Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Are you a wanderer?

I have only recently come across this idea of wanderers. It is fascinating and makes sense in the overall scheme of reincarnation and soul evolution. There is almost no better place than good old earth with it's free will, billions of souls, and dense catalyst (read--heavy challenges), to work out kinks in your path, to be of service, or both.

Here is a good explanation to get you started, taken from the L/L Research website:

What is a wanderer? Some wanderers are ETs (yes extra terrestrials) who have come from elsewhere to planet Earth for this incarnation or at this time. Many other wanderers are earth natives who have matured spiritually to the point of awakening to their metaphysical identity, thereby making the worldly identity less real, and creating the sense of being a stranger in a strange land. Both types of wanderers are in the same situation here on Earth now, in that they often don’t fit in well here, for their inner universe has shifted, and the “real” world for them has shifted from the earthly world to the aesthetic and ethical innerness of the metaphysical world.

Wanderers are each unique and come in all shapes and sizes, but their likeliest common characteristics are a sense of alienation and isolation as they make choices of how to live and be, and cope with a strong and increasing inner knowing that they are here to serve. The lesson and mission that all wanderers have in common is to give and receive love. Their common service is to be themselves, in as true and deep a way possible in each moment, as they are working on this life lesson. The main mission is a ministry of being, of living in the open heart that is the deepest self of all beings within incarnation here. They are light anchorers, bringing light through into the earth planes as they breathe in and breath out with an open and loving heart.

To be able to incarnate here at this time, an entity from a higher plane must take on our physicality, as well as the veiling that we currently endure. That's alot to undertake. So if you are indeed a wanderer you may not know it--and you may spend your lifetime regaining knowledge you left behind. (Hence the alienation/isolation/inner-outer conflicts). Risky business. But when you do manage to break through and realize unity consciousness once again, then you have service to perform to planet Earth.

[Seth also spoke of this phenomenon/situation, but called these service oriented beings "Speakers". Jane Roberts and Robert Butts were Speakers/Wanderers. Both Ra and Seth gave numbers in the millions when queried as to how many of such persons were currently on the planet. Remember, those channeled connections happened in the 1970s and 80s. We can infer that there are even more Speakers among us today. YOU very well could be a Wanderer.]

“For each, the ship upon which each finds herself is without a lodestone or rudder. But, rather, there is a sail which may be moved about by the seeker to catch the winds of spirit. Once one has been able, even for a short time, to run before the wind of spirit and to feel the sails billow, one has become able to recognize what it feels like to be in the rhythm and in the rightness of things. For truly we say to you, to the best of our knowledge, each has a destiny. Each has a mission. Each has come into incarnation with gifts to share, with a mission to fulfill, a service to do, and with learning to accomplish. The learning is always about love. The serving is always about trusting in the rightness of the moment.”

For more information on the phenomenon of the visiting wanderer, click here for The Wanderer's Handbook written by Carla Rueckert--the lady who channeled the RA material back in the 80's--and who lives in my town. I would love to meet her someday.

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