Friday, September 28, 2012

Wholeness--completing the cycle

I have been thinking a lot lately about the last bits of personal balancing that we are all being stimulated to act upon. Earth is being showered with heavy doses of divine feminine energies--the universe's way of helping the planet balance the masculine energies, so overwhelmingly present in the last millennium. We cannot help but bathe in the cosmic shower ourselves. I have seen in my own sphere of influence the playing out of this balancing act. Many men are fighting the energies of receptivity, softness, nurturing--the fear of their internal feminine tendencies, sadly so inbred in our society. 

But what has surprised me most is that I and many of my women friends are having a similar struggle. Society's emphasis and value placed on the work ethic--doing it all--being it all--for women especially--has spawned an internal toughness making our psyches leathery. We are having a hard time receiving---love, help, and ultimately the gifts of our higher natures. The message I got recently during a meditation was this: You don't have to do it all yourself. Indeed!

The ideal feminine model has been, over the course of many thousands of years, downgraded, from the wise, matriarchal, nurturing, earth-connected being, to a second class object prized only for exterior beauty. As a skewed counter to objectification, we have witnessed and participated in the "manning-up" of the woman. Of course, we who have lived during these times, could not help but assimilate and adjust to the ongoing warp-age of the societal norm. Now, we are being prompted to look at it all--our own beliefs about ourselves, our genders, and those prejudices that have snuck in and made a home in our cells. "We must find a way to heal the wounded feminine in our own hearts and souls." Margaret Starbird

 Wholeness. The whole of our 3rd dimensional world is deeply binary. Male/female, dark/light, expansion/contraction, positive/negative, life/death. In order to move beyond this dimension, we seek to find the balance point--the middle of our personal path. This requires work--hard work--subtle work--relentless introspection. We must see all of our dark sticking points, but recognize them from the greater perspective of our infinite being. If one is able to connect to and hold that sense of oneself as infinite/divine, coming to terms with all of your personal detritus/gunk/shadows will be a transforming experience. You will feel lighter in every way. On the other side of that process, lies the tipping point.

 What beckons us as we approach our energetic wholeness is a whole new world--a physical life in a dimension that is ultimately not a binary one. Unity reigns here. Balance is required. This is our next step as humans towards our most perfected form. As we approach the end of the year and the beginning of our new world--Nova Terra--we are being called to give and receive with discernment, to let go of the weights that tip our scales. I picture us floating in our biological bubbles on the great cosmic river that flows ever forward--on to the next adventure. How cool that this ride, ultimately, never ends.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

3d v 5d Communication

Our movement into 5th dimensional consciousness is all about working together for a common good. Unity. To do this work, clear communication is key. This may be second nature to some, but many of us are still stuck in old paradigm tactics--gossip, criticism, etc.

This brief article is part of a larger piece on Creating a Global Conversation at The 2012 Scenario website.
Third Dimensionality is all about duality, polarity, separativeness, division. Fifth Dimensionality is all about unity, commonality, collective endeavor. Communication that erects barriers among us, that divides us, separates us, stresses what keeps us apart, etc., is what allows Third Dimensionality to continue and prevents us from moving on to Fifth Dimensionality – or is one of the things that prevents us.
Operating in this way erects barriers in the office, fractures teams, and inhibits projects. But the practice is all but invisible because we think that we should have the right to criticize and complain about others as part of our generalized free will. Well, we certainly do have the right to conduct ourselves as we wish. It isn’t that we don’t.
It’s more that the impact of conducting ourselves in this way is to introduce unworkability into our team and project processes. What is that unworkability, specifically?

(1) The person being complained about usually never knows what the basis of the complaint is and therefore cannot do anything about it. They are often subjected to containment, obstruction, rejection and ostracism without knowing that they are or why they have been. Nothing is done in the light of day. The fact that they only wake up gradually to the fact that barriers have been erected against them leads to disillusionment and distrust. It often sees the one treated in this way departing the team and never knowing exactly why that outcome seemed advisable or came about. All remains simply speculation and reaction to the feeling of not being wanted.
(2) One by one, the people with whom we have disagreements are hived off from the circle of our good regard and lose their place upon the team, until the team is degraded. The team’s abilities shrink. Good personnel are lost. And the team itself subjects itself to the politics of hostility and unworkability rather than the prospects of collegiality and workability. Ultimately the team can fail or be destroyed and people scratch their heads, wondering how that happened.
This is a “normal” occurrence with offices, teams and projects in Third Dimensionality.
There’s nothing amiss in discussing another if the discussion is empowering, ennobling, cooperative, etc. These discussions forward the action and contribute to the team’s or project’s success. They promote unity and therefore unity consciousness and are, in my view, consistent with where we’re headed into Fifth Dimensionality.
But “gossiping,” or what I call negative sidebar discussions, are disempowering, debasing, uncooperative, etc. They promote disunity and disharmony and are old paradigm. They tend more towards keeping us anchored in the same divisive or polar ways of being predominant in Third Dimensionality.

For me, therefore, a better way is to refuse to gossip with or about another. As it happens, at present, when I tend towards gossip, the inner voice intervenes and gives me a jolt – and I stop my forward motion. If the criticism is indeed something that stands between me and another, then I take it to the other to get the matter cleared and out of the way. But I don’t deliver it to anyone who can’t do anything about the matter. I deliver it to the one who has that power – the person concerned. I find that works best for me.
I may still choose to associate with some and not with others, work closer with some and not with others. But the matter is a choice and not the result of persistent barriers I’ve erected as the result of gossip. I can change that choice at any time whereas, when gossip sits in the space and is withheld, I’m usually bound by my decision to gossip and withhold. I’ve erected an invisible barrier which then dictates to me what comes next.
The last comment on this subject: I don’t know if it’s the same for you, but whatever comes out of my mouth, I usually make right thereafter. If I say that I don’t like X or Y, I usually bind myself forever after to making that assertion right. I remain consistent with my statement. I justify it. I excuse myself from taking a second look at the matter.
Thus, when I say I don’t like someone else or criticize them, I tend to make that statement right as well. But if I refrain from criticizing, the matter in question can recede into the background of forgetfulness and I haven’t made a bookmark around it or a record of it. That to me is another reason for refraining from criticizing others – to deprive me of that bookmark or record.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Fear Processing Exercise

We all live with fear--our own, and that of our family, friends, and the general collective. Fear manifests in different ways. Within the individual, fear masquerades as pains and illness, anxiety, insecurity, addiction, past difficult memories, etc. In the macrocosm, fear is war, separation, nationalistic fervor, etc. 

We are currently in the home stretch of ascension to the 5th dimensional plane of existence. As "there is no crying in baseball", there is no fear in the 5th dimension. I have been posting a lot lately about lightening the load--looking inside to find those flags/indicators of un-wellness--because we all must do this work to be able to move on.
The following exercise comes from Inelia Benz, who was born a lightworker--and has been active in helping the planet to awaken for many years.

CALL TO ACTION - Let's reach 10 Million individuals who are willing to change the course of history.

by Inelia Benz on Friday, September 7, 2012 at 2:22pm ·

Share, forward, email, copy/paste and DO the Fear Processing Exercise. If we get 10 million individuals around the planet to do this just for 5 minutes out of their entire life, we will shift the planet into a higher vibrational reality:
The original is here:

Fear Processing Exercise, by Inelia Benz for
You can do this exercise at any time, whenever you feel fear.

For best results, it is best to do it in a quiet and private space and working through a list of fears you have written beforehand.

Sit or lie down comfortably with your back straight and close your eyes.

Breathe in deeply and slowly into your abdomen, then breathe out as fast as you can.
Repeat, breathe in slowly, then out as fast as you can.
And once more, breathe in slowly and slowly, then out fast.
Now continue breathing at your own pace.

Scan you physical body from head to toe, to find the energy of fear.

Look for fear.  If you cannot find it, read one of your fear items in your list and scan your body again.

Once you find fear in your body, simply look at it.
Don’t analyze it, just look at it.
Allow it to be there.
Allow it to exist.
Allow it to grow and to be.

It could be a physical discomfort, such as a knot, a pain, a location of energy, or through a thought or memory, or it could be just the emotion of fear.

Just look at it.

Observe it.

Feel it.

Allow it to be here.

And say, “fear, you are welcome here.”

Welcome here.

Welcome fear and allow it to grow.

Let it get bigger and bigger.

Allow it to grow, and grow... as big as it can go

Let it be as big as it can possibly get.

Allow it to express itself to you.

But don’t analyze.

Simply allow whatever comes.

Whether words,



Follow it if it changes into another emotion,
or changes locations in your body.

Whatever it does, welcome the new expression.  “you are welcome here, thought... you are welcome here emotion, words, memories, you are welcome here fear.”

You are welcome here.

Watch it. Observe it.

Now, allow yourself to get closer and embrace fear in whatever expression it has chosen.

give it light and love, and allow it to exist.

Thank it for whatever job it had for you, for being with you for so long.

Now, release it into Oneness.  Allow it to go free back into Source.

