Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Taken from Barbara Marciniak's Path of Empowerment: Chapter 4~The intimate Dance of Beliefs and Emotions (published 2004)

As more psychic doors are flung wide open to augment your intelligence, you must live in peace with your physical body in order to feel good and benefit from this process. What closets must you clean to achieve that state? Do you practice self-hypnosis with some of your favorite limiting beliefs? 

"I have no control over the situation. I will always be poor. Money is hard to come by. Life is a struggle. Money is the root of all evil. There is nothing I can do. That's just the way it is. I've always done it this way. There is no way I can get out of this. We'll never know. I don't know. I could never. I forget. I didn't see." 

How often do you put yourself in a trance in order to stay right where you are? How often do you use sarcasm? The comfort of the old, familiar mental rut anchors you to the same old scenarios. WE raise these questions to wake you up and to assist you in noticing and understanding how you structure your thinking. The link between mind and matter is an essential lesson to master. You must change your core beliefs in order to see change in the outside world. You can change these limiting commands by replacing them with encouraging, self empowering thoughts. Limitations come from inside your mind, and making the decision to let go of restricting beliefs is like taking off a pair of tight shoes or slipping out of a corset: you are filled with a new sense of freedom and relief.

As the intensified waves of cosmic energy flooding your planet build momentum, you are called upon to use your physical form with wisdom, health and ease. To accommodate and learn from these dynamic energies, you must slow down and recognize when you create too much stress. You may even be addicted to stress
and needlessly fill the hours of the day with methodical busyness because you are ill at ease with empty moments.

Unfortunately, silence has lost its value in modern times. The mind requires rest for clarity and integration, and when silence is maintained for regular interlude, the benefits help to sharpen your mind and balance your life. You must seek out and plan for peaceful moments, rather than offering every excuse in the world, often with great indignation, as to why you are too busy. You have hypnotized yourself into believing that being productive or busy all of the time is a noble feat. Well, you may be a noble fool, and if you are wondering whether this
strikes home or not, take a good look at your body, for there the truth will always be told. When you purposely seek out spiritual knowledge yet repeatedly miss the message because you do not know when to shift gears of your perceptions, then your lack of flexibility creates untold stress. Flexibility is the key for changing your beliefs. You are, by design, a multi-focused, multidimensional being, and by practicing mental agility and applying common sense, you can develop a more expansive understanding of reality, while not losing control of one vista as you move to another. Remember, the material world is only one part of reality. The invisible and spiritual realms, along with many other planes of existence, all seek to enter and participate in this time period of accelerated energy. Whatever you are learning, trust that it may be only one facet of a much more complex multidimensional lesson.

When you believe in your self worth within the greater plan of existence, a larger purpose to life always comes into play, sometimes revealing scenarios that are seemingly beyond your current understanding. Existence is based on a subtle cooperation of energy that is multi-layered and multidimensional in scope, and fully alive with a symbolism that reflects your beliefs and expectations of life. Your perceptions develop and mature according to your ability to grasp the interactive world of symbols and to interpret these symbols
based on the stimuli and the sensations you experience. In other words, the meaning you assign to an event determines the outcome you experience. Of course, the more fear you employ, the more limiting your interpretations will be. Your power ends where your fear begins. You always operate within your own sphere of influence, affecting the atmosphere wherever you go, and you also contribute your ideas quite effectively to the mass consciousness of the planet. When you energize a safe and secure worldview, your feelings will inevitably lead you toward that experience. You must, however, develop a deep respect for your feelings by acknowledging them as a barometer of your thoughts. The more open you are to changing your thinking and vacating your box of beliefs, the more you will perceive and realize in this environment of earthly experience.
(Many thanks to Barbara Marciniak)

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Tune in

The recent weeks, now stretching into months, have been like time out of time for me. I have spent this non-time trying to immerse in what I like to do best: gardening and yoga. Both of these endeavors have that quality of allowing one to get lost in the experience. That time is lost or not particularly of concern, is healing, calming, and seems to support a more ease-filled and natural way of being. In a world full of noise and mental interference, schedules and obligations, time sequestered in the garden usually helps me to quiet the din, and allow bandwidth for more useful communication. But what do I want to tune my dial to? Lots of static in our ether!

For me, the need is great for honest and valuable input in my life--that which speaks to me--that which makes my heart soar--that which makes sense to me--that which brings me joy. Really, there is no room for anything else these days. There is a path ahead and I am just out of sight of it, yet I can feel it there.  So in this time out of time, I seek beauty--mundane and exalted, and the love of a close one. I try to let my heart lead the way--to follow the brain would be madness. And in the quiet moments, I tune to the clearest frequency-- I tune to my inner signal. Regular communing with that "still small voice" helps amplify and clarify what "It" has to say. The signal gets clearer. And the voice is amazing--It is wise--It knows me better than I know myself! In the quiet that we can eke out of the world, we all can access our inner/higher/future self and the contents of our greater existence! I must admit I have been spending a lot of non-time "there".

