Thursday, December 15, 2011

Read the memo

Wow--it has been too long since my last post. Not that anyone has been following....;-\

I am a bus rider--to and from work. This puts me in relatively close proximity to strangers on a daily basis. 

Some days the morning bus environment is a heavy heavy place to be. The atmosphere changes palpably from fresh air to something that presses on you as you find a seat. People keep to themselves. As I settle in for the 12 minute ride, I look around for that spark---shown as an ocular resonance--of joy in its resting state. I look for the projection of contentment. For signs of awareness. Some days are better than others. Some days, the crazies are our best hope.

I realize something in myself---these are my peeps! I care for these people and would take care of them if I could--help them connect back to that spark. Me--the hermit. Basic Tribal Mary stuff I guess.

I also realize that there are fewer of us awake than I had hoped. This brings about a feeling of immense gratitude to have been lucky enough to read the memo. Think "Joy inside my tears" ala Stevie Wonder. (Not that I am emotionally defined.)

But I have not been given a waiver--It also weighs on me--this heaviness that can be sensed in individuals. So much cloaking--my fellow bus riders are adept at putting up the shields--an attitude. On the bus this morning--most had their program face on---so many hiding within defensive postures--so separate. The bus was full, still there were a few who deliberately took up two spaces. Then there was a young girl who gave up her seat for an elderly man. It's all there! Something so simple can be so powerful--both the selfish and unselfish acts ripple outward. If I were keeping score this morning, it would be a 50-50 split. But from the view point of hope, there were probably others there who would have given up a seat, shared a smile or acknowledgement, if the situation allowed it.

Next time you are in a crowd of strangers, take them in. Look, listen, feel what they are putting out. Does it feel right? Does it feel like you? How difficult would it be to make a connection? Practice not having a game face--it is harder than it seems. I continue to work on this every day. Some days are better than others.

*Highlighted words refer to descriptors used in the Human design System.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Messianic Meme

In light of the coming and going of the recent rapture, and the 2012 doomsdayers--positive and negative alike--this article by Carter Phipps called Apocalypse Now, Progressive Style has an interesting take on all of the hullabaloo of the coming world changes.

There is a Part II: No More Messiahs that rounds out Phipps' argument.

Word of the post is eschatological.


[es-kuh-tol-uh-jee] Show IPA
noun Theology .
any system of doctrines concerning last, or final, matters, as death, the Judgment, the future state, etc.
the branch of theology dealing with such matters.
1835–45;  < Greek éschato ( s ) last + -logy

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Terence McKenna on DNA, the I'Ching and more

My son Tommy turned me on to Terence McKenna--the psychedelic scientist.

I have listened to many hours worth of McKenna's lectures--he is amazingly coherent--brilliant--and now, has passed on to the next............. HERE is a youtube link to his last interview (Hawaii, Oct. 1998)--he discusses how the I'Ching is a guidebook to our DNA and many other goodies.

The Human Design system is an amalgamtion of the information provided by the I'Ching, DNA, Kabbala, Astrology, etc. and I found this interview of McKenna's--in particular--to be of mad interest.

Guide to the Perplexed Interdimensional Traveler

Guide to the Perplexed Interdimensional Traveler -an interesting article by Jonathan Zap posted here at  Reality Sandwich--I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The trouble with Self Development

 The following was posted on the Human Design Facebook Group page recently and boy, did it hit home. I have spent the majority of my time in the last couple of years on refining my awareness--so easy to see how the mind can jump in and take control. Human Design is all about decision-making without the mind.

Taken from The Philosophy of the I Ching:

Offered for your contemplation:

“An important difficulty occurs if we mentally decide to dedicate
ourselves to our self-development. Without our noticing it, the ego
has intervened to find ways to regain control. Its first and most
important tactic is to say to us that since we are determined to develop
ourselves, it will join the effort. When we first hear this, we think
that is a good idea. It would, after all, get rid of all that resistance.
We do not recognize, however, that this cannot be, since the whole
purpose and end of self-development is to defeat the ego. This ploy
is only a flattery the ego puts to the true self to regain control. Or,
one might say, the true self has not truly recognized that the ego is
an enemy of the true self. The ego, we soon find, does not seek
merely to join self-development, but to lead it. Once back in charge,
it thinks only of pushing in a straight line to the goal, of forcing its
way by effort and leverage, and substituting a guise of virtuous trying
for a true sincerity. It looks about for comprehensive solutions that
will shortcut the work that needs to be done, or will hide in pre-
structured religions and cults where it will appear to be spiritual
merely by being attached to a group that regards itself as spiritual. If
the true self allows such ego-inspired ambitions, the ego will remain
in control, and the self-development that leads to a true inner
independence will be defeated. The idea that the ego can help in
self-development is a contradiction in terms. The goal cannot be
won by spiritual show, elaborate rituals, or visible sacrifices. Only
through a true modesty can inner strength and a true inner
independence be acquired.”

