Monday, November 30, 2009

Uncovering your beliefs

What you believe, consciously and unconsciously, shapes your life. That may seem like a simple and blatantly obvious statement, but it is, in reality, trickier than you might imagine. I guarantee you that once you begin to probe, you will find the sticking points--the grounds--those demoralizing feelings about ourselves and others--the stuff we all keep buried. This is the mud that needs to be scraped up, looked at, and accepted (accept that it has been a part of you). Once you look at it and recognize it's existence, it is easier to then to pitch it, or, if you so choose, continue living a life based on these muddy tenets. What do you want your reality to look like? I wish this was all black and white, but of course there are nuances {aren't there always ;-}- Seth adresses these beautifully.

From The Nature Personal Reality:
It is true that habitual thoughts of love, optimism and self-acceptance are better for you than their opposites; but again, your beliefs about yourself will automatically attract thoughts that are consistent with your ideas. There is as much natural aggressiveness in love as there is in hate. Hate is a distortion of such a normal force, the result of your beliefs. ......natural aggression is cleansing and highly creative--the thrust behind all emotions.

There are two ways to get at your own conscious beliefs. The most direct is to have a series of talks with yourself. Write down your beliefs in a variety of areas , and you will find that you believe different things at different times. Often there will be contradictions readily apparent. They represent opposing beliefs that regulate your emotions, your bodily condition and your physical appearance. Examine the conflicts. Invisible beliefs will appear that unite those seemingly diverse attitudes. Invisible beliefs are simply those of which you are fully aware but prefer to ignore, because they represent areas of strife which you have not yet been willing to handle thus far. They are quite available once you are determined to examine the complete contents of your conscious mind.

If this strikes you as too intellectual a method, then you can also work backward from your emotions to your beliefs. In any case, regardless of which method you choose, one will lead you to the other. Both approaches require honesty with yourself, and a firm encounter with the mental, psychic and emotional aspects of your current reality.

You must accept the validity of your feelings while realizing that they are about certain issues or conditions, and are not necessarily factual statements of your reality. "I feel that I am a poor mother" or, "I feel that I am a failure". These are emotional statements and should be accepted as such. You are to understand, however, that while the feelings have their own integrity as emotions, they may not be statements of fact. You might be an excellent mother while feeling that you are very inadequate. You may be most successful in reaching your goals while still thinking yourself a failure.

By recognizing these differences and honestly following the feelings through--in other words, by riding the emotions--you will be led to the beliefs behind them. A series of self-revelations will inevitably result, each leading you to further creative psychological activity. At each stage you will be closer to the reality of your experience than you have ever been.

I have been in the trenches so to speak--looking into why I have certain (sometimes appalling) patches of discontent/self loathing/animosity, etc. I have found at least 1 very big contradiction that united opposite attitudes. The funny thing is--it all feels rather built-in. Like it has been there forever, surfacing as a bubble will--releasing it's relative poison, and then retreating below the polite civilized exterior surface. It is like a whispered utterance. Hush hush. Only now, do I catch these things, and when I do, I try to haul them above the surface--for a light of day looksee. This process has been gradual but I have found that those bubbles are now less frequent. The dialog has subtly changed. It seems to me that this self recognition is a lifelong process. Why not invest a little time in yourself. Equate it to a psyche massage--schedule it before your manicure, pedicure, facial. A good self image--a glowing reality, is the best cosmetic.

Friday, November 20, 2009

What is reality?

Seth's first and primary reason for engaging us through Jane Roberts was to make us aware of a most basic truth: You create your own reality. He has dedicated an entire book The Nature of Personal Reality: Specific, Practical Techniques for Solving Everyday Problems and Enriching the Life You Know to this premise that underlies our lives as human beings.

What do you think this statement means? Is it a karma thing--the results of your actions will come back to haunt (or delight) you? A bad attitude means bad things happen to you?

