Thursday, November 5, 2009

Deja Vu, again

From The Seth Material by Jane Roberts: "According to Seth all of us have been reincarnated, and when we are finished living our series of earthly lives, we will continue to exist in other systems of reality. In each life we experience conditions that we have chosen beforehand, circumstances and challenges tailored to fit our own needs and develop our own abilities."

How interesting is this? We choose. We are not powerless victims of fate. We are not puppets dancing for an all knowing God that is up there somewhere, outside of ourselves--determining our collective lots in life. We choose the framework of our next incarnation, and do it ahead of time. This apparently happens in that resting place after death--where we take stock of how we've progressed and developed our own unique abilities. We apparently also pick the person/family we are born into. Seth says we often times reincarnate along with one or a few people we have developed ties with throughout our many lives. We may have been Uncle and Nephew in a past existence and reincarnate as mother and son in the next.

This is heartening to me. If you believe this, the fear of death diminishes-- our life-long struggle with the idea of mortality suddenly becomes kind of pointless. And if we don't believe it, it happens anyway. How kind of All That Is (Seth's name for God). I don't know about you, but knowing of this eternal validity--this indestructible essence that we are--makes me soar from within and gives me a joy that is almost inexpressible. How can I believe such a thing? What else should I believe? What could be a better scenario, and why wouldn't All That Is provide the best scenario possible? And truly, reading or hearing these words strikes a chord deep within--the same chord that has been ringing in us and around us since the beginning.

More to come.

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