Law of One links all of creation--from the creator's very first idea of
something else. In the books Journey of Souls and Destiny of Souls,
regressive hypnotherapist Michael Newton
has compiled case studies of "lives between lives". Thousands of his
clients/patients went through the regressive process back to their last incarnations, and initially to Dr. Newton's great surprise, they crossed death's threshold and into the after life. AS you can imagine, this is fascinating stuff!
I have read both books twice now, and spent the last couple of evenings on the back porch browsing the case studies. If there ever was evidence of our souls' eternal natures, this is it. When one reads of the unconditional love and acceptance we have within our soul groups in the "spirit world" one wonders why earth cannot be this way. Why? Because.
The books portray earth and a soul's experience (birth-life-death) on the earth, as a well planned, deeply contemplated exercise in learning. The point is the evolution and advancement of the soul. It is fascinating that some souls agree to the most horrendous lives in advance, either to gain valuable experience or work out karma generated in a past existence. Apparently for most of us, there have been many many lives.
Dr. Newton is lucid, rational, and utterly eloquent in his summations of the experience he has gained in his practice. The books are mesmerizing in so many ways and have you wondering about your own soul path--who in your current life is a soul mate or in your soul group--what level of soul you have become in your evolution--and what expertise you are cultivating, when not embodied, that will use your unique abilities for the benefit of all.
Interviews with Michael Newton can be found on Youtube. Click here.
As we move towards the new world in 2013 and beyond, it is said that those who transition to the 5th dimension will be released from the wheel of karma/reincarnation. Those who choose not to go, will be put up in a similar 3d world and continue on with lives of karmic implications. This will not deter the work done in the spirit world as there are many 3d worlds apparently that are in need of evolving souls.
On New Earth 5d, those beings who populate her will have very very very long lives. The population will grow smaller, because the dynamics effecting how couples come together and procreate are changing. There will be a need for more advanced souls who have other needs in mind for incarnating. One thing we know--the upcoming changes to humanity and the Earth are a great measure of how far we have come as souls. This is a joyous thing!
Friday, October 26, 2012
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
This is Happiness, not a Dilemma.
From Ute-Posegga-Rudel---beautiful words describing her transition into fifth dimensional existence--at least this is what I believe is the subject of her message posted Oct. 22, 2012. These words resonate with me greatly, and though I may not be where she is yet, I can sense it--taste it--feel it.
For a wonderful experience of these words with music, the video is here. The transcript is below. For more of Ute's work visit her blog Radiantly Happy.
My dear friends!
Out of the unmoved sea of radiance, in which I exist, I write this! Of course, the senses function and are still scanning this still old world and doing their usual job. However the still old world only seemingly is, as it is in the big process of change already. With the overwhelming Light and Energy, with the Presence of Love here, which only has to be recognized so that it can Live It's natural course, Everything here has changed already!
How many of the human race are noticing this? We are as cells of the great single body of humanity itself those, who participate in this Miracle, given to us by Divine Grace. Our greatness is merely the greatness of this glorious Happening, when we recognize It. It is our Unity, and also Love cannot be divided, and neither can we.
Our Unity is our greatness, and not our singleness, although we have various gifts and talents each. But even they are an expression of the Greater Presence of Divine Consciousness.
The more we allow the Divine Presence to prevail the more we merge with It and let It live us.
Basically, this is Bliss. And in this Bliss there is no motion of the soul, the soul is taken over. And there is only one single Happiness, this Joy. To surrender to this Joy makes the vibrant energy of light our home, our parent, as it is nurturing us. And we are only offsprings of that Light which embraces and pervades us as Love.
What is then in this non-changing Reality of Consciousness the essence of events, of actions, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual?
It is this Immensity Itself, and they only occur, as movements in that Immensity. Are they really me? No they are not. Only if we identify with them. But it is clearly noticeable that we are none of all of that, only this Radiance, this Consciousness, we are. The body does function in It, as usual, and does its regular thing, but it seems the perspective has changed from where we act.
