Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Maximum Potential

I wrote the title of this post months ago, then nothing more. I was at the time intrigued by the idea of maximum human potential--body-mind-spirit, spurred by reading Michael Roads book Stepping...Between....Realities. In the book he discovers his Body Elemental--the metaphysical aspect of his physical form. We all have one--a Body Elemental, that is. All creatures do. He named his Body Elemental MAX--for maximum potential--that state of being he sought and that he could really only achieve through communication and guidance with none other than MAX. 

In Michael's terms, maximum potential is the pinnacle of what each of us can uniquely achieve with a united body/mind/spirit complex..... a finely tuned homo sapiens.  I want this (I think), so it is time to consider what that means for me. I haunt myself at times, focused on my tendency to walk the well worn patterns and habits of my life. Are they worn out? Do they no longer serve me? As a friend (and Human Design specialist) reminded, for me, moment by moment is the only way to gauge whether my habits are still correct for me or not. My sacral inner authority (shall we call her MAXine?) knows what is best in every moment. Thinking will not get me there.

The Habits. MAXine says...

Kinder. Gentler. Put aside self blame and doubt, and sketch a bigger picture of the scene. My love of the drink (and now smoking cigars) has given me much pleasure over the years. It has allowed me a voice when I was too shy and insecure to speak. It allowed creativity to flow. It was a tasty crutch; an inhibition freeing mechanism. The stuff of ones social life. It was a balm and an interface between myself and a harsh ungentle world. It was a hermit's companion. It still is.

To balance this reverie, there are the not so great outcomes of drinking--and there have been plenty of them over the years. And sometimes I worry about this.  My mind says Alcohol and spiritual seeking do not mix.  MAXine tells me that she/we can be adversely affected by alcohol consumption, especially if it remains a crutch to bolster confidence or to divert attention from things needing to be addressