Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Heart sick

Monday morning I arrived to work, put on NPR and heard of the massacre in a small Nigerian village--many many of the women and children were slaughtered as they tried to escape their burning homes. The attackers used machetes to hack the innocents to death. Apparently this action was religiously and politically motivated, and possibly geared towards limiting the Christian ethnic population by targeting the women. I was sick to my stomach all day and evening.

Folks, we have an awful lot of work to do. Now is the time to be beacons of light in a seemingly dark world.

During the Saturday meditation at Camelot (Carla and Jim's place), Carla clarified for me some information channeled back on Feb.11, 2007  about how we have been given extra time to progress as a civilization before the earth totally transitions into 4th density.

The February session revealed some newly worded information about the shift into 4th density vibration. Q'uo* stated that the culture existing on earth was put on a time lateral in quarantine by the Guardians* because we were not progressing quickly enough towards harvest. The reason such a step was taken was due in part to the worries that our earth had been negatively impacted by the addition of so many from Maldek* etc that had destroyed their planets and had to join our third density Earth to continue learning lessons of love. This heavy influx of primitive souls (perhaps not the best terminology) has maybe slowed our progress towards harvest significantly enough to warrant the time lateral and quarantine.

What is this time lateral really? I asked Carla for clarification/her thoughts on this recently. She described the time lateral as a train track running parallel to the main line, and as our planet completes the transition to fourth density, the lateral track may either join it, or be left behind. This lateral track stretches time--elongates time as we know it eeking out every little moment possible to augment the positive. Though Carla said the fight for this lateral train has been a difficult one, as those of the Service to Self path continue their efforts at Empire building, she feels confident that we will reach a tipping point to allow this "rejoining"to happen. Q'uo expressed confidence in this outcome as well. The tipping point may be like Ken Wilber's AQAL tipping point of 10% of the population on a service to others path. (AQAL stands for All Quadrants All Levels---a fascinating "Theory of Everything". If you are so inclined, check out Wilber's website-link above. If you know me you can hit me up for my copy of his book.)

The quarantine (Ra spoke of this in The Law of One material) basically has kept entities from further joining the earth's population, giving we current residents time to work out/chose a positive service to others path. At any rate, in this same session Q'uo maintains the transition will be complete at the winter solstice of 2011--one less year to do our work!

And there is still much work to be done as we can easily see from this past weekend's brutality. A dedication to being the best possible person you can be in this lifetime is all anyone can ask of you. Each and every one of us can add our weight to the scales.

*Q'uo is a group of entities from the Confederation of Planets, consisting of those of Ra, Latwii, and Hatonn representing wisdom from the 4th-6th densities.

*The Guardians-are a group of 24 entities that watch over our planet and our solar system.

*Maldek-a planet of 3rd density in our solar system whose population literally destroyed it due to their technologically advanced warring ways.

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