Friday, January 22, 2010

Change the world?

Hi All. I have been feeling an urgent evangelistic sense lately (this blog is obviously a part of it). The word Evangelist usually makes the hair on my neck stand up, so it is not de rigeur for me to want to talk on about anything. Yet now it seems critical to get the word out about our future--about our shift in consciousness. I think many of us have a tendency to want to change the world. We blog so we have the opportunity to reach millions (I have at least 4 readers, of course not all in one day ;-}. Well, "survey says" most of us are not world changers--but we do not have to be.

When you/if you are aware of the unity of all that is--you begin to realize that changes made within your own self are changes that affect everything.

I found this wonderful quote (courtesy of a fellow seeker, illustrating a point) that speaks beautifully to this subject.

"When I was young and free and my imagination had no limits, I dreamed of changing the world. As I grew older and wiser, I discovered the world would not change, so I shortened my sights somewhat and decided to change only my country. But it too seemed immovable. As I grew into my twilight years, in one last desperate ...attempt, I settled for changing only my family, those closest to me, but alas they would have none of it. And now as I lay on my deathbed, I suddenly realize: If I had only changed myself first, then by example I might have changed my family. From their inspiration and encouragement, I would then have been able to better my country and who knows, I may have even changed the world."

Written on the tomb of an Anglican Bishop (1100 A.D.)in the Crypts of Westminster Abbey

Ultimately we should work to be the best we can be, in our own capacity--and become an example that we ourselves can admire. "Good" work on yourself = "good" work for all.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

His Big TOE

I came across a wonderful video presentation by NASA Physicist Thomas Campbell called "My Big TOE" based on his book of the same name. For you science geeks out there, or those who require/enjoy a good scientific discourse, check out Campbell's TOE or Theory Of Everything. There are 18 parts to his London presentation shown here on YouTube, but the time will fly.

This Theory of Everything is an attempt to unify Philosophy, Physics, and Metaphysics. Eureka! No wonder I was drawn to this work! This scientist with a head full of white hair, discusses the nature of reality in terms of consciousness--and the video really does logically and scientifically explain the normal and the paranormal, mind and matter, physics and metaphysics, and philosophy and theology. He speaks in terms that can be easily understood by the average Jane or Joe.

If you remember my mention of Seth's Consciousness units (see Dec. 4, 2009), Campbell corroborates the existence of such units and goes on to say that consciousness constitutes the larger reality in which we exist. He worked with Bob Monroe, author of many books including Journeys Out of The Body, while working as a young physicist with NASA.

Some notes I took from the presentation on the basics:

Consciousness is the media of reality
Information is the content of reality
Entropy is the evolutionary motivator of consciousness
Entropy--lower the entropy (greater organization) increase interaction of consciousness units--resulting in experience
As we experience we evolve--evolution directs change to more profitable states of being.
Above all, Free will is key! The decisions we make freely shape our experience and guide our evolution.
And the big guy--Albert Einstein--in his later years came to the realization that space does not have an independent existence--rather it is a function of our conceptual scheme (mind).

This is such a detailed presentation that I cannot begin to tackle it here. I highly recommend these videos to anyone who finds this stuff interesting--Campbell imparts a wealth of information. It feels to me like mainstream vindication for all of the "new age" ideas many have been writing about.

His books are available here:

Are you a wanderer?

I have only recently come across this idea of wanderers. It is fascinating and makes sense in the overall scheme of reincarnation and soul evolution. There is almost no better place than good old earth with it's free will, billions of souls, and dense catalyst (read--heavy challenges), to work out kinks in your path, to be of service, or both.

Here is a good explanation to get you started, taken from the L/L Research website:

What is a wanderer? Some wanderers are ETs (yes extra terrestrials) who have come from elsewhere to planet Earth for this incarnation or at this time. Many other wanderers are earth natives who have matured spiritually to the point of awakening to their metaphysical identity, thereby making the worldly identity less real, and creating the sense of being a stranger in a strange land. Both types of wanderers are in the same situation here on Earth now, in that they often don’t fit in well here, for their inner universe has shifted, and the “real” world for them has shifted from the earthly world to the aesthetic and ethical innerness of the metaphysical world.

