Tuesday, December 4, 2012

"Releasing the Habit of Time"

I have written about the illusion of time before in my blog. I have posted different thoughts from interesting sources regarding the validity (or not) of time and space. Of course this linear time and space reality that we are currently participating in is what we know--deeply and steadfastly.  We are born and our lives span years of growing and learning--all measured on the clock and calendar and on our bodies. Time controls our lives. 

Well certainly it seems that way, but what if I were to tell you that time is an artificial construct? That time is not a fundamental property of the universe. In my October post, The Present Moment--At the Brink of the Falls,  I speak about the power of NOW--that NOW is really all there is and any concept of time is part of the structure of our 3rd dimensional dualistic reality. Now, time (and its sidekick, space) in their very essence, do not promote unity. They are parameters of physicality-- of differentiation--of "that there and this here". Physical things need time and space to manifest.

Think of a computer program--a video game, programmed to transport you to a whole other reality in which you interact according to the rules of the game. That game is a sub reality and certainly does not encompass your day to day waking reality. So then, our day to day reality is a sub-reality of a greater more unified/rarified reality. And so it goes on up the spiral.

This greater reality that encompasses our 3d lives exists outside of time as we know it. That's why we can't see it, although we are already a part of this higher dimensional reality--at least aspects of ourselves are there. So what keeps us from really knowing and connecting to a higher broader spectrum of life?

We have this little habit called TIME. And, we have beliefs that keep us from exploring that which is not governed by time. We are weirded out by the paranormal--by the unexplainable. By the idea of other beings coexisting with us extra-dimensionally. The whole movement of humanity into a higher state of consciousness, what has been called Ascension, has been a process seemingly governed by time, strewn with calendar dates--markers of progress.

It need not be. An excerpt here written by Suzanne Lie discusses how time is a trap keeping us from that connection to our greater selves.

“We have come to you in your NOW to inform you that you can simply shift your attention to the ascended reality in which you already live. It is not your challenge to change your world. Your challenge is to change your own beliefs. Your long journey through the physical realm has taught you that change is an extended, sequential process. However, all change into the higher worlds is immediate.

During our experience of physical incarnations, we were also “trapped in time.” Because of our experience, we know how difficult it is to escape that illusion. The secret is, instead of focusing on the step-by-step shift of your sequential world; focus on changing your mind and your beliefs.

We realize that your measured ascension process has allowed you to gradually adjust your thinking out of the “3D time-trap” and into a new way of perceiving reality. We tell you NOW to release that prop. During your myriad earthly incarnations, you formed the habit of believing that which you needed to tell yourself to avoid being afraid. Unfortunately, this meant that you where not telling yourself the TRUTH. 

In order to re-align your consciousness with your SELF who is already ascended, you believed you needed to live the “time” that you believed it would take for you to “deserve” and/or “achieve” this alignment. We tell you NOW that YOU have already deserved and achieved that which you seek. Thus, you no longer need to give yourself time to be good enough to ascend."
Now, more than ever before, is an opportunity to step outside of time and connect to the higher aspects of ourselves. We have been "biding our time" waiting on these heightened galactic energies to help us release the illusion. Suzanne Lie's Arcturian calls this energy a portal:

“In fact, to our perception, this higher frequency of light that is bathing your reality and your consciousness is the portal of which we have so often spoken. This light is the portal out of time. Your test is not to just to enter this portal and accept this light, but to, also, allow this frequency of light to recode your consciousness." 

So what now? How to release TIME? There are so many questions that can flood ones brain about how that release will affect our lives--our families--jobs etc. How do you step out of time yet make it to work on time in the morning? Remember, that video game? From a higher reality we can operate our physical earth self and participate in this time based world, while also residing outside of it. It is a matter of focus and perception. We are fundamentally multi-taskers!

Why would we want to do this? Live in multiple realms simultaneously? Because we can! Because we DO already. It is our nature--we have diversified. So it comes down to finding a way to release limiting beliefs about what we are capable of, of what we deserve, and honoring the amazing multi-dimensional beings that we are, NOW.

Please do go to Suzanne lie's complete article--I have read it three times now and will go back again. It is finally sinking in.....


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