It is all about finding the way back to the greater "I", and eventually the Ultimate "I". We have been busy for Millenniums to reduce our identity, bit by bit, until we thought we are only flesh and senses, and that's it.
But we are in Reality unlimited beings, we are pure Radiant Consciousness, in which the mind and the body and the world is arising. Therefore in Truth we are not dependent on all of that of world. Of course, if we think we are merely the body, then we are.
This crystalline happiness in the heart merely Is. The heart is the antenna and vessel to be aware of what is Real beyond the body-mind.
I am merely attempting to study the anatomy of our being, of what we humans really are. This moment is very inviting! Not to use the advantage and Grace of this time would be the waste of a precious gift. And we do not want to miss anything in this every moment new and unknown process.
To maintain the right perspective, never let us believe we are less than the Whole. We can Be what we perceive to Be. Such is the nature of Consciousness.
Our potential however is always unfathomable. Unlimited. Beyond words and mind. To the extent that we are able to widen our awareness about our true nature, to the extent that we can embrace it, notice it, to that extent we have become conscious of our human content.
But we are not the content. We Are that Substance that Is the assimilation of every and all contents. Ultimately our nature is beyond content. Content is the play of Consciousness but is not us, it is our toy, in whatever dimension.
Now we are going to change our toys a bit, they are becoming more sophisticated and refined, we are upgrading them. But they are not the limits of our Consciousness. Lets not make this mistake!
The journey can be endless, but the journey leads to nowhere. The journey does not become Truth, it is just an experience in the endless happening of creation.
In the end we must even let go of the illusion of the journey. This requires us to jump into the Unknown where we suddenly Become what we always have been.
In that moment we drop the importance of happenings, they remain accents merely on the surface of our being, but we are limitless, we are Consciousness.
And all the events flow in a seamless current, they are a process, as our content is, our structure. They change constantly, and what was happy yesterday, does not touch us today. What we aspire for tomorrow looses it's attraction as soon as we achieve it.
Oh, this goal of ascension to a higher world! And from there we will strive higher. What is new today is old tomorrow. What we hope for - as soon as achieved - looses our interest. It is all the same. What counts is That Which Exists, no matter the play. It is this Existence in which we participate. About This, nothing can be said. It merely Is. And it can be felt, and it brings tears to my eyes.
All plays and toys will one day merge with their own true Nature and reveal their non-substantiality. Only Reality is Substance, and there is only Light or Energy as Blissful Consciousness. Even if we play the body and the mind. It's all a playing hide of the senses which produce the mirage of our solid world so that we cannot see.
Please forgive my stuttering. My old habit of perception is being undermined , the old clothes do not seem to fit anymore, at least as long as this situation lasts in which I am in. I cannot pretend being a child in the sandbox trying to build castles. Somehow the tools have vanished in this silence of non-differentiation. If this all makes sense to you, I am honored by your participation in That Which Is Unspeakable.
What remains is childlike Joy, is Love, they are One and the Only One that counts. Things are kinda being undone. And I do not know whether this is permanent or only waits for a new adaptation, so that it will seem I would function in the future in the old and familiar manner again, perhaps just only on a different octave.
Are we meeting here? Are you the Ones who can make sense of this? All these words are really un-necessary, but they describe at least the process of movement, which the currents of life are presently producing as me.
All I know for real is the Presence of Everything. It is a second world, it seems, in which the body-mind does the familiar. As such I am not changed. But no, the mind of incoherent, three-dimensional experience does not belong to where we go.
There the mind recognizes a singleness where the 3D dual pairs seem to end up next and loose their grip - necessarily .
What I want to express, cannot be described, new communication skills must be developed to continue a link to what is fading away. That strong and potent is the information of light and of love that changes presently everything.
