Friday, March 13, 2015

Postmistress has the blues

I was at the post office earlier this week having a lively conversation regarding the Phoenix Hill Tavern complex (here in Louisville, KY), where the Postmistress last saw the late Warren Zevon in concert. (Think Werewolves of London). Zevon passed on a couple of years ago from lung cancer, she said. Before he died, his family helped organize a tribute album that he could actually participate in. What a gift! The conversation turned towards maximizing your time in this life, not waiting for the near-end to get deeply involved. 
Mary Oliver quote Michelle Caplan art
Michelle Caplan art

Postmistress is a very astute and compassionate person. She gets things on a deeper level. As we were discussing this idea of squeezing every bit of the juice from the fruit, she confessed she had sessions with herself with this very purpose--to uncover her plan for her one wild and precious life (Mary Oliver). 

Happy for her that she was dreaming and imagining wonderful things, I knew how this tune would end before she sang it. Because it is the same tune that 99% of us sing day in and out. It is, of course, a blues tune--the I ain't got any money so I can't live my dreams blues. Postmistress has the blues.

I well up with profound sadness that so many of us live in lack, dreams unfulfilled. I, too, have the blues. Harder still to swallow is that this is the reality that we have (collectively) chosen to spend time in. Oh, it is very real to us and has been enhanced in its realness by those who prey.

I remarked to Postmistress that surely there is something we can do to change this--to enable our dreams....? "Sure, you can rest on the backs of others" she said (meaning quit your job, go on welfare, etc--not an option she would take). Well no that is not exactly what I had in mind.

Years ago this blog was begun out of a fascination for the You Create Your Own Reality idea I discovered via the Seth books (channeled by Jane Roberts, written down by Robert Butts). Now, many years since, this radical idea has become truth in my world. And even though it is a truth for me I still catch the residue of lack in the nooks and crannies of my psyche.

Teal Swan Frequency painting
Teal Swan Frequency painting-Worldly Abundance
The idea of lack--lack of love--lack of money--stems from a misguided belief that you are a victim of circumstances--that you do not create your own reality. And it is a huge leap to go from adrift powerlessness to responsible creator! What a chasm to cross! To keep the hounds of lack at bay one must live a conscious and aware life, and realize the truth of one's creative powers. Those that prey KNOW their powers of creation--and they are not using it for the good of the collective!

I know within the deepest and lightest part of me that humanity has participated in this Poverty Play (a farce) as a springboard to living in a whole (different) way. We are moving towards the recognition of our wholeness, our inherent power to create and a world we are deeply connected to. But we have to recognize the farce and chose this new world with all of our hearts.

As my packages were posted and the conversation at the Post Office came to an end, Postmistress summed things up with "well we all leave here dead anyway". She was being funny of course--Postmistress is always jovial. I suggested that  in actuality we "leave here alive--every one of us". In her lovely way, she chuckled and said, "well I like that idea much better".

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