Wednesday, December 26, 2012

A New Level of Attraction

I have noticed lately that I am being pushed away from or pulled towards..... some thing/some event/some one. It is an energetic/feeling thing, not a mind/judgement thing. Interactions with certain people result in a feeling of repulsion--like magnets can repel--that this relationship in its current form no longer serves me. It feels like drag--a hook or heaviness that holds me down. So too with events and situations. Have you felt this recently?

You may say that this happens during the course of living--that we are drawn to others or not--that this is nothing new. And I would say that there is a whole new level of awareness we are developing (actually remembering), and relationships with their resulting energetic fallout have an increased intensity. We are growing more sensitive to our own vibratory levels and to those of others in our life. Why? Because we are being stimulated to awaken to the MORE that we are.

Many people are aware of the universal Law of Attraction---the energies you put out in to the world via thought, emotion, and intention, bring to you exactly what you have been focusing on. Focus on fear, and self defense, and you are likely to draw attacking energies to yourself. In becoming MORE, we REALLY have to take responsibility for our thoughts and emotions--what we put out into the great collective-- because as MORE (multidimensional beings) our collective is intricately connected. It is not so wise to poison the pond from which you drink.

We are now moving towards an increasingly unified world--a world where it is agreed that the needs of the collective are greater (more important) than the needs of the few. So this new level of attraction that many of us are feeling is a natural prelude to co-creation. We are being drawn to those with whom we can create the new world. Those that create drag or a sense of diminishment or chaos in our lives energetically will be released in favor of those that uplift and support and stimulate our betterment.

When we live as a true collective we are all supremely aware of the needs of the group. The group benefits from the experiences and energy of the whole. It is a good thing! A nurturing thing! As our Karmic debts are released and fade away, we are no longer bound to that learning matrix. We are free to move forward and into the next level of the human experiment.

Notice who you are drawn to and who you are not. There is a reason for it and there are great energies now supporting our increased need to find our right place. We all have a niche. Those like us--those with whom we can easily connect, share our niche. We will be seeing more and more of our compadres and ever refining our inter-relatedness. This, as a prelude to our next big undertaking, co-creating the New Earth.

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