I was emailing with a friend about the guilt we feel when we don't make yoga class, and various guilts that crop up in ones psyche. I wrote "We are still apologizing to the ether for that original sin we cannot quite remember." This got me thinking about how we spend our lives with this set of rules we've developed that spawn behaviors that make up the intricate fabric of our days and nights. Guilt can be a rough and scratchy blanket to wear, along with the even deeper lying issues of worth.
If you have grown up with this vague notion of being somehow intrinsically guilty--intrinsically flawed, it is likely you at some point felt unworthy of love. And maybe still do. "Lord I am not worthy to receive you, but only say the word and I shall be healed." I remember reciting this little ditty as a child. Many of these childhood recitations were rote mimicry, but I do remember thinking how unfair it was to be saddled with a big old sin that I had no recollection of perpetrating. And I listened for the healing words, wondering if there would be a scolding before the absolution, as seemed to be the case in life.
AH, you grow up. You learn what a metaphor is. You refine your relationship to the Divine. But do you still have a lingering sense of self doubt?
all live with a set of “rules” in our minds which guide our behavior.
And each of us has “rules” in our minds that are a little different.
These “rules” are core beliefs that grow out of our families,
governments, religions and cultures. Guilt arises any time we violate
these “rules”. We think the way to avoid guilt is to make 100% sure
that we never violate these “rules” that we have set up in our own
minds. But that is not the answer. The way to avoid and eliminate
guilt is to question and change your “rules”.
-Teal Scott-
Change the rules!!! You can, you know. You are the captain of your own ship and you must trust yourself enough to take the wheel with confidence. Self doubt is nothing more than a waxy build up of instances. You can look at these as failures-- as the gunk of life-- or you can see the necessary experiences that taught you about your resilience--about your aptitude for living. In this more appreciative light, the waxy build-up becomes the grease and the springboard for the release of guilt. When you make peace with your past, you are no longer stuck there in an "IF ONLY" loop. It really is ok to let things go......
All of the spiritual gurus tell you about the power of the NOW moment. Live in the present. Do not let the past weigh you down and pull you back into Self doubt and mistrust. Instead, focus upon that which serves your empowerment, your joy, your creativity. That kind of energy emanating from you benefits everyone and everything around you. The letting go happens little by little as you confront those things that hold you back. Don't avoid anything!!! Look at it head on and thank it for doing it's job, for indeed you know better now. Realize that even the darkest moments have love and light behind them---have a reason for being. And be kind and compassionate with yourself. Right?
That elusive self-love can be regained/re-remembered. Here is a short video on how to get back to the state of self love--by Teal Scott.