Wanderers are each unique and come in all shapes and sizes, but their likeliest common characteristics are a sense of alienation and isolation as they make choices of how to live and be, and cope with a strong and increasing inner knowing that they are here to serve. The lesson and mission that all wanderers have in common is to give and receive love. Their common service is to be themselves, in as true and deep a way possible in each moment, as they are working on this life lesson. The main mission is a ministry of being, of living in the open heart that is the deepest self of all beings within incarnation here. They are light anchorers, bringing light through into the earth planes as they breathe in and breath out with an open and loving heart.

To be able to incarnate here at this time, an entity from a higher plane must take on our physicality, as well as the veiling that we currently endure. That's alot to undertake. So if you are indeed a wanderer you may not know it--and you may spend your lifetime regaining knowledge you left behind. (Hence the alienation/isolation/inner-outer conflicts). Risky business. But when you do manage to break through and realize unity consciousness once again, then you have service to perform to planet Earth.

[Seth also spoke of this phenomenon/situation, but called these service oriented beings "Speakers". Jane Roberts and Robert Butts were Speakers/Wanderers. Both Ra and Seth gave numbers in the millions when queried as to how many of such persons were currently on the planet. Remember, those channeled connections happened in the 1970s and 80s. We can infer that there are even more Speakers among us today. YOU very well could be a Wanderer.]

“For each, the ship upon which each finds herself is without a lodestone or rudder. But, rather, there is a sail which may be moved about by the seeker to catch the winds of spirit. Once one has been able, even for a short time, to run before the wind of spirit and to feel the sails billow, one has become able to recognize what it feels like to be in the rhythm and in the rightness of things. For truly we say to you, to the best of our knowledge, each has a destiny. Each has a mission. Each has come into incarnation with gifts to share, with a mission to fulfill, a service to do, and with learning to accomplish. The learning is always about love. The serving is always about trusting in the rightness of the moment.”

For more information on the phenomenon of the visiting wanderer, click here for The Wanderer's Handbook written by Carla Rueckert--the lady who channeled the RA material back in the 80's--and who lives in my town. I would love to meet her someday.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


The Mayans had it figured out, or so it seems. Thanks to friends Kathy and Rhonda for steering me towards the website of Carl Johan Calleman--Mayan scholar. He has written and spoken on the changes we are seeing in our current time, based on predictions made thousands of years ago by the ancient Mayans. A good summary of these predictions is here 9.9.9 and the Mayan Calendar.
The Mayans were attuned to the evolution of consciousness and it seems, had some help from beings not of this world in gaining such knowledge. (The Ra group and others, speak to this.) What we are approaching and what I've been writing about as of late is called in their terms "unity consciousness".

Calleman writes, "From what we may understand of the Mayan calendar the unity consciousness will set an end to all forms of dominance of one human over another and especially those generated by the left brain. What this likely will mean is that instruments of dominance, such as the current financial system, weapons, national borders and many other structures upholding authority in this process will come to crumble as an effect of this unity consciousness coming into existence and so conclude with the birth of a new world where a divine harmony characterize the human relations. This end to dominance will also affect the relationship between the genders on a global scale that as a result will profoundly shift. Needless to say, there will never be any return to business as usual. Instead we will need to approach the birth of the new world consciously and with an intention of co-creating it in a positive sense and not just react to the various difficulties that lie ahead. I believe that such a collective intention of co-creating the new world will be the best way of easing the consequences of these difficulties."

The most important thing I took from this article--above all-- is this: "I believe that behind these cosmic forces, whose times of activation are described by the Mayan calendar, is an intelligent plan for the history of humanity that comes from a higher source and has a benevolent intention".

I believe this too, and I feel it is most important to remember this going forward in the next years. Fear is, of course, counterproductive. It is easy to be fearful of the unknown. To combat fear, remember always the benevolence and intelligence of All That Is--our ultimate engineer. What is coming can/should be/is intuitively known by each of us. We can all sense the breaking point ahead--the desperate need for change. The freedom from a one-sided society--the scales of which tip further and further away from the average citizen. We as a people cannot be sustained while on this trajectory.

