To those who have not yet discovered their true nature--that of a divine being--the mere idea of such a thing is either blasphemous or absurd. Or both. Yet, your soul and my soul was created from the stuff of God. Everything is. Every ounce of that which is, is of the creator. There is only one primary building block--it can be called love or a consciousness unit--and it is molded in a quadrillion different ways, spun together with light. We are, when reduced to our basic parts, love and light. Preposterous?
In our current roles as humans in this physical life (and beyond this life), we are little aspects of IT, built of IT. The knowledge of our glorious yet mundane (everything else is divine too) beingness flavors everything. Such freedom it can bring! Realization that my soul is/I Am eternal is an ongoing process, as eternity, that gut-twisting brain-twitching concept cannot be truly understood from within a physical point of view. I get closer to understanding when I leave the physical behind for moments during meditation.
So how then do we as "realized" divine beings live in the world today? How does a DB act?
At times I feel like a deer in the headlights, stuck in a place of endless cranial pause, struggling to weigh and balance and make sense of my existence. What is my role in this world now? How best can I use my peculiar talents in day to day life? That's what it is about, isn't it? Our own peculiar talents. We each are a unique aspect of the divine. We are meant to be a unique exploration of creation--we sally forth--an ant leaving the nest.
What have we/do we/will we make of our opportunity to be a creation scout? That is the question of the millennia--the sum of many lives lived. Where are you going with all of your logged being-ness? It seems to me we have an awesome responsibility to be attuned to the task. And as we unique individuals progress so do we all collectively in a sense. As one big seething mass of creation ebbing and flowing our movement does not occur in a vacuum. We are meant to evolve, right from the start. And evolve we will.
So a Divine Being that recognizes itself becomes a beacon in the world. They shine with inner knowledge of the sublime and share their gifts with us all. When you know you are here to be a unique example of All That Is, what is left but to do it and enjoy it and to allow and help fellow DBs create their own joyful existence.
Do you know what your peculiar gifts are, divine being? Please do shine them on me--on us all.
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