It has been a hot hot summer, and full of travel for me. There is nothing like time away from your local scene to revitalize and revamp your spirits, especially if one can escape to a more pleasant climate. When I return, I sometimes feel like a different person--rejuvenated--more reflective--wrapped in new energy, and ready for a new direction. I have been thinking alot about big picture stuff in the last year. My head has been thoroughly cloud-bound --some of my closest can attest ;-}--and so, less connected in this-here real-live d2d.
So I am present now, looking at a 98 degree summer afternoon and wondering ........when am I going to enjoy being in the garden again, and what im/practical new direction is beckoning me? A bit of earth and cloud.
Living is easy. It is so easy that we can navigate our way through our days only partially engaged---paying half attention. I know I do. Too often. Dealing with and enduring the present, always anticipating what is coming next, I have hustled through so many years it is not hard to realize why the memories of those years are so fuzzy (it's not just the margaritas at fault). Breaking the rush rush habit is not so easy, but I realize that when I travel I kind of do just that. The habits fall away and one is left with attention and discovery. No wonder I return with such vitality and a sense of more that I can experience and become.
How long does it take to fall back into the old life/old patterns/old dynamics? A few days-a few weeks? At some point a person has to grab the ring--make a change--jump to the next level--take the other fork in the road. All it takes is self discipline, focus, commitment-- all those qualities that lay dormant on a hot summer afternoon like this one. It would be easy enough to let this wild agitating hair (so you've seen me?) I acquired on my latest trip to gently fade away--easy enough to join the local/general malaise.
But tonight I will try to harness a little bit of that special energy and use it for good--maybe a new work of art, or plan the next trip (I know--it's future stuff) or envelop someone else in the cocoon with me. Summer time is for sharing, if one is lucky.
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