To those who have not yet discovered their true nature--that of a divine being--the mere idea of such a thing is either blasphemous or absurd. Or both. Yet, your soul and my soul was created from the stuff of God. Everything is. Every ounce of that which is, is of the creator. There is only one primary building block--it can be called love or a consciousness unit--and it is molded in a quadrillion different ways, spun together with light. We are, when reduced to our basic parts, love and light. Preposterous?
In our current roles as humans in this physical life (and beyond this life), we are little aspects of IT, built of IT. The knowledge of our glorious yet mundane (everything else is divine too) beingness flavors everything. Such freedom it can bring! Realization that my soul is/I Am eternal is an ongoing process, as eternity, that gut-twisting brain-twitching concept cannot be truly understood from within a physical point of view. I get closer to understanding when I leave the physical behind for moments during meditation.
So how then do we as "realized" divine beings live in the world today? How does a DB act?
At times I feel like a deer in the headlights, stuck in a place of endless cranial pause, struggling to weigh and balance and make sense of my existence. What is my role in this world now? How best can I use my peculiar talents in day to day life? That's what it is about, isn't it? Our own peculiar talents. We each are a unique aspect of the divine. We are meant to be a unique exploration of creation--we sally forth--an ant leaving the nest.
What have we/do we/will we make of our opportunity to be a creation scout? That is the question of the millennia--the sum of many lives lived. Where are you going with all of your logged being-ness? It seems to me we have an awesome responsibility to be attuned to the task. And as we unique individuals progress so do we all collectively in a sense. As one big seething mass of creation ebbing and flowing our movement does not occur in a vacuum. We are meant to evolve, right from the start. And evolve we will.
So a Divine Being that recognizes itself becomes a beacon in the world. They shine with inner knowledge of the sublime and share their gifts with us all. When you know you are here to be a unique example of All That Is, what is left but to do it and enjoy it and to allow and help fellow DBs create their own joyful existence.
Do you know what your peculiar gifts are, divine being? Please do shine them on me--on us all.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Monday, November 26, 2012
Night Travels
I wake up in the morning, an aspect of myself--a newly blended cocktail of Mary--sometimes shaken sometimes gently stirred, but most always a recognizably different self than the night before. Hmm. What has transpired to bring out this particular aspect of myself--to give me a wicked sense of humor or a light-heartedness or a quiet pensiveness--upon waking?
Our sleeping life is rich and full of living. How does anyone know this? Outside of our 3d world lies many "other" experiences to have. Parallel lives that we are living. Other dimensions in which we reside. I have learned via much study that this life we are having now in physicality is where just one portion of our energy is focused. There are many who can and do lucidly dream and travel during their sleep and do report what they have done and where they have been. Scientific study of astral travel and dream state hijinks is well documented.
The sleep state is a powerful time of liberation from our tightly wound daytime lives. We can learn to direct our "work" during our sleeping hours by intent and by developing a connection to a higher aspect of ourselves--our guides--our pit crew! Some call them our guardian angels. However you choose to think of your team, you can via meditation commune and convey what it is that you desire--inspiration for resolution of some issues in your life, healing, a meet up with a loved one, etc. I know I almost always awake in the morning rejuvenated physically and centered for the day.
What I have been consciously learning for the last 4-5 years is that we have control of our lives (waking and sleeping)--thereby creating our own reality. We are more than than just what we experience with our senses. And that each WE is a complex of energies with widespread universal experience. There is much more to each of us than we can really imagine. A glorious find!
I came across a nice article about the unknown sleeping hours we log every night. Read here Taryn Crimi's Adventures of the Dream State
Our sleeping life is rich and full of living. How does anyone know this? Outside of our 3d world lies many "other" experiences to have. Parallel lives that we are living. Other dimensions in which we reside. I have learned via much study that this life we are having now in physicality is where just one portion of our energy is focused. There are many who can and do lucidly dream and travel during their sleep and do report what they have done and where they have been. Scientific study of astral travel and dream state hijinks is well documented.
The sleep state is a powerful time of liberation from our tightly wound daytime lives. We can learn to direct our "work" during our sleeping hours by intent and by developing a connection to a higher aspect of ourselves--our guides--our pit crew! Some call them our guardian angels. However you choose to think of your team, you can via meditation commune and convey what it is that you desire--inspiration for resolution of some issues in your life, healing, a meet up with a loved one, etc. I know I almost always awake in the morning rejuvenated physically and centered for the day.
What I have been consciously learning for the last 4-5 years is that we have control of our lives (waking and sleeping)--thereby creating our own reality. We are more than than just what we experience with our senses. And that each WE is a complex of energies with widespread universal experience. There is much more to each of us than we can really imagine. A glorious find!
