this dimensional upgrade/planetary shift. It is happening right now!! 

Why do we need their help? I like to think of them as Ascension coaches/Dimensional consultants. We have been through ages of darkness--the big forgetting--we have forgotten who we are and our capabilities and our true connection to all. We have been denied information about our heritage--we ourselves carry DNA bred on other worlds. Divine intervention has been needed because of the heavy handed grip that some of our other dimensional relatives have had on the human population. There has been a battle in the cosmos--strategic and literal. Classic good vs evil stuff--negative/positive--heads/tails---our free will has been messed with, and heaven is not too happy. Hell yea we need their help! They have been our guardian angels operating within the parameters of a complex program that governs our 3d earth.

This planetary shift is happening and going to complete on December 21, 2012--that is decreed and cannot be stopped. The transitional work will continue for a number of years. Once we and Gaia are vibrating at the next dimensional frequencies, the dark (lower) energies cannot exist in the same space. They will be given another realm to blacken (sour of me)--to continue on their path of learning the lessons of love and wisdom.

It has been suggested, and this makes a lot of sense to me, that our Galactic friends will make themselves known to us during the Olympics--either the opening or closing ceremony. Where there is a peaceful and joyous co-existence between the nations of our world, there is surely a grand opportunity to renew our relationship with our larger family. Will we extend to our extra-dimensional friends a peaceful welcome upon their arrival?

How to wrap your head around all of this? Suspend thought for enough moments to allow feeling. How does the image of fleets of spaceships hovering over London while the people of the world celebrate their unity, feel to you? Is it too War of the Worlds? Scary? Elating? Suppose you knew that their arrival signifies the end of global monetary domination and universal debt forgiveness?  Breathe. Feel the butterflies. Now add the knowledge that life will be forever changed on Gaia--the uplifting of all of humanity.Test the waters with these images and thoughts. Suspend incredulity. How does that feel? Is this something you want?

I hope to be ready--as ready as one can be in these unparalleled times.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Divine Dynamite

This popped up on Ken Wilbur's Integral Post- Transmissions from the Leading Edge today. 

A caveat Regarding Spiritual Opening 
When the night pulled back the bedcovers
And I sat knees-up ashaking
Seeking a sign sublime
My mind looking for the time
My body athrob with an eternal rhyme
The windows did bulge with something unborn
Something I could not name
Something I could not contain

It is understatement in the extreme to say that spiritual opening is not necessarily a benign, nice, neat, or comfortable process. Initially we may flirt with spiritual opening, doing some meditation practices, reading spiritual or metaphysical literature, trying out different teachers and teachings, perhaps hoping that our spiritual experiences will make us happier or more successful, but when we go, or are compelled to go, beyond spiritual dilettantism and cultism, reaching the point where we don’t give a damn about being spiritually correct and where spiritual opening is not an option but a fundamental need, we find that it is more of a sacrificial process than we bargained for, necessarily bringing us face to face with all that we have turned away from, risen above, or otherwise avoided in ourselves. Read more at the link here.

I think it provocative (like being poked with a sharp stick), raw, and it resonates with me. What do you think?

...the plan of the One Infinite Creator

Excerpts taken from the Ra Material--The Law of One 

Questioner: Thank you. Can you tell me of the first known thing in the creation?
Ra: I am Ra. The first known thing in the creation is infinity. The infinity is creation.

Questioner: From this infinity then must come what we experience as creation. What was the next step or the next evolvement?
Ra: I am Ra. Infinity became aware. This was the next step.

Questioner: After this, what came next?
Ra: Awareness led to the focus of infinity into infinite energy. You have called this by various vibrational sound complexes, the most common to your ears being “Logos” or “Love.” The Creator is the focusing of infinity as an aware or conscious principle called by us as closely as we can create understanding/learning in your language, intelligent infinity.

Questioner: Can you state the next step?
Ra: The next step is still at this space/time nexus in your illusion achieving its progression as you may see it in your illusion. The next step is an infinite reaction to the creative principle following the Law of One in one of its primal distortions, freedom of will. Thus many, many dimensions, infinite in number, are possible. The energy moves from the intelligent infinity due first to the outpouring of randomized creative force, this then creating patterns which in holographic style appear as the entire creation no matter which direction or energy is explored. These patterns of energy begin then to regularize their own local, shall we say, rhythms and fields of energy, thus creating dimensions and universes.

Questioner: Why does this partaking in the original thought have a gradient radially outward? That’s the way I understand your statement.
Ra: I am Ra. This is the plan of the One Infinite Creator. The One Original Thought is the harvest of all previous, if you would use this term, experience of the Creator by the Creator. As It decides to know Itself It generates Itself, into that plenum full of the glory and the power of the One Infinite Creator which is manifested to your perceptions as space or outer space. Each generation of this knowing begets a knowing which has the capacity, through free will, to choose methods of knowing Itself. Therefore, gradually, step by step, the Creator becomes that which may know Itself, and the portions of the Creator partake less purely in the power of the original word or thought. The Creator does not properly create as much as It experiences Itself.
Questioner: What was the form, condition, or experience of the first division of consciousness that occurred at the beginning of this octave at the beginning of this galactic experience?
Ra: I am Ra. We touch upon previous material. The harvest of the previous octave, was the Creator of Love manifested in mind, body, and spirit. This form of the Creator experiencing Itself may perhaps be said to be the first division.

The Law of One books were channeled by L/L Research (Carla Rueckert, Don Elkins, and Jim McCarty) between 1981 and 1984


What it is and How it Works

In searching for some further info on  Ra Uru Hu's Juxtaposition Theory, I found this encapsulated overview/description of All That Is. The writer is one Dr. Deepak--his bio is available here with his wonderful WHAT IT IS and HOW IT WORKS. This writing is seen through the Human Design lens--I have written about it quite alot. For a nice easy to watch overview of Human Design, see below.

This is as good an explanation as any--though Tom Campbell's My Big Toe does seem to provide a framework for an even larger picture.

Co-Creating a new world together

Hello fellow travelers! I came across this short but meaningful little video by Graham Dewyea. It is the gentlest of presentations-- one tuned-in man's thoughts--on what we as the people of planet earth are going through in the next several years.