I came across a wonderful video presentation by NASA Physicist Thomas Campbell called "My Big TOE" based on his book of the same name. For you science geeks out there, or those who require/enjoy a good scientific discourse, check out Campbell's TOE or Theory Of Everything. There are 18 parts to his London presentation shown here on YouTube, but the time will fly.
This Theory of Everything is an attempt to unify Philosophy, Physics, and Metaphysics. Eureka! No wonder I was drawn to this work! This scientist with a head full of white hair, discusses the nature of reality in terms of consciousness--and the video really does logically and scientifically explain the normal and the paranormal, mind and matter, physics and metaphysics, and philosophy and theology. He speaks in terms that can be easily understood by the average Jane or Joe.
If you remember my mention of Seth's Consciousness units (see Dec. 4, 2009), Campbell corroborates the existence of such units and goes on to say that consciousness constitutes the larger reality in which we exist. He worked with Bob Monroe, author of many books including Journeys Out of The Body, while working as a young physicist with NASA.
Some notes I took from the presentation on the basics:
Consciousness is the media of reality
Information is the content of reality
Entropy is the evolutionary motivator of consciousness
Entropy--lower the entropy (greater organization) increase interaction of consciousness units--resulting in experience
As we experience we evolve--evolution directs change to more profitable states of being.
Above all, Free will is key! The decisions we make freely shape our experience and guide our evolution.
And the big guy--Albert Einstein--in his later years came to the realization that space does not have an independent existence--rather it is a function of our conceptual scheme (mind).
This is such a detailed presentation that I cannot begin to tackle it here. I highly recommend these videos to anyone who finds this stuff interesting--Campbell imparts a wealth of information. It feels to me like mainstream vindication for all of the "new age" ideas many have been writing about.
His books are available here: http://www.mybigtoe.com/
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