The Mayans knew it. I wonder how many of them are still around today to help in these important transitional wondrous times? Could they/there be reincarnated wanderers among us? Next time--wanderers explained.

Monday, January 18, 2010

2012 threshold to 4th Density

Ok, so there is all of this talk about the upcoming shift in consciousness. We know our current experiences, the consciousness we work with daily, so what lies ahead?

All life seeks. It is natural that we would progress upwards-evolving towards a state of wholeness. It is called awakening and ascension--this upward spiral of our consciousness. Now, we are limited in our self knowledge--our true identities masked from us. These many thousands of years--this 3rd density of human development on earth--has been a kindergarten of learning and self realization. What about ourselves are we meant to learn? Basically our unity with all life--other people (other selves)--animals-- plants--the earth. We are all (in this earthly illusion) distinct forms of ALL That Is.

We have (most of us) heard this before. But how often do we have the visceral knowledge of our unity? Well, that visceral knowledge is coming. Here is how the Ra group explains our next level of consciousness.

Questioner: Thank you. Is it possible for you to give a short description of the conditions in the fourth density?

Ra: I am Ra. We ask you to consider as we speak that there are not words for positively describing fourth density. We can only explain what is not and approximate what is. Beyond fourth density our ability grows more limited until we become without words. That which fourth density is not: it is not of words, unless chosen. It is not of heavy chemical vehicles for body complex activities. It is not of disharmony within self. It is not of disharmony within peoples. It is not within limits of possibility to cause disharmony in any way. Approximations of positive statements: it is a plane of type of bipedal vehicle which is much denser and more full of life; it is a plane wherein one is aware of the thought of other-selves; it is a plane wherein one is aware of vibrations of other-selves; it is a plane of compassion and understanding of the sorrows of third density; it is a plane striving towards wisdom or light; it is a plane wherein individual differences are pronounced although automatically harmonized by group consensus.

Interesting eh? I for one cannot imagine this transparency of 4th density, but how freeing is this? A "plane of type of bipedal vehicle" means we will still inhabit similar physical bodies. Our knowledge of each other becomes, it seems, visceral, as we have knowledge of the essence of each other, and ourselves. Fourth density seems to be a "nirvana" to be aspired to and then welcomed. It is obviously not something to fear, so neither must the transition hold a sense of foreboding. We are standing in/at the threshold. Can anything be more exciting?

Tangents--or are they?

Wow--it's been almost a month since my last post. This has been time spent deeply in thought and continued exploration. I veered from my voracious ingestion of Seth information to look into some other interesting but related information.  

Tangent 1~ 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl by Daniel Pinchbeck which very lucidly explores the upcoming transition of earth consciousness, crop circles, and Shamanic mind-expanding rituals. A very interesting read if you are actively and with awareness, riding this wave.

Tangent 2~ The Ra Material--The Law of One--Sessions 1-106. I am currently on session 90. If you should choose to embark on this adventure in channeled information, I would love to know your thoughts and feelings on this mega-dense material. I have found it slow going--(unusual as my nature is to tear through things).

One thing I have found as I seek as many viewpoints as possible, is the common threads running through all. The metaphysical pundits all seem to agree that we are in the process of a convergence--a planetary evolution in consciousness. Evolving, is the actual planet itself, as well as all of the inhabitants-- animals and plants included. What is left to speculation seems to be how it will go down.

Nothing is yet set in stone. Will the transition happen in a blink of an eye, or will it be gradual? Will a penultimate cataclysmic event end the civilization's reign facilitating the transition or will it happen in another way? Ra speaks to this question in almost contradictory terms, at one point saying that the transition will happen as precisely as clockwork and then mentions that it could take 100-700 years, although this longer time frame seems incorrect to Ra because of the volatility of our civilization.

Apparently, vague is in. But vague keeps us "in the game" and not resigned one way or the other. Ra does not show all of their cards so to speak to safeguard our freedom to make our own choices. Seth does the same thing--his efforts to teach us about reality are extensive, yet he keeps some things hidden and for the seeker to determine.

Next time I will share the Ra group's description of what lies ahead in the next "density".