The tragedy of the modern human being is expressed most clearly in a saying of Jesus the Christ from the Gospel according to Thomas: Jesus said, "The Kingdom is like a man who had in his field a treasure of which he knew nothing. And after he died, he left it to his son. The son too knew nothing of it. He took the field and sold it. And the one who bought it came and found the treasure while ploughing. He began to lend money at interest to whomever he wished". (Tm, Log. 109)
Who could in a clearer way formulate the tragedy of modern human being? Each of us carries buried in our heart centre a treasure – a focus of the divine presence bearing the code of the future development of the universe – the treasure about which multitude of individuals doesn’t know anything. Also our schools do not teach our children about the treasure that is of the uttermost importance not just for the given moment, but also for the future.
The problem is that there exist powers and civilizations in the universe, who have detected the unknown treasure. In the conditions of human ignorance they are free to manipulate peoples of the Earth, so they can use the precious information for their own purposes. In meanwhile they have developed a multitude of seductive methods through which it is possible to hold human beings in the alienated state of being…while the Earth is deteriorating.
The only way out of this dangerous path is to support all those people that start to get aware of the “treasure hidden in their field”. The scope of the meditation is to provoke fellow human beings to become who they really are.
The Meditation:
��� Enter peace, be fully present. Imagine that behind your back stands your higher self, the divine dimension of your being. Visualisation is not so important, more important is the sense of its presence in your back space.
��� Than imagine doing some steps backward to dive into its presence so that your heart centre becomes one with its heart centre, so they become one.
��� Now imagine that from the united hearts sparks fly out like bees from the beehive. They know exactly where they are heading.
��� You do not need to direct the sparks of “inspiration to be” towards a particular person because one could endanger his (her) autonomy. Allow that the sparks find their goal by themselves there where there is certain openness for the divine inspiration.
��� This way we could be daily a source of inspiration for unknown people, leading towards personal transmutation and awakening – which is not only a divine inspiration but is also coloured with our personal selfless dedication.
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