Tuesday, October 23, 2012

A Vision of the Future

Hello All. I have been asked to present my visions for what my future earth will look like, be like, feel like. For me, this is an important question, because we are all creating our future scenario NOW. With a strong vision in mind, one can calibrate their actions and thoughts to such a degree that your chosen future unfolds before your very eyes. 

The most important factor (IMO) in dreaming your own dream of the future is the underlying belief that it can indeed manifest in adequate time. No pipe dreams allowed! To create anything in this world one needs focused intent, and the emotional will and a corresponding amount of energy to flesh out the intended result. Now, believe.

I am actively envisioning myself in the new paradigm--the look and feel of my persona, is where I have begun. It is from a combination of the physical (my body is ageless and whole) and the spiritual (I am radiating light and love) that I will create that world in which I choose to live. I want to share a quote from Desmond Tutu which I think is pertinent to this discussion:

"We are not expected at all times to be unanimous or to have a consensus on every conceivable subject. What is needed is to respect one another's points of view and not to impute unworthy motives to one another or to seek to impugn the integrity of the other. Our maturity will be judged by how well we are able to agree to disagree and yet continue to love one another, to care for one another and cherish one another and seek the greater good of the other."

This last line sums up the most important dynamic of the new world--Seek the greater good of the other. To be able to perform this feat of unconditional love, we must realize that this act of love and faith in the other reflects a deep love of self--of all things. "Do unto others....." what you want done to yourself, right? We feel others pains and joys. We are one big seething organism not separate, and the sooner we allow this realization to engulf us, the easier it will be to navigate in the new world.

My new world is
N-ew technologies--free energy, healing technologies, etc that enable all to live well.
O-neness as a given--an overall platform that everyone works from.
V-ictory will be celebrated as all the people on earth are provided for. War/weapons/divisiveness are of the old ways and will no longer exist here. 
A- release from the wheel of mis(sed)-fortune--money will become obsolete.

T-rue governance by the people for the people-those chosen to represent will be of higher awareness and demonstrate greater perception and devotion to the needs of all.
E-cological healing and focus on our connectedness to the earth.
R-esponsibility for all you think and do.
R-eunion with our brothers and sisters of other dimensions, and other worlds.
A-ge of Aquarius. "
Harmony and understanding, Sympathy and trust abounding. No more   falsehoods or derisions, golden living dreams of visions, mystic crystal revelation and the mind's true liberation...."

 If any of this seems far fetched or impossible to you--too good to be true--then perhaps you can find a way to discover and transcend that which keeps you from realizing these greater possibilities for our new world. Who would not want to live in this glorious new world? Isn't it worth our collective creative energies to make it so?

The new paradigm will include only those beings who are ready for this kind of unified living. I believe when we are all on the same page, there is no holding back what beauty and joy we can create together.

If you can dream it and see it and feel it and want it, it can be.


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