In whatever way I try to describe with words of our familiar world That What is the Case, - the buzzing Presence of everything -, it all flows naturally back into that One and pretty quickly, as if things of the old world disintegrate. They disintegrate because their foundation is fading away. Instead of it their real Substance reveals Itself and becomes obvious. It is the Only One that truly can speak.
No, it is not a dilemma. It is all about Happiness.
With very much Love,
For a wonderful experience of these words with music, the video is here. The transcript is below. For more of Ute's work visit her blog Radiantly Happy.
My dear friends!
Out of the unmoved sea of radiance, in which I exist, I write this! Of course, the senses function and are still scanning this still old world and doing their usual job. However the still old world only seemingly is, as it is in the big process of change already. With the overwhelming Light and Energy, with the Presence of Love here, which only has to be recognized so that it can Live It's natural course, Everything here has changed already!
How many of the human race are noticing this? We are as cells of the great single body of humanity itself those, who participate in this Miracle, given to us by Divine Grace. Our greatness is merely the greatness of this glorious Happening, when we recognize It. It is our Unity, and also Love cannot be divided, and neither can we.
Our Unity is our greatness, and not our singleness, although we have various gifts and talents each. But even they are an expression of the Greater Presence of Divine Consciousness.
The more we allow the Divine Presence to prevail the more we merge with It and let It live us.
Basically, this is Bliss. And in this Bliss there is no motion of the soul, the soul is taken over. And there is only one single Happiness, this Joy. To surrender to this Joy makes the vibrant energy of light our home, our parent, as it is nurturing us. And we are only offsprings of that Light which embraces and pervades us as Love.
What is then in this non-changing Reality of Consciousness the essence of events, of actions, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual?
It is this Immensity Itself, and they only occur, as movements in that Immensity. Are they really me? No they are not. Only if we identify with them. But it is clearly noticeable that we are none of all of that, only this Radiance, this Consciousness, we are. The body does function in It, as usual, and does its regular thing, but it seems the perspective has changed from where we act.
It is all about finding the way back to the greater "I", and eventually the Ultimate "I". We have been busy for Millenniums to reduce our identity, bit by bit, until we thought we are only flesh and senses, and that's it.
But we are in Reality unlimited beings, we are pure Radiant Consciousness, in which the mind and the body and the world is arising. Therefore in Truth we are not dependent on all of that of world. Of course, if we think we are merely the body, then we are.
This crystalline happiness in the heart merely Is. The heart is the antenna and vessel to be aware of what is Real beyond the body-mind.
I am merely attempting to study the anatomy of our being, of what we humans really are. This moment is very inviting! Not to use the advantage and Grace of this time would be the waste of a precious gift. And we do not want to miss anything in this every moment new and unknown process.
To maintain the right perspective, never let us believe we are less than the Whole. We can Be what we perceive to Be. Such is the nature of Consciousness.
Our potential however is always unfathomable. Unlimited. Beyond words and mind. To the extent that we are able to widen our awareness about our true nature, to the extent that we can embrace it, notice it, to that extent we have become conscious of our human content.
But we are not the content. We Are that Substance that Is the assimilation of every and all contents. Ultimately our nature is beyond content. Content is the play of Consciousness but is not us, it is our toy, in whatever dimension.
Now we are going to change our toys a bit, they are becoming more sophisticated and refined, we are upgrading them. But they are not the limits of our Consciousness. Lets not make this mistake!
The journey can be endless, but the journey leads to nowhere. The journey does not become Truth, it is just an experience in the endless happening of creation.
In the end we must even let go of the illusion of the journey. This requires us to jump into the Unknown where we suddenly Become what we always have been.
In that moment we drop the importance of happenings, they remain accents merely on the surface of our being, but we are limitless, we are Consciousness.
And all the events flow in a seamless current, they are a process, as our content is, our structure. They change constantly, and what was happy yesterday, does not touch us today. What we aspire for tomorrow looses it's attraction as soon as we achieve it.