I came across a nice article about the unknown sleeping hours we log every night. Read here Taryn Crimi's Adventures of the Dream State
Friday, November 16, 2012
Pregnant Pauses
Tears indigestion allergies oh my!
This has been a doosie of a week. 11-11 portal Sunday, solar eclipse and new moon on Tuesday. This is not astrological mumbo jumbo folks, but a great powerful combination of energetic punches that can be felt in the gut--or elsewhere depending upon your unique physique. Have you recently experienced any emotional or physical surges, seemingly out of the blue? Crying jags--sneezing jags--digestion issues. Any changes in dietary cravings?
Well it is to be expected when you are pregnant. Yes--we are most certainly giving birth to a new self, physically as well as metaphysically. Our carbon based bodies have been upgrading--slowly--to that of a crystalline structure--the recalibration happening within our cells. Dormant DNA sectors are being awakened which will allow for access to heightened capabilities of telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, etc. This new human template will allow us to live in a higher dimensional world, that of Nova Terra who is upgrading with us.
The transforming energies are coming from the Galactic center, our sun, and the planets and stars of our galaxy and they are coming fast and furious now. I cannot pretend to understand much of what is happening, but I know that we are close to the time of rebirth and reboot of planet earth. Do you feel a quickening? A pregnant pause before something big happens?
These changes are welcome! The cosmos is helping prepare us for a new era of stewardship and unity on a vivid higher vibrating planet. I can almost see earth in her unpolluted glory, healing and healed by unconditional love. It is where I want to be.
I have chosen to go forward into the next phase of our existence, and that means contractions, and birth pains, and the uncomfortable bits of transition. It means facing fears, letting go of old habits, of opening fully to the energies of cosmic upgrade.
Our best coping mechanisms now are going with the flow--recognizing the discomfort and symptoms and pressures for what they are. Great amounts of self love and nurturing are needed for the next many months. Keep the heart open, be fearless. Your beautiful new highly tuned self is emerging--life is full of delightful surprises.
This has been a doosie of a week. 11-11 portal Sunday, solar eclipse and new moon on Tuesday. This is not astrological mumbo jumbo folks, but a great powerful combination of energetic punches that can be felt in the gut--or elsewhere depending upon your unique physique. Have you recently experienced any emotional or physical surges, seemingly out of the blue? Crying jags--sneezing jags--digestion issues. Any changes in dietary cravings?
Well it is to be expected when you are pregnant. Yes--we are most certainly giving birth to a new self, physically as well as metaphysically. Our carbon based bodies have been upgrading--slowly--to that of a crystalline structure--the recalibration happening within our cells. Dormant DNA sectors are being awakened which will allow for access to heightened capabilities of telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, etc. This new human template will allow us to live in a higher dimensional world, that of Nova Terra who is upgrading with us.
The transforming energies are coming from the Galactic center, our sun, and the planets and stars of our galaxy and they are coming fast and furious now. I cannot pretend to understand much of what is happening, but I know that we are close to the time of rebirth and reboot of planet earth. Do you feel a quickening? A pregnant pause before something big happens?
These changes are welcome! The cosmos is helping prepare us for a new era of stewardship and unity on a vivid higher vibrating planet. I can almost see earth in her unpolluted glory, healing and healed by unconditional love. It is where I want to be.
I have chosen to go forward into the next phase of our existence, and that means contractions, and birth pains, and the uncomfortable bits of transition. It means facing fears, letting go of old habits, of opening fully to the energies of cosmic upgrade.
Our best coping mechanisms now are going with the flow--recognizing the discomfort and symptoms and pressures for what they are. Great amounts of self love and nurturing are needed for the next many months. Keep the heart open, be fearless. Your beautiful new highly tuned self is emerging--life is full of delightful surprises.
Friday, November 9, 2012
You Can't Fear AND Love Yourself
I came across this blog post and it resonated loudly with me in this time of final preparations for the new world. With our efforts to release all of the old energies, fears, and limiting beliefs, we find our selves slowly emerging without a recognizable identity--we have purged much of what we have always thought of as "ourselves".
How to act, live, and react to life around us? Do we deny those emotions that still are a part of us in an effort to be god-like? Can we really, as human beings, transcend that which we are? Are we perfect, yet?
Brenda Hoffman's article (this is channeled information but I do not have an idea of who Brenda is receiving from) discusses the great need for all of us now to embrace our true self--a self like no other--a self that is unique, understood, and accepted by us. Suppression of emotions because we think we should no longer have these reactions to situations causes sticking points that can keep us from moving forward. And we don't want that! Let's get it all out in the open.