Deconstruct to Remember

Our journey into the new world is about deconstruction and remembrance. Deconstruction; peeling away the layers of ego built protection-illusion in the way of personas, beliefs, thought mechanisms, etc., that occupy psychic bandwidth. It is surprising to find what is there as your onion grows smaller (tears and all)! And we must do this over and over and over again until there is (almost) nothing left. Taking a deep look at who you really are without descriptors, labels, limiting beliefs is a daunting yet freeing experience, allowing...... Remembrance.

As our self definitions drop away we are left not knowing who we are in the traditional sense, letting "the truth of us" slowly dawn. Into the void of no personality comes....comes what we are, what we have always been, and what we will be--the unchanging and ever changing! We are both sides of the divine coin. While we are the fabric of the Ground of Being--the unchanging, the unmanifest, we are also here now in this time to move humanity forward into a new era. An evolution of consciousness itself via you and I. 

When you give yourself solitude and quiet, this true nature of yours becomes viscerally evident and so does the task at hand. When you know, really KNOW, that you are an eternal being partaking in a physical existence because you WANT to be, it changes everything. (At least it should.) We each have a role in this process of extreme evolution. Go inside to find your "script".  Exercise your personal volition and find the enabling quiet, and the stillness from where your small voice emerges. What does it say?! 

The impetus for sequester is not abating, for me at least. This process of remembering has risen to another level.  Ute Posegga-Rudel says it beautifully:

This new space of highly energetic consciousness needs our full attention now so that we can discover what wants to be discovered. It requires our focus and attention in the way we would try to see things hidden in the fog, but which we can locate more and more clearly while we increase without any self-limiting presumptions our wide open perception and imagination. 
First we might recognize just a scheme, a contour of something, and the more we concentrate the more this thing takes on an increasingly distinct shape and meaning. It is the discovery of the unfamiliar whereby we need in excitement  to reach out for the unknown to realize perhaps later that what we found is nothing but remembrance or the discovery of something familiar, now appearing in new coordinates.

As we transitioned into new territory, it dawns to me that we now are on the brink of entering new chambers of our own memory and simultaneous multidimensional existence  to access in a new way, what we came here to become and to do. In this process it seems that individual paradigms are changing, as we left a part of the old world behind. However, that this actually happened, many of us must still discover, as we might feel a bit numbed and bewildered in the un-Knowable Room of the new human consciousness. 
"...something familiar, now appearing in new coordinates..."!  The rediscovery of my real self is happening and it is exciting. I hope when I see you next a twinkle in my eye reveals that the process is going well. I will look for your twinkle, too.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Wrong Way? Don't Go Back.

I was emailing with a friend about the guilt we feel when we don't make yoga class, and various guilts that crop up in ones psyche. I wrote "We are still apologizing to the ether for that original sin we cannot quite remember."  This got me thinking about how we spend our lives with this set of rules we've developed that spawn behaviors that make up the intricate fabric of our days and nights. Guilt can be a rough and scratchy blanket to wear, along with the even deeper lying issues of worth.

If you have grown up with this vague notion of being somehow intrinsically guilty--intrinsically flawed, it is likely you at some point felt unworthy of love. And maybe still do. "Lord I am not worthy to receive you, but only say the word and I shall be healed." I remember reciting this little ditty as a child. Many of these childhood recitations were rote mimicry, but I do remember thinking how unfair it was to be saddled with a big old sin that I had no recollection of perpetrating. And I listened for the healing words, wondering if there would be a scolding before the absolution, as seemed to be the case in life.

AH, you grow up. You learn what a metaphor is. You refine your relationship to the Divine. But do you still have a lingering sense of self doubt?

“We all live with a set of “rules” in our minds which guide our behavior. And each of us has “rules” in our minds that are a little different. These “rules” are core beliefs that grow out of our families, governments, religions and cultures. Guilt arises any time we violate these “rules”. We think the way to avoid guilt is to make 100% sure that we never violate these “rules” that we have set up in our own minds. But that is not the answer. The way to avoid and eliminate guilt is to question and change your “rules”.
-Teal Scott-

Change the rules!!! You can, you know. You are the captain of your own ship and you must trust yourself enough to take the wheel with confidence. Self doubt is nothing more than a waxy build up of instances. You can look at these as failures-- as the gunk of life-- or you can see the necessary experiences that taught you about your resilience--about your aptitude for living. In this more appreciative light, the waxy build-up becomes the grease and the springboard for the release of guilt. When you make peace with your past, you are no longer stuck there in an "IF ONLY" loop. It really is ok to let things go......

 All of the spiritual gurus tell you about the power of the NOW moment. Live in the present. Do not let the past weigh you down and pull you back into Self doubt and mistrust. Instead, focus upon that which serves your empowerment, your joy, your creativity. That kind of energy emanating from you benefits everyone and everything around you. The letting go happens little by little as you confront those things that hold you back. Don't avoid anything!!! Look at it head on and thank it for doing it's job, for indeed you know better now. Realize that even the darkest moments have love and light behind them---have a reason for being. And be kind and compassionate with yourself. Right? 