Oh, this goal of ascension to a higher world! And from there we will strive higher. What is new today is old tomorrow. What we hope for - as soon as achieved - looses our interest. It is all the same. What counts is That Which Exists, no matter the play. It is this Existence in which we participate. About This, nothing can be said. It merely Is. And it can be felt, and it brings tears to my eyes.
All plays and toys will one day merge with their own true Nature and reveal their non-substantiality. Only Reality is Substance, and there is only Light or Energy as Blissful Consciousness. Even if we play the body and the mind. It's all a playing hide of the senses which produce the mirage of our solid world so that we cannot see.
Please forgive my stuttering. My old habit of perception is being undermined , the old clothes do not seem to fit anymore, at least as long as this situation lasts in which I am in. I cannot pretend being a child in the sandbox trying to build castles. Somehow the tools have vanished in this silence of non-differentiation. If this all makes sense to you, I am honored by your participation in That Which Is Unspeakable.
What remains is childlike Joy, is Love, they are One and the Only One that counts. Things are kinda being undone. And I do not know whether this is permanent or only waits for a new adaptation, so that it will seem I would function in the future in the old and familiar manner again, perhaps just only on a different octave.
Are we meeting here? Are you the Ones who can make sense of this? All these words are really un-necessary, but they describe at least the process of movement, which the currents of life are presently producing as me.
All I know for real is the Presence of Everything. It is a second world, it seems, in which the body-mind does the familiar. As such I am not changed. But no, the mind of incoherent, three-dimensional experience does not belong to where we go.
There the mind recognizes a singleness where the 3D dual pairs seem to end up next and loose their grip - necessarily .
What I want to express, cannot be described, new communication skills must be developed to continue a link to what is fading away. That strong and potent is the information of light and of love that changes presently everything.
In whatever way I try to describe with words of our familiar world That What is the Case, - the buzzing Presence of everything -, it all flows naturally back into that One and pretty quickly, as if things of the old world disintegrate. They disintegrate because their foundation is fading away. Instead of it their real Substance reveals Itself and becomes obvious. It is the Only One that truly can speak.
No, it is not a dilemma. It is all about Happiness.
With very much Love,
A Vision of the Future
Hello All. I have been asked to present my visions for what my future earth will look like, be like, feel like. For me, this is an important question, because we are all creating our future scenario NOW. With a strong vision in mind, one can calibrate their actions and thoughts to such a degree that your chosen future unfolds before your very eyes.
The most important factor (IMO) in dreaming your own dream of the future is the underlying belief that it can indeed manifest in adequate time. No pipe dreams allowed! To create anything in this world one needs focused intent, and the emotional will and a corresponding amount of energy to flesh out the intended result. Now, believe.
I am actively envisioning myself in the new paradigm--the look and feel of my persona, is where I have begun. It is from a combination of the physical (my body is ageless and whole) and the spiritual (I am radiating light and love) that I will create that world in which I choose to live. I want to share a quote from Desmond Tutu which I think is pertinent to this discussion:
"We are not expected at all times to be unanimous or to have a consensus on every conceivable subject. What is needed is to respect one another's points of view and not to impute unworthy motives to one another or to seek to impugn the integrity of the other. Our maturity will be judged by how well we are able to agree to disagree and yet continue to love one another, to care for one another and cherish one another and seek the greater good of the other."
This last line sums up the most important dynamic of the new world--Seek the greater good of the other. To be able to perform this feat of unconditional love, we must realize that this act of love and faith in the other reflects a deep love of self--of all things. "Do unto others....." what you want done to yourself, right? We feel others pains and joys. We are one big seething organism not separate, and the sooner we allow this realization to engulf us, the easier it will be to navigate in the new world.
My new world is
N-ew technologies--free energy, healing technologies, etc that enable all to live well.
O-neness as a given--an overall platform that everyone works from.
