Tuesday, January 19, 2010


The Mayans had it figured out, or so it seems. Thanks to friends Kathy and Rhonda for steering me towards the website of Carl Johan Calleman--Mayan scholar. He has written and spoken on the changes we are seeing in our current time, based on predictions made thousands of years ago by the ancient Mayans. A good summary of these predictions is here 9.9.9 and the Mayan Calendar.
The Mayans were attuned to the evolution of consciousness and it seems, had some help from beings not of this world in gaining such knowledge. (The Ra group and others, speak to this.) What we are approaching and what I've been writing about as of late is called in their terms "unity consciousness".

Calleman writes, "From what we may understand of the Mayan calendar the unity consciousness will set an end to all forms of dominance of one human over another and especially those generated by the left brain. What this likely will mean is that instruments of dominance, such as the current financial system, weapons, national borders and many other structures upholding authority in this process will come to crumble as an effect of this unity consciousness coming into existence and so conclude with the birth of a new world where a divine harmony characterize the human relations. This end to dominance will also affect the relationship between the genders on a global scale that as a result will profoundly shift. Needless to say, there will never be any return to business as usual. Instead we will need to approach the birth of the new world consciously and with an intention of co-creating it in a positive sense and not just react to the various difficulties that lie ahead. I believe that such a collective intention of co-creating the new world will be the best way of easing the consequences of these difficulties."

The most important thing I took from this article--above all-- is this: "I believe that behind these cosmic forces, whose times of activation are described by the Mayan calendar, is an intelligent plan for the history of humanity that comes from a higher source and has a benevolent intention".

I believe this too, and I feel it is most important to remember this going forward in the next years. Fear is, of course, counterproductive. It is easy to be fearful of the unknown. To combat fear, remember always the benevolence and intelligence of All That Is--our ultimate engineer. What is coming can/should be/is intuitively known by each of us. We can all sense the breaking point ahead--the desperate need for change. The freedom from a one-sided society--the scales of which tip further and further away from the average citizen. We as a people cannot be sustained while on this trajectory.

The Mayans knew it. I wonder how many of them are still around today to help in these important transitional wondrous times? Could they/there be reincarnated wanderers among us? Next time--wanderers explained.

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