It's not so much what you do but what you believe--deep down--about your self, others, about how the world works. What kinds of things do you say to yourself under your breath? What kinds of thoughts/behaviors/beliefs are you reinforcing? When you catch a reflection of yourself do you say to yourself "God I'm ugly or fat or ridiculous"? If you are a woman, do you secretly think you are not worth as much in society as a man? If you are a man, do you feel like you should be more successful, more manly? Do you believe in devils and demons and hell? Heaven? Do you believe there is life after death and you have lived before? Does the soul live on or do you dissipate into the ether when your body ceases to function? How do these beliefs affect the way you live every day?

The real deep down answers to these questions can only be determined by you and it takes some digging--or so I've found. It is frankly shocking to uncover some of these unexamined core beliefs. Things that would be hard to admit to yourself let alone others. All of these beliefs form your world and how you perceive yourself in it.

Seth says:

“Your beliefs form reality. Your individual beliefs and your joint beliefs. Now the intensity of a belief is extremely important...

And, if you believe, in very simple terms, that people mean you well, and will treat you kindly, they will. And, if you believe that the world is against you, then so it will be in your experience. And, if you believe...IF YOU BELIEVE THAT YOU WILL BEGIN TO DETERIORATE AT 22, then so you shall.

And, if you believe that you are poor, and always will be, then so your experience will so prove to you. Your beliefs meet you in the face when you look in the mirror. They form your image. You cannot escape your beliefs. They are, however, the method by which you create your experience.

It is important that you here realize that you are not at the mercy of the unexplainable, that you are not at the mercy of events over which you have no control whether those events are psychological events or physical ones, in your terms.

As I have told you, there is little difference if you believe that your present life is caused by incidents in your early infancy or by past lives over which equally you feel you have no control. Your events, your lives, your experiences, are caused by your present beliefs. Change the beliefs and your life changes.”

If you'd like to see things happen differently in your life, you should begin to examine closely your beliefs. Start by identifying those things that seem elusive to you (e.g.--I never was good at managing money.) Why is that? Do you value money? In what way? Do you believe that those who are wealthy are less virtuous than yourself? Or the opposite--if you have money do you believe that the less privileged/poor are being punished for something? Examine any underlying religious beliefs. Look at those things that tend to send up red flags from within. Look at everything that stimulates dissatisfaction in your life. You will uncover some interesting things and maybe wonder where these beliefs came from.

Next time, more on our" reality liability".

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Seth's effect on the world or Are we getting it?

Millions of Seth and Jane's books have been sold since the first (The Seth Material) was published in 1970. I have to assume millions of people have read and to some extent, have tried to understand and incorporate these messages into their lives. I wonder what effect this has had on our civilization's present day realities?

My husband has questioned why the material-theories-information is not more well-known? If this is so great and so important--important enough that all of Jane and Rob's notes, manuscripts, poetry, paintings, etc are now housed in the Yale University Library--then why is it not required reading in every freshman philosophy or physics or biology class? Why had we never heard of this until later in life, and then, just by chance? How do so many remain unaware of this powerful body of work?

Good question. Perhaps the following is a clue (an excerpt from material given in Feb. 1964 at the beginning of Jane's partnership with Seth):

"Later I will attempt to show you where the boundaries are--though (with a laugh) there really are no boundaries--that form a variety of planes [realities] into a sphere of relation in which, to some extent, cause-and-effect operates as you understand it. Beyond that for a long time there will be no need for me to go any more deeply. I will speak of the entity, the personalities, the reincarnations, the diverse personality fragment groupings, the planes with which you are similar or can understand, and ultimately try to deal with your questions, implied if not spoken, as to where entities came from to begin with."

You're kidding right? Many of us would read the above and then close the book--not knowing even how to approach that paragraph. What does it mean?

And this: "Needless to say, I wanted you to know that there is much more than even this, complexities that are truly astounding, intelligences that operate in what I suppose you would call a gestalt fashion, building blocks of vitalities of truly unbelieveable maturity, awareness, and comprehension. These are the near ultimate [as I understand such things]."