V-ictory will be celebrated as all the people on earth are provided for. War/weapons/divisiveness are of the old ways and will no longer exist here.
A- release from the wheel of mis(sed)-fortune--money will become obsolete.
T-rue governance by the people for the people-those chosen to represent will be of higher awareness and demonstrate greater perception and devotion to the needs of all.
E-cological healing and focus on our connectedness to the earth.
R-esponsibility for all you think and do.
R-eunion with our brothers and sisters of other dimensions, and other worlds.
A-ge of Aquarius. "Harmony and understanding, Sympathy and trust abounding. No more falsehoods or derisions, golden living dreams of visions, mystic crystal revelation and the mind's true liberation...."
If any of this seems far fetched or impossible to you--too good to be true--then perhaps you can find a way to discover and transcend that which keeps you from realizing these greater possibilities for our new world. Who would not want to live in this glorious new world? Isn't it worth our collective creative energies to make it so?
The new paradigm will include only those beings who are ready for this kind of unified living. I believe when we are all on the same page, there is no holding back what beauty and joy we can create together.
If you can dream it and see it and feel it and want it, it can be.
The most important factor (IMO) in dreaming your own dream of the future is the underlying belief that it can indeed manifest in adequate time. No pipe dreams allowed! To create anything in this world one needs focused intent, and the emotional will and a corresponding amount of energy to flesh out the intended result. Now, believe.
I am actively envisioning myself in the new paradigm--the look and feel of my persona, is where I have begun. It is from a combination of the physical (my body is ageless and whole) and the spiritual (I am radiating light and love) that I will create that world in which I choose to live. I want to share a quote from Desmond Tutu which I think is pertinent to this discussion:
"We are not expected at all times to be unanimous or to have a consensus on every conceivable subject. What is needed is to respect one another's points of view and not to impute unworthy motives to one another or to seek to impugn the integrity of the other. Our maturity will be judged by how well we are able to agree to disagree and yet continue to love one another, to care for one another and cherish one another and seek the greater good of the other."
This last line sums up the most important dynamic of the new world--Seek the greater good of the other. To be able to perform this feat of unconditional love, we must realize that this act of love and faith in the other reflects a deep love of self--of all things. "Do unto others....." what you want done to yourself, right? We feel others pains and joys. We are one big seething organism not separate, and the sooner we allow this realization to engulf us, the easier it will be to navigate in the new world.
My new world is
N-ew technologies--free energy, healing technologies, etc that enable all to live well.
O-neness as a given--an overall platform that everyone works from.
V-ictory will be celebrated as all the people on earth are provided for. War/weapons/divisiveness are of the old ways and will no longer exist here.
A- release from the wheel of mis(sed)-fortune--money will become obsolete.
T-rue governance by the people for the people-those chosen to represent will be of higher awareness and demonstrate greater perception and devotion to the needs of all.
E-cological healing and focus on our connectedness to the earth.
R-esponsibility for all you think and do.
R-eunion with our brothers and sisters of other dimensions, and other worlds.
A-ge of Aquarius. "Harmony and understanding, Sympathy and trust abounding. No more falsehoods or derisions, golden living dreams of visions, mystic crystal revelation and the mind's true liberation...."
If any of this seems far fetched or impossible to you--too good to be true--then perhaps you can find a way to discover and transcend that which keeps you from realizing these greater possibilities for our new world. Who would not want to live in this glorious new world? Isn't it worth our collective creative energies to make it so?
The new paradigm will include only those beings who are ready for this kind of unified living. I believe when we are all on the same page, there is no holding back what beauty and joy we can create together.
If you can dream it and see it and feel it and want it, it can be.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Decison-Making in the Relative World
I came across a discussion between Andrew Cohen, Spiritual Teacher, and Ken Wilber, Integral Philosopher, about the search for a new moral compass. They take part in an ongoing series of discussions called Guru and Pandit. Those who, like myself, are looking always to expand their viewpoint, may find their discussions helpful, sometimes frustrating, and almost always stimulating.