You Can't Fear AND Love Yourself
You have likely experienced many emotions the past few days – from great joy to fear or perhaps sadness. That is how it should and will be.
You have a range of emotions. Many of which have been hidden for eons – not the least of which is anger.
Perhaps you feel as if you should be blissful at all times – and if you are not, you cannot be a true Lightworker or Wayshower. We beg to differ.
You are a human being – you are not an angel as projected in your images. Perhaps you have worn a bracelet with the letters W.W.J.D. (What would Jesus do?) to help remind you how far askew you are. Or in essence, to punish and judge yourself for not being the perfect entity portrayed in the Bible and other materials.
Granted, a few humans have managed to retain more spiritual knowledge than is true for most. But even those highly spiritual persons were not perfect – as you define perfect.
You have created such a high bar of competence that it is doubtful you will never allow yourself to claim your inner-power.
Perhaps you believe you will become a leader once you experience joy all day. Or you manifest a certain amount of money or objects. Or you find your soul mate or community. All of these excuses – and they are excuses – have been created by you to deny your inner-power.
Eons ago, you gave up your inner-power to blend with earth’s dense atmosphere. You have covered that self-lie with layers of society roles and rules. Now that it is time for you to claim that power, you resort to anything to hide it – including insisting you are not perfect and therefore must wait, for whatever you believe necessary, to label yourself powerful.
Perhaps you have decided that continuous joy is your indicator that you have finally tapped your inner-power. Much like religious leaders of old slept on nail beds or otherwise punished themselves for not being perfect. And of course, many of you do have histories of religious leadership and following – all of which contribute to your belief that you can never be perfect and therefore, never claim your power.
What if through the eons, you denied your power by not expressing anger or exploring similar pieces of your emotional rainbow? Does denial of any emotion make you more powerful?
You are powerful because you accept you in all of your colors and emotions.
Accepting and relishing your imperfections is how you learn who you are.
When you deny your totality of being – as many are now doing – you deny your inner-power to be in all of your glory and you remain more comfortable in the third dimension than any other.
We do not mean to frighten you. We are merely pointing out that accepting and loving your totality is step one in moving into the fourth and beyond dimensions. This you cannot do if you maintain beliefs of how you should act based on the actions of others – whether Jesus or a serial killer. You are you.
Many worry that if you explore your personal anger you will never find bliss. That you will be filled with rage. Does that thought not indicate you do not trust yourself? That you feel you should monitor and shackle yourself until you are the perfection you want to be?
Perfection is you – no one else. How can you fear and yet love yourself? What terrible actions are you afraid of once you allow your full range of emotions?
We have long discussed your movement into joy. We have even pointed out how to experience and express joy. And so you have. Indeed, your actions cleared Old Age global fears, hatred, sadness and similar uncomfortable feelings. You have not noted that shift yet in your media and institutions, but then you did not note when you moved earth into the New Age either. You have completed both tasks admirably.
Now it is time for you to review your needs and interests. If you have held back emotions for eons to better fit with humanity, to be a religious leader or for whatever reason, perhaps you need to feel some of those emotions. If so, your inner-being will direct you accordingly.
Because you have cleared the global emotions of that ilk, your deepest anger will be less dense, less fearful than would have been true a few months ago. It is the difference between the anger of a two-year-old and that of a mass murderer. A two-year-old can do little harm to himself or others because adults are monitoring his rage. So it is for you. Your splinters, inner-being, higher-self and guardian angels are monitoring your deepest, darkest reactions – knowing that you must clear them before you can rest. Just as is true for an exhausted two-year-old.
Some of you are angry for you feel as if you have cleared and cleaned for months – so you have. Perhaps you have nothing more to clear. That is wonderful. But if you happen to be one of those who has not allowed your being to fully express the emotions that are now dimensioned, such as anger and fear, allow yourself to do so. It is a temporary process that will help you move into the bliss you have dreamed of for eons.
The New Age is an age of joy. Part of that joy is allowing yourself to be in all of your beauty and glory. Fear and anger remain part of your rainbow of emotions, albeit on a diminished level. It is finally safe for you to explore those emotions as directed by your inner-being – without the repercussions that were probable before your global clearing of fear.
Allowing yourself to be moves you into bliss.
You cannot be fully of the New Age if you are frightened of yourself. A two-year-old is never frightened of their actions, unless an adult punishes them for being themselves. So it is for you now. Your punishment days are over. Hiding your true inner-power is over. Your god/goddess state is complete – that is, if you allow it to be by being yourself – not Jesus, an angel, care giver or victim – but yourself in all your glory.
Allow yourself to be and you will be more powerful than you can now imagine. Continue to limit your emotions and you will be spinning your New Age wheels for some time. So be it. Amen.
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