Seth does go on to explain things in terms accessible to us in his books, within the framework of our lives here on planet earth. What I have found is a warmth and caring that comes through in the work--the reassurances, the joy he has for life, and the faith he has in all of us as we are a part of what he is. We have value as does he.

"This material should not make you feel unimportant or insignificant. The framework is so woven that each particle [of consciousness] is dependent upon every other. The strength of one adds to the strength of all. The weakness of one weakens the whole. The energy of one recreates the whole. The striving of one increases the potentiality of everything that is, and this places great responsibility on every consciousness."

He ends the session with this statement: "I would even advise a double reading of the above sentence, for it is a keystone, and a vital one. Rising to challenges is a basis for existence in every aspect of existence. It is the developer of all abilities, and at the risk of being trite, it is the responsibility of even the most minute particle of consciousness to use its own abilities, and all of its abilities, to the utmost. Upon the dgree to which this is done rests the power and coherence of everything that is."

Hopefully you can see, the message Seth sends is important (understatement, right?) I guess it is not so important that everyone read or have access to the Seth books, but that everyone's lives are lived to the fullest regardless of religion or dogma or philosophy subscribed to. I just know that these books have been a revelation and have opened up my intellect as well as vitally touching my non-intellectual self.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Seth's (Our) many lives and deaths

Speaking on his past lives (From Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul) Seth says a number of important things about the nature of reincarnation in Chapter 22.

He has lived many lives as both a male and female--in luxury, in squalor--many different races--he experienced the vast range of human existence. He says that those personalities--those lives he's lived-- still exist and are independent of him now. He likens it to age regression under hypnosis, though his other selves or personalities are not locked up within him, but have progressed according to their own dictates. They coexist with him, but at another layer of reality.

So the question that arises, for me, is how does a life that has been lived "progress according to it's own fashion"? Earlier in the week I wrote about how what we do in the present moment can affect the past as well as the future. I think this is what Seth is blatantly hinting at. A life or existence is never static--never done--is constantly evolving--even after the physical body is "gone". As we are constantly changing, our changes--choices--triumphs and failures--happening now--are known to our other selves. And vice-versa--our other selves continue to develop in their own ways, though this is mostly not consciously known by us. Yet our inner self knows of all of this--it has quite the stockpile of knowledge and experience--and shares it with us through our intuition, or through self exploration, dream examination etc.

Seth says he was never surprised by any of his many deaths, and that he felt during the process "the inevitability, the recognition, and even a sense of familiarity.......The life could not be finished properly without the death."

He goes on to give a further reassuring paragraph: "There is a great sense of humility, and yet a great sense of exaltation, when the inner self senses it's freedom when death occurs. All my deaths were the compliment of my lives, in that it seemed to me that it could not be otherwise."

And this: "If I choose, in your terms, I can relive any portion of those existences, but those personalities go their own way."

Seth shared his experiences with us to let us know how it is for all of us. Knowing this, then, how does it affect the way you think about your life now? For me, it has greatly lightened the load. If I have had a dark place where the fears of death have been harbored, this knowledge has been a bright torch--Seth's words have provided a link to within myself where these inherent truths have been all along.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Reincarnation-can we deny it?

This poem was written by Jane Roberts before delivering an important session about the "beginning" of everything from Seth in Nov. 1979:

If there is no life after life,

then what cosmic spendthrift formed

the universe,

for Chance alone can't be

that prolific, or fake an order in which

an accident of such proportions

as the creation of a world

seems so inevitable,

each random element

falling pat, into place,

and each consciousness promptly appearing

with body parts all neatly assembled--

only to be squandered,

falling apart, dissolving into nothingness

while Chance grinds out newer odds.

If there is no life after life,

then what a lack

of cosmic economy,

for nature strings one molecule

on to another so craftily

that each seed can grow a tree,

and contains the properties

of an entire forest,

while multiplications

are hidden everywhere.