This topic is, from my viewpoint, an important one, and really hit home as I read the transcript. We live in an age of narcissism--religious extremism--disconnection from the earth. Old ways of doing things--the strong family unit--traditional religious institutions --are being fractured and rejected, and there is no new moral structure to take their place. Many these days are searching for that vehicle to wholeness--via meditation and finding a connection to oneness/absolute truth that is beautiful and fulfilling as an experience.
What is found, however, must be applied in a more relative sense in the physical world of phenomena that we live in. We try not to judge because we have found via transcendental experiences that everyone and everything that manifests is God. How do we dare judge creation? This is indeed the ultimate absolute truth, but we need ways to effectively operate in this reality where a portion of our consciousness resides. And that means making the best decisions possible based on the largest view you can muster.
Our connection to the absolute--that which we dip back into via meditation, time in nature, or brought on by crisis, is our connection to the bigger picture. In the perfection of the absolute, there is no need for judgement of anything, no need to take a stand, to defend a cause. Here in the part of our existence that is embodied, along with billions of our soul-friends, we must every day make decisions that affect the quality of our lives and the quality of planetary life. So what is our guide? Our politicians should be asking themselves this question.
Is it for my benefit? Is it avoidance of punishment--eternal damnation or jail time? That is a very egocentric way of being in the world, isn't it? A very small view. So, too if we take care of our own, somehow drawing a line around family or community, to the exclusion of others outside the imaginary boundary. This impetus is limiting. We must operate from a high level of maturity, and from the widest view available to discern and decide responsibly, and with grace.
As more of us connect to the spiritual absolute aspects of ourselves we begin to mine the stuff of moral structure and build a larger view of life. We do expand. But that same experience can also hold the temptation to surrender personal responsibility --"All is going as it should/will.... everything is divine, the dark and the light". Certainly though, there are many levels of divinity. There is a hierarchy to the universe. While everything is of the ONE creative force/source, everything/everyone is also somewhere on the grand spiral path back to it's wholeness.
Along with experiences of our greater eternal existence, it is the discernment that we gather through experiences in our lives that equip us to be able to act conscientiously in the world. Rightness can be felt viscerally in the body. We must cultivate our emotional IQ, because it is the balance between the cerebral and the emotional that is needed for top notch decision making. We are living to gain a balance between love (compassion) and wisdom. It is from this fulcrum that our moral compass can point us in the right direction.
This topic is, from my viewpoint, an important one, and really hit home as I read the transcript. We live in an age of narcissism--religious extremism--disconnection from the earth. Old ways of doing things--the strong family unit--traditional religious institutions --are being fractured and rejected, and there is no new moral structure to take their place. Many these days are searching for that vehicle to wholeness--via meditation and finding a connection to oneness/absolute truth that is beautiful and fulfilling as an experience.
What is found, however, must be applied in a more relative sense in the physical world of phenomena that we live in. We try not to judge because we have found via transcendental experiences that everyone and everything that manifests is God. How do we dare judge creation? This is indeed the ultimate absolute truth, but we need ways to effectively operate in this reality where a portion of our consciousness resides. And that means making the best decisions possible based on the largest view you can muster.
Our connection to the absolute--that which we dip back into via meditation, time in nature, or brought on by crisis, is our connection to the bigger picture. In the perfection of the absolute, there is no need for judgement of anything, no need to take a stand, to defend a cause. Here in the part of our existence that is embodied, along with billions of our soul-friends, we must every day make decisions that affect the quality of our lives and the quality of planetary life. So what is our guide? Our politicians should be asking themselves this question.
Is it for my benefit? Is it avoidance of punishment--eternal damnation or jail time? That is a very egocentric way of being in the world, isn't it? A very small view. So, too if we take care of our own, somehow drawing a line around family or community, to the exclusion of others outside the imaginary boundary. This impetus is limiting. We must operate from a high level of maturity, and from the widest view available to discern and decide responsibly, and with grace.