That elusive self-love can be regained/re-remembered. Here is a short video on how to get back to the state of self love--by Teal Scott.


Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Gems from the Law of One

Our incarnations on earth--our individuation down from the infinite consciousness that we've always been, to lives of seeming limitations and separation from our ultimate state of being---well Why? Why do we put ourselves through separation, suffering, density of mind and being--a manufactured reality that is far removed from our true nature.

 This is a very beautiful answer, channeled by Carla Rueckert of L/L Research gives the most wonderful explanation. The Ra Group is a consciousness collective of the 6th density. For more info on this see The Law of One.

Questioner: Can you expand on the concept which is that it is necessary for an entity, during incarnation in the physical as we know it, to become polarized or interact properly with other entities and why this isn’t possible in between incarnations when the entity is aware of what he wants to do. Why must he come into an incarnation and lose conscious memory of what he wants to do and then act in a way in which he hopes to act?
Ra: I am Ra. Let us give the example of the man who sees all the poker hands. He then knows the game. It is but child’s play to gamble, for it is no risk. The other hands are known. The possibilities are known and the hand will be played correctly but with no interest.

In time/space and in the true-color green density, the hands of all are open to the eye. The thoughts, the feelings, the troubles, all these may be seen. There is no deception and no desire for deception. Thus much may be accomplished in harmony but the mind/body/spirit gains little polarity from this interaction.

Let us re-examine this metaphor and multiply it into the longest poker game you can imagine, a lifetime. The cards are love, dislike, limitation, unhappiness, pleasure, etc. They are dealt and re-dealt and re-dealt continuously. You may, during this incarnation begin — and we stress begin — to know your own cards. You may begin to find the love within you. You may begin to balance your pleasure, your limitations, etc. However, your only indication of other-selves’ cards is to look into the eyes.

You cannot remember your hand, their hands, perhaps even the rules of this game. This game can only be won by those who lose their cards in the melting influence of love; can only be won by those who lay their pleasures, their limitations, their all upon the table face up and say inwardly: “All, all of you players, each other-self, whatever your hand, I love you.” This is the game: to know, to accept, to forgive, to balance, and to open the self in love. This cannot be done without the forgetting, for it would carry no weight in the life of the mind/body/spirit beingness totality.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

How Free is your Free Will?


The reality of free will--that we are functioning creators, making decisions and creating our world moment by moment--has become a fundamental touchstone for many of us. But also now and then THE paradox arises. If indeed All past, present, and future experiences and manifestations are contained within the creator in the ever present NOW moment, then how are we really creating anything new?  Are we really creators if it has all been created?

It certainly appears, in our earthly lives, that we have free will--we do not consciously know the outcome of our actions. And without the knowledge and recognition of a higher self--of an eternal beingness--we certainly seem to be left to our own finite, limited devices. Our decision making is based more often on our base survival instincts, our evolution seemingly Darwinian in nature and our lives simply an effort to provide security and comfort for ourselves and our families. In this scenario that we know all too well, our free will is not so free, and bound to the appearance of lack within ourselves dictated by something outside of ourselves.

Yes, we have free will, but only fully if we have made conscious what is unconscious. Otherwise our free will operates out of the hidden content and we are wondering why certain things are happening to us, things we consciously didn’t want to happen. Ute Posegga-Rudel

So yes we are free to operate on whatever level of consciousness we choose. And certainly we have played out a multitude of scenarios through the course of our existences in the hopes of evolving spiritually. Evolution implies a movement from one state to another via choices and experiences. Using our free will we navigate though life consciously or unconsciously tracing our own unique pattern of beingness on the walls of existence. Whether we are slow learners or savants, it is all ok--it is all accepted-- it is all ultimately useful.

Spiritual evolution implies there is an actual spirit to evolve. And this spirit IS US, in and out of physicality, though it seems we have forgotten this greater aspect of ourselves. We are left with hints--the little impulses of inspiration that help guide us in a useful direction--the intuitive knowing that we sometimes recognize--the gut feelings--are our slivers of aware connection with our larger essence.When we are guided by the higher aspect of ourselves--that which holds all of our experiences within its awareness--that knows what has been lived and what is likely to be lived--we experience a whole different kind of Free Will. 

It is like having a few of the answers to the exam while you are taking the test. The more in tune you are to your higher self, the easier the test becomes. We all have a higher knowing--how high depends on the spiritual state we have attained over the course of our existence. Ultimately we are evolving back to our beginning state as pure consciousness or beingness. In this pure state All is known, All experience is contained, and Will does not exist (or so I imagine). I guess this is that Paradox that lies beneath everything.

So I surmise that the reason We Are Here Now is to free our free will from the hidden content--to take the creative reins--to more consciously determine how our lives should be lived, and how our world should appear. Since we are all doing this together, perhaps the more correct statement is "YOU CO-CREATE YOUR OWN REALITY."