Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Discovering "Seth"

So, thanks to Michael Jahn, my first follower, and--guru re: anything digital--for the little tutorial. Great to have you along!

So, Seth. I first happened on his words in the August 2009 issue of The Sun Magazine. There was an excerpt in the Dog-eared pages, of a larger article printed back in the '70s when Jane and Seth were at it, and gaining some renown. This brief 2-page article riveted me--it struck a nerve and piqued my interest, enough to look for a copy of the book.

Wow! The book Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul, is 480 pages of channelled material. Yep, channelled. The entity that is Seth (he is referred to as a non-physical energy personality essence) dictated this book through Jane Roberts-- a poet and writer--the entirety of which was recorded by hand by Robert Butts, Jane's husband (a painter). What is your first reaction to reading the last sentence? Looney tunes, right? Or someone smoked something really really good for a year and a half while the book was being "written".

I have not been exposed to nor thought much about psychic activity (Ghostbusters is the closest I've come ;-} but then again, Jane Roberts had never been tuned in to that stuff either. Yet, here comes Seth--apparently the first contact came through a Ouija board, and Jane and Rob didn't take it seriously, of course. Yet all these years later and some 10 or 11 books written by Seth and Jane, it is hard not to look into the content and see the brilliance and almost otherworldliness of the words--things no living person could know, nor communicate.

There are audios on YouTube (13 of them) that give a good summary of Eternal Validity of the Soul--click here to visit Seth Speaks Audio 1. The content is remarkable, controversial, and can turn your world upside down. I'll leave you this with then, until next time when I tackle Seth's voluminous thoughts on reincarnation.

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