As more of us connect to the spiritual absolute aspects of ourselves we begin to mine the stuff of moral structure and build a larger view of life. We do expand. But that same experience can also hold the temptation to surrender personal responsibility --"All is going as it should/will.... everything is divine, the dark and the light". Certainly though, there are many levels of divinity. There is a hierarchy to the universe. While everything is of the ONE creative force/source, everything/everyone is also somewhere on the grand spiral path back to it's wholeness.
Along with experiences of our greater eternal existence, it is the discernment that we gather through experiences in our lives that equip us to be able to act conscientiously in the world. Rightness can be felt viscerally in the body. We must cultivate our emotional IQ, because it is the balance between the cerebral and the emotional that is needed for top notch decision making. We are living to gain a balance between love (compassion) and wisdom. It is from this fulcrum that our moral compass can point us in the right direction.
Monday, October 8, 2012
The Present Moment--at the brink of the Falls
I spent several days last week in a hotel room overlooking one of the natural wonders of the world. Niagara Falls, and its majestic misty menacing mega-presence has been a part of my life since birth in the neighboring city of Buffalo. Strange dreams of being sucked into that aquatic vortex in myriad ways have come and gone. Niagara as Casino queen and tourist experience. A Maid of the Mist boat ride with parents on a pivotal birthday.....all of the memories came back to me as I perched high above the falls.
As I sat at the window of room 2407, marveling at the never-ending flow of water over the edge, an inevitable metaphor flooded over me. The mysterious Niagara meets the even greater mystery of timelessness. The brink of the falls representing the present moment--the still point--neither past nor future--the pivotal spot where everything is affected.
The present is always a bridge between the past and the future.
In my earlier discoveries via Jane Roberts and the Seth books, one of the stomach churning truths revealed to me is the ultimate power of the NOW moment. Wrapping your little 3d linear thinking brain around the idea that time is an illusion--that there is nothing (really) but the present---takes some time. I realized immediately that though my brain was confused, I felt this a Big Truth. Intellectual understanding of such a concept is just an allowance for new possibilities--an opening--a crack into which the light of a higher perspective can shine. And higher perspective almost always comes from the place of feeling/inner knowing.
As happens when you engage periscope in a quest for clarity, I found a wonderful article this morning on this very topic at the 2012 Scenario website---written by DL Zeta (Zeta's actual website is The article articulates how the power of the present moment really works and how we can use it to connect with our more empowered (5th dimensional) version, at the same time providing guidance to the lower vibratory aspects of ourselves.
An excerpt:
Our Present Moment is the Bridge between Past and Future Selves
One way we align with our higher self is to become the higher self for our other aspects or “selves” in this lifetime. Our present moment is the vehicle for serving as the bridge or guide to all our selves in this lifetime. The present is always the bridge between the past and future.
When our present-moment self chooses to serve as bridge between past and future aspects, we automatically set ourselves on our chosen path for this lifetime. When we set the intention to serve as the higher self for this lifetime we begin to see all our “selves” through the lens of unconditional love. There is no judgment of past selves or fear for our selves in the future.
Serving as the bridge between past and future also opens the door to blessings and guidance from a much expanded future self.
Creating the Causes of an Empowered Future Self
When we choose to serve as the bridge for our past and future, we create the causes of an empowered future self that is able to bring us needed insights and guidance with impeccable timing. At the same time, we bring about healing and release to younger aspects of our selves that are trapped in emotional traumas of the past. As our present-moment self acts on behalf of past and future aspects, the present takes care of itself.
The focus shifts from the ego’s desires to one of love and service.
Our ego desires love at the root but is easily distracted by a myriad of objects, people and situations for reasons that are illusory, conditional and fleeting. From a place of limited understanding, illusory distractions look like the eternal love we are seeking.
