Monday, November 26, 2012

Night Travels

I wake up in the morning, an aspect of myself--a newly blended cocktail of Mary--sometimes shaken sometimes gently stirred, but most always a recognizably different self than the night before. Hmm. What has transpired to bring out this particular aspect of myself--to give me a wicked sense of humor or a light-heartedness or a quiet pensiveness--upon waking?

Our sleeping life is rich and full of living. How does anyone know this? Outside of our 3d world lies many "other" experiences to have. Parallel lives that we are living. Other dimensions in which we reside. I have learned via much study that this life we are having now in physicality is where just one portion of our energy is focused. There are many who can and do lucidly dream and travel during their sleep and do report what they have done and where they have been. Scientific study of astral travel and dream state hijinks is well documented.

The sleep state is a powerful time of liberation from our tightly wound daytime lives. We can learn to direct our "work" during our sleeping hours by intent and by developing a connection to a higher aspect of ourselves--our guides--our pit crew! Some call them our guardian angels. However you choose to think of your team, you can via meditation commune and convey what it is that you desire--inspiration for resolution of some issues in your life, healing, a meet up with a loved one, etc. I know I almost always awake in the morning rejuvenated physically and centered for the day.

What I have been consciously learning for the last 4-5 years is that we have control of our lives (waking and sleeping)--thereby creating our own reality. We are more than than just what we experience with our senses. And that each WE is a complex of energies with widespread universal experience. There is much more to each of us than we can really imagine. A glorious find!

I came across a nice article about the unknown sleeping hours we log every night. Read here Taryn Crimi's Adventures of the Dream State

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