Taken from Barbara Marciniak's Path of Empowerment: Chapter 4~The intimate Dance of Beliefs and Emotions (published 2004)
As more psychic doors are flung wide open to augment your intelligence, you must live in peace with your physical body in order to feel good and benefit from this process. What closets must you clean to achieve that state? Do you practice self-hypnosis with some of your favorite limiting beliefs?
"I have no control over the situation. I will always be poor. Money is hard to come by. Life is a struggle. Money is the root of all evil. There is nothing I can do. That's just the way it is. I've always done it this way. There is no way I can get out of this. We'll never know. I don't know. I could never. I forget. I didn't see."
How often do you put yourself in a trance in order to stay right where you are? How often do you use sarcasm? The comfort of the old, familiar mental rut anchors you to the same old scenarios. WE raise these questions to wake you up and to assist you in noticing and understanding how you structure your thinking. The link between mind and matter is an essential lesson to master. You must change your core beliefs in order to see change in the outside world. You can change these limiting commands by replacing them with encouraging, self empowering thoughts. Limitations come from inside your mind, and making the decision to let go of restricting beliefs is like taking off a pair of tight shoes or slipping out of a corset: you are filled with a new sense of freedom and relief.
As the intensified waves of cosmic energy flooding your planet build momentum, you are called upon to use your physical form with wisdom, health and ease. To accommodate and learn from these dynamic energies, you must slow down and recognize when you create too much stress. You may even be addicted to stress
and needlessly fill the hours of the day with methodical busyness because you are ill at ease with empty moments.
Unfortunately, silence has lost its value in modern times. The mind requires rest for clarity and integration, and when silence is maintained for regular interlude, the benefits help to sharpen your mind and balance your life. You must seek out and plan for peaceful moments, rather than offering every excuse in the world, often with great indignation, as to why you are too busy. You have hypnotized yourself into believing that being productive or busy all of the time is a noble feat. Well, you may be a noble fool, and if you are wondering whether this
strikes home or not, take a good look at your body, for there the truth will always be told. When you purposely seek out spiritual knowledge yet repeatedly miss the message because you do not know when to shift gears of your perceptions, then your lack of flexibility creates untold stress. Flexibility is the key for changing your beliefs. You are, by design, a multi-focused, multidimensional being, and by practicing mental agility and applying common sense, you can develop a more expansive understanding of reality, while not losing control of one vista as you move to another. Remember, the material world is only one part of reality. The invisible and spiritual realms, along with many other planes of existence, all seek to enter and participate in this time period of accelerated energy. Whatever you are learning, trust that it may be only one facet of a much more complex multidimensional lesson.
When you believe in your self worth within the greater plan of existence, a larger purpose to life always comes into play, sometimes revealing scenarios that are seemingly beyond your current understanding. Existence is based on a subtle cooperation of energy that is multi-layered and multidimensional in scope, and fully alive with a symbolism that reflects your beliefs and expectations of life. Your perceptions develop and mature according to your ability to grasp the interactive world of symbols and to interpret these symbols
based on the stimuli and the sensations you experience. In other words, the meaning you assign to an event determines the outcome you experience. Of course, the more fear you employ, the more limiting your interpretations will be. Your power ends where your fear begins. You always operate within your own sphere of influence, affecting the atmosphere wherever you go, and you also contribute your ideas quite effectively to the mass consciousness of the planet. When you energize a safe and secure worldview, your feelings will inevitably lead you toward that experience. You must, however, develop a deep respect for your feelings by acknowledging them as a barometer of your thoughts. The more open you are to changing your thinking and vacating your box of beliefs, the more you will perceive and realize in this environment of earthly experience.
(Many thanks to Barbara Marciniak)
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