By choosing the path of service to our “selves,” we choose true unconditional love and are able to see through illusory distractions that appear before us.
So, what we do--think--act upon NOW has consequences that flow out in every direction (past/future/parallel) of our being. It has to be that way. We exist on an eternal precipice--the razor's edge. While the language may seem ominous, the NOW is our ultimate gift--consciousness poised in creative potential. It is here we choose how to go forward and how we choose to see backwards. What strides we make now send ripples back into "our past", detaching us from traumas and wrongs perpetrated by us and on us. Those strings are snipped, and at the same time we are weaving a "future" as we would like it to be.
Having the bird's-eye view that I did this past week--seeing the Niagara River flowing into and over the falls, and its path beyond-- stimulated me to consider again how I want my life to unfold. Memories and dreams of the past--our collected experiences--form our current operating system. From this point and ever on, we are constantly updating. Unfold as you wish, as you will, the newest and best you yet.
As I sat at the window of room 2407, marveling at the never-ending flow of water over the edge, an inevitable metaphor flooded over me. The mysterious Niagara meets the even greater mystery of timelessness. The brink of the falls representing the present moment--the still point--neither past nor future--the pivotal spot where everything is affected.
The present is always a bridge between the past and the future.
In my earlier discoveries via Jane Roberts and the Seth books, one of the stomach churning truths revealed to me is the ultimate power of the NOW moment. Wrapping your little 3d linear thinking brain around the idea that time is an illusion--that there is nothing (really) but the present---takes some time. I realized immediately that though my brain was confused, I felt this a Big Truth. Intellectual understanding of such a concept is just an allowance for new possibilities--an opening--a crack into which the light of a higher perspective can shine. And higher perspective almost always comes from the place of feeling/inner knowing.
An excerpt:
Our Present Moment is the Bridge between Past and Future Selves
One way we align with our higher self is to become the higher self for our other aspects or “selves” in this lifetime. Our present moment is the vehicle for serving as the bridge or guide to all our selves in this lifetime. The present is always the bridge between the past and future.
When our present-moment self chooses to serve as bridge between past and future aspects, we automatically set ourselves on our chosen path for this lifetime. When we set the intention to serve as the higher self for this lifetime we begin to see all our “selves” through the lens of unconditional love. There is no judgment of past selves or fear for our selves in the future.
Serving as the bridge between past and future also opens the door to blessings and guidance from a much expanded future self.
Creating the Causes of an Empowered Future Self
When we choose to serve as the bridge for our past and future, we create the causes of an empowered future self that is able to bring us needed insights and guidance with impeccable timing. At the same time, we bring about healing and release to younger aspects of our selves that are trapped in emotional traumas of the past. As our present-moment self acts on behalf of past and future aspects, the present takes care of itself.
The focus shifts from the ego’s desires to one of love and service.
Our ego desires love at the root but is easily distracted by a myriad of objects, people and situations for reasons that are illusory, conditional and fleeting. From a place of limited understanding, illusory distractions look like the eternal love we are seeking.
By choosing the path of service to our “selves,” we choose true unconditional love and are able to see through illusory distractions that appear before us.
So, what we do--think--act upon NOW has consequences that flow out in every direction (past/future/parallel) of our being. It has to be that way. We exist on an eternal precipice--the razor's edge. While the language may seem ominous, the NOW is our ultimate gift--consciousness poised in creative potential. It is here we choose how to go forward and how we choose to see backwards. What strides we make now send ripples back into "our past", detaching us from traumas and wrongs perpetrated by us and on us. Those strings are snipped, and at the same time we are weaving a "future" as we would like it to be.
Having the bird's-eye view that I did this past week--seeing the Niagara River flowing into and over the falls, and its path beyond-- stimulated me to consider again how I want my life to unfold. Memories and dreams of the past--our collected experiences--form our current operating system. From this point and ever on, we are constantly updating. Unfold as you wish, as you will, the newest and best you yet.
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