Breathe deeply now.
As you breathe in, breathe in light and love.  And as you breathe out, allow that light and love to go to and fill the space where fear used to be.

Now, simply breathe deeply and slowly.
Breathing in light and love, and as you breathe out, allow that light and love to expand throughout your body and out into your environment.

Now, scan your body from your toes to your head and see if there is any of that fear left.  If so, repeat the exercise straight away. If not, you can use your list to repeat the exercise, or end now by opening your eyes and having a good stretch.

Repeat this exercise every day until there is no more fear in your life.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Meditation and Found Playing Cards, Part 2

Get the Message?

Determining what this cosmic feedback (see Part One) offers has been a study in patience and receptivity. I suppose it would be easy enough to chalk the synchronicities up to random flotsam---we do that all the time. Or to attribute a truly unique meditation experience to one's rampant imagination. We have such a hard time trusting our inner knowing. What does this new found ability to connect outside of my physical body mean? Is it real?  Just as it is 5 o'clock happy hour somewhere, so too, I see these forays into other planes/dimensions as happening someplace. There is no more potent power-plant of creativity than the imagination fueled by intent and emotion. It can take you places....

So what about these cards I was dealt?

It is the auspicious year of the Water Dragon--2012. Fire and water. Balance.

 A great shift is occurring in human consciousness and we are being called to weigh in on the scales. We must be balanced--we must lighten the load. It is time to get rid of the leftovers--old dark energies, habits, grudges, deep self judgement, etc. Our sacks have been full. Our backs are breaking. 

Our planet is doing this too--finding her balance to the heavy masculine energies that have been dominant for millennia--ridding herself of what is no longer needed. Certainly our collective needs a heaping helping of receptivity, feeling, and nurturing these days. Can you imagine the upheaval a planetary body must feel when lightening the load?

The Playing Card "Oracle" and the Aesthetic Junky
I am that Junky. I chose my new bike solely because of it's looks, and a fantasy of the grace it would bring to my life. Same for the espresso machine. Same for yada yada yada. I have design in my DNA and feel most alive when in the creative flow. Yet it is easy to replace creative output with fantasy consumption.  The void can be filled in a thousand and one ways....One can get caught up....the light and dark both exist in our binary dimension. 

The cards I was "dealt" can be looked at as a signpost, a gentle prodding, can be interpreted probably in myriad ways. If you were a gambling wo(man), you may look for meaning in a full house, or two pairs. I have gone with my first instinct--the ten cards adding to 64, providing the framework (The I'Ching and Human Design's Rave I'Ching) for interpretation of the recurring, synchronistic 2-2-2.

Back to Hexagram 22
The Pi Hexagram
So this Hexagram (hinted at by the playing cards and discussed in Part One) seems to warn of the shallow waters one can encounter when coveting only the surface beauty of things. I have seen this challenge in my life and know its hollowness. Am I being prodded to learn a lesson, learn it well, and learn it NOW? Probably. 

There is another coin to this side...

The name of this hexagram means 'ornamentation', and also 'brilliance'. The old Chinese character,  shows a flowering plant - which is actually the perfect example of a being whose essential nature or function and outer appearance cannot be separated. (Which part of a wild flower is 'only ornament'?) This would have been at least as apparent to the ancient Chinese, who knew that a plant's appearance reflected its energetic and healing qualities. (From Clarity I'Ching)

As always, the universe holds our perfected template while allowing space for self exploration, and time to find the way back to our perfection."Which part of a wildflower is only ornament?" Good question! I feel we all know when we are the wildflower-- simply being what we were meant to be. It is called being in the flow, and when we are not, our inner knowing knows it. And our outer appearance reflects it.

Beauty is Qi showing. When life-energy is present, colors become living and warm, proportions become like the golden section, balance will be created. All coming out from the inner life. A beautiful face or a rich fur, lustrous leaves and flowers, a splendid stream or forest or landscape, they all talk about their inherent health. Energy and beauty belong together.


Inside the big picture, we are all getting messages all the time. External ones, such as my 10 card find last week, and internal ones--little voice intuitive nudges, are there for our guidance. Where/who they are coming from is food for another blog post. It is time to begin to hear/feel/sense these calls for personal refinement. There is NO BETTER TIME!

I have had this Post It note stuck to my computer monitor for at least a year or two now. 


Use your powers for good! Live in the flow. Listen to your inner knowing! Find a sustainable balance. Realize, and connect to the vast pools of creative energy that you exist in! This sums up perfectly the refinement/perspective change I have recently needed to make in my life.The Playing Card Oracle has reiterated this. Message received!