(See Dreams, Evolution, and Value Fulfillment Vols. 1 and 2 for more on reincarnation, and "the beginning".)

Jane's poem voices concerns about the mysteries we've all pondered. For me, the idea that everything is random, undirected, and ultimately destroyed and rebuilt from scratch is hard to believe. Rather, the innate intelligence of everything that is--our cells, our thoughts, the natural world--because it has sprung from the same source, grows with each experience, and overall, each incarnation. The vast intricacies of life--everything that is, has been, will be--has sprung from and retains the essence of the source. We're made of good stuff!

BTW, if you are wondering why Jane and Rob--why did Seth choose these two psychically- uninitiated artists to be the vehicle for his books, apparently they have been friends and counterparts in several other lives. Whereas Jane and Rob are still on the physical path, Seth has been out of the game so to speak for awhile. Still, the connection he had with the two of them was strong--as was/is Jane and Rob's connection.

More on the intricacies of the Seth-Jane-Rob relationship later.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Deja Vu, again

From The Seth Material by Jane Roberts: "According to Seth all of us have been reincarnated, and when we are finished living our series of earthly lives, we will continue to exist in other systems of reality. In each life we experience conditions that we have chosen beforehand, circumstances and challenges tailored to fit our own needs and develop our own abilities."

How interesting is this? We choose. We are not powerless victims of fate. We are not puppets dancing for an all knowing God that is up there somewhere, outside of ourselves--determining our collective lots in life. We choose the framework of our next incarnation, and do it ahead of time. This apparently happens in that resting place after death--where we take stock of how we've progressed and developed our own unique abilities. We apparently also pick the person/family we are born into. Seth says we often times reincarnate along with one or a few people we have developed ties with throughout our many lives. We may have been Uncle and Nephew in a past existence and reincarnate as mother and son in the next.

This is heartening to me. If you believe this, the fear of death diminishes-- our life-long struggle with the idea of mortality suddenly becomes kind of pointless. And if we don't believe it, it happens anyway. How kind of All That Is (Seth's name for God). I don't know about you, but knowing of this eternal validity--this indestructible essence that we are--makes me soar from within and gives me a joy that is almost inexpressible. How can I believe such a thing? What else should I believe? What could be a better scenario, and why wouldn't All That Is provide the best scenario possible? And truly, reading or hearing these words strikes a chord deep within--the same chord that has been ringing in us and around us since the beginning.

More to come.

Deja Vu or Have I been here before?

Reincarnation. Everyone has had instances of knowing that could not be explained. I had thought about reincarnation's possibilities, but ultimately had no hopes for any kind of life after death. Raised a Catholic, I had left behind that dogma and along with it the heaven and hell concept. For many years I believed the here and now was it for us--and of course all of the eastern religions emphasize being present in the moment--our lives' ultimate focus.

How joyless this existence then if we live with the thought of total annihilation of the soul upon death! How overjoyed, then, was I to read that upon the end of our physical lives infinite possibilities await us. And--AND (another biggie for me)--we keep our individuality--all of the traits and experience we've developed in this life (and the others we've lived). The transition is/can be so seamless that many of us hardly know we've died right away. And what do we transition to? Do we go directly to another body (do not pass go do not collect...), do we experience atonement/heaven/hell etc?

Every being's experience is different (why wouldn't it be). Here are several quotes related to what happens after death from The Seth Learning Center website:

Seth- “(After death) you will find yourself in another form, an image that will appear physical to you to a large degree, as long as you do not try to manipulate within the physical system with it.” (From the book: SETH SPEAKS)

“For those of you who are lazy I can offer no hope: Death will not bring you an eternal resting place. You may rest, if this is your wish, for a while. Not only must you use your abilities after death, however; but you must face up to yourself for those that you did not use during your previous existence.” (From the book: SETH SPEAKS)

“You will reincarnate whether or not you believe that you will. It is much easier if your theories fit reality; but if they do not, you will not change the nature of reincarnation one iota.” (From the book: THE SETH MATERIAL)

“When I tell you that you lived, for example, in 1836, I say this because it makes sense to you now. You live all of your reincarnations at once, but you find this difficult to understand.” (From the book: THE SETH MATERIAL)

(Many of Seth's books speak of the after death experience--The Seth Learning Center has more info also.)

According to Seth we all have had or can have multiple reincarnational lives. Seth alone had countless incarnations--male, female, etc. (I will explain the etc at some point.) And another huge premise that is an underlying truth for all of Seth's teachings is everything is happening simultaneously. Time moves out from the point of power which is now. Everything is a pulse--yogis call it spanda. What we do now not only impacts the future, it also impacts the past. Since our physical reality is based on the concept of linear time, I have not been able to really grasp Seth's time. So I hold it as a theory that I can believe, but not yet understand. Hopefully, through the pursuit of the best understanding one can achieve in this life, I will come to intuit this sense of the ever spacious present that holds past and future lives all simultaneously.

We are not bound to the fates of our other lives--indeed above all we have free will. They can influence us as much as we can influence them--yes we can influence a "past" life and a future incarnation now. And they in turn give us feedback that is used in our daily lives. How does this happen? Apparently much of the exchange and interaction with other selves happens during our dream time, when our conscious self rests and our unconscious self holds sway.

More on reincarnation next time.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Discovering "Seth"

So, thanks to Michael Jahn, my first follower, and--guru re: anything digital--for the little tutorial. Great to have you along!

So, Seth. I first happened on his words in the August 2009 issue of The Sun Magazine. There was an excerpt in the Dog-eared pages, of a larger article printed back in the '70s when Jane and Seth were at it, and gaining some renown. This brief 2-page article riveted me--it struck a nerve and piqued my interest, enough to look for a copy of the book.

Wow! The book Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul, is 480 pages of channelled material. Yep, channelled. The entity that is Seth (he is referred to as a non-physical energy personality essence) dictated this book through Jane Roberts-- a poet and writer--the entirety of which was recorded by hand by Robert Butts, Jane's husband (a painter). What is your first reaction to reading the last sentence? Looney tunes, right? Or someone smoked something really really good for a year and a half while the book was being "written".

I have not been exposed to nor thought much about psychic activity (Ghostbusters is the closest I've come ;-} but then again, Jane Roberts had never been tuned in to that stuff either. Yet, here comes Seth--apparently the first contact came through a Ouija board, and Jane and Rob didn't take it seriously, of course. Yet all these years later and some 10 or 11 books written by Seth and Jane, it is hard not to look into the content and see the brilliance and almost otherworldliness of the words--things no living person could know, nor communicate.

There are audios on YouTube (13 of them) that give a good summary of Eternal Validity of the Soul--click here to visit Seth Speaks Audio 1. The content is remarkable, controversial, and can turn your world upside down. I'll leave you this with then, until next time when I tackle Seth's voluminous thoughts on reincarnation.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Saying hi and explaining why


So this is blogging. It occurred to me one night while reading Dreams, Evolution, and Value Fulfillment--a most excellent Seth and Jane Roberts (and not to forget Rob Butts) book, that I wanted my loved ones to be exposed to the overwhelmingly positive, evocative and useful information I was gorging on. Alas, the tomes are large--a daunting task for the tome non-reader.

It has turned out to be a difficult task to engage in conversations on the magnitude of Seth's info--I have found myself trying to explain things I am still internalizing--and jumping from here to there as each premise is tied to all of the rest. I am better focused and hopefully more eloquent when I write. This blog is an attempt to present Seth's ideas on how we create our own reality, and explore how at least 1 human being living in this spacious present can realize the joy and creativity that is inherent in every cell of her body.

I will put up an excerpt here and there of what I am reading, to begin the conversation. I hope that this is within the legal means with which the internet works. I imagine I will find out.-} Next time I will put up a little something from Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul, and explain how I came upon these mind-expanding works by Jane Roberts.