Thursday, March 20, 2014

"from beast to angel"........

"It is a great ascent that the human attempts in third density, to move from beast to angel, from a mute and unspeaking love to a supernal, wordless expression of love. In between those two lies the third density and in that density you have the forgetting that allows your voice to be uncertain; that allows your mind not to know; that allows your heart to make foolish choices and then to experience change because of them."  The Daily Q'uote for March 20, 2014

 I have been thinking about neutrality. It is said that in the higher realms, beings operate from a place of neutrality--a neutrality of emotion and a discernment, which is judgement's evolved state. They* see a bigger picture, a truer reality than we can. They know why we do the things we do. They see the greater purpose behind it all. In our quest to go from beast to angel, how do we (here and now) begin to operate from a higher perspective of neutrality? Is it achievable? Do we even want to?

WE, living a life, struggle to balance emotion and logic--the two sides of our brain-coin.  I have found that as I grow and expand my awareness, there is less drama, more peace and a greater perspective on situations and incidences. I become less reactive and do not as easily choose sides in a battle. At first glance, this does not really help those struggling around me. To look on the vicious act, the cataclysm, the crisis, the famine, the VICTIM with a calm neutrality seems at odds with the status quo. It seems unfeeling and uncaring! But in the way energy works in this world, getting dragged into the maelstrom of negativity only adds to it. Like attracts like. So does this mean we are indifferent to human suffering? What is the best way to help?

IMHO It seems that holding a central place of seeing and understanding, of acceptance yet of change for the good of all, is a monumental task. It takes the highest perspective one can manage. I picture it as sitting amongst the clouds seeing the world-play below. This is my perch of neutrality. Every now and then I dive down to take a closer look, to involve myself. It is then that I can exercise my human emotions, use my powers (emotions are powerful) for good, so-to-speak. Discernment tells me if I have a pony in this race, if I can help the situation. Wisely choosing where to invest our precious emotional energies enables a greater adherence to our central place of balance--providing stability all around us.  For me, that is the best way to help.

Now I know that most of us live every day with challenges up close and personal. The cloud sitting analogy is fantasy, but we can practice neutrality with our family and friends on a daily basis, choosing to be the stable and compassionate being for all we encounter. We add only what we choose energetically, to a situation--not reactive, explosive, emotional detritus, coming from a place of imbalance within our selves. To get to this place one must do the inside work of self discovery. Developing/recognizing/remembering unconditional love for yourself and others is doing the good work. Done over a lifetime or many, it is not easy!

Unconditional love. Unconditional love is the ultimate form of neutrality. It is the ground of being. It is the canvas on which all of existence is painted and also the space that holds the canvas and that which sees it. The Creator. Un-conditional--no conditions attached to this love. No judgement. Neutrality. It becomes clearer that to maintain a neutrality in life is a very nuanced thing. But worthwhile and ultimately, primal.

Remembering. I know that we all have different missions for this lifetime, and neutrality may not seem to be the way to go, but a higher perspective can almost always help. The beginning quote (that appeared as I was writing this), speaks of a forgetting. Do we forget so that we can transcend the forgetting? Do we go on the wagon, cutting ourselves off from the bliss-filled realities of the higher dimensions so we can experience an even higher high when at last we remember? Is this the way an angel gets high?-}

A long leash. The enrichment of a soul seems endless--this forgetting and subsequent remembering--puts another growth ring in the cross section of our soul trunk. Having the higher perspective of neutrality is enabled and supported by the remembrance of our greater being. So this beast-angel says, she is jumping off the wagon. Grant me my bliss, please, even as I remain tethered to this life. I soon will be a cloud squatter holding a long leash of neutrality for the collective world in which we live.

*They are we--really a higher aspect of our physical selves, the oversoul, the spirit guide.

Thanks to L/L Research (see link above) for the quote- Q'uo channelled by Carla Rueckert

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