Monday, March 7, 2011

Do-in and Be-ing

I read a wonderful article--one that really resonated with me--in the Jovian Archive newsletter. Written by contributing couple Leela and Dharmen Swann-Herbert,  Noticing Your Life (overt overtones of  "be in the now"?) discusses how the Human Design System has helped them find success in really noticing the world, each other and discovering their own best way of being.

We are all wired uniquely, yet we judge ourselves and others against a homogenized norm---doers are valued, the work ethic is valued-- initiating action, etc is how we've been raised---while daydreamers are slackers and quiet contemplation is for those chosen cloistered few. 

It is easy to get pulled along in this life--doing as others do, dressing as others dress, eating as others eat. My very own Human Design bodychart has started me on the path to discovering how I've been literally made--how my circuits are set up to respond to stimuli, and the absolute best way to live my life as myself. What could be better than that? What can you really count on to be right for you? As it turns out, we all have an inner authority that we can call on to help with even the most mundane of choices.

My inner authority is sacral--a guttural yes or no pretty much sums it up. Can you imagine how difficult it is to hear the poor neglected sacral voice when you have been rushing and doing. Just how do you slow down?

"Although I saw the value of being rather than doing, it was something that felt unobtainable – that I was too busy, that it would be boring, that I couldn’t actually do it."

Bingo--exactly how I have felt!!!! But as I am relaxing a little into my life, listening closely to what my gut tells me is the right choice (while simultaneously wrestling to quiet the blithering mind) I am slowing the train down long enough to start to recognize the grand savory production that life is.

Dharmen and Leela say:  
Slowly, through the tools of Human Design and self-observation, life became less about what each of us were doing, and more about how each of us experienced our lives. It is this quality of being rather than doing, which fills most of our days now.

For me, disentangling myself from the drama of the day to day and being able to see for myself what it is all about is EXTREMELY valuable. As we head in to the next level of human consciousness, I want to be able to stand for myself with confidence. I want to be aware of it all and engaged in the conversation when I need to be. I believe that the Human Design system will be of great help for many years to come.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Human Design

How valuable is self confidence? What price would you pay to make correct decisions on a daily basis? Would you invest in yourself in a radical way? Delve into Human Design at Jovian Archive--get your free chart and begin a little self discovery. This stuff is incredible--and amazingly right-on.

The Human Design system was received by a Canadian fellow called Ra Uru Hu, and is 

"a synthesis of two streams of science, traditional and modern. The traditional sciences - astrology both eastern and western, the Hindu-Brahmin Chakra system, the Zohar or Kabbalah, and most importantly of all, the I’Ching, the Book of Changes - these are the traditional elements in the synthesis that is Human Design, and combined with the modern science of reading the genetic code, this offers you profound insight into how you are designed to navigate the material world."

Human Design uses your birth data to calculate your design chart, or Bodygraph, which determines your Type and Definition, the key components of the system. The chart provides you with the simple mechanics of Strategy and Authority to experiment with, in order to live and discover your individual and differentiated nature. By simply grasping the surface mechanic, you will have a grounding in this life that is immediately going to bring a difference to your process. The irony of what it is to be a human being is that we are caught at the surface of understanding and accepting our nature and the cosmos around us. It doesn't matter how intelligent we are; there is a vast underlying ignorance of how our bodies operate.
We are passengers in these bodies. We are a passenger consciousness experiencing the life. Buddha taught that the body is not yours. It is not, yet we are totally dependent on it. To learn how to operate in alignment with your own nature immediately brings benefits; this is the moment that you get what is right for you, along with the right relationships, career, environment, and so forth.
In acting on it, in experimenting with its logic, you may discover a remarkable experience of finding and ultimately living your purpose and seeing the beauty of what life holds for you. We invite you to see what your Human Design chart can reveal about you. 

I will be posting more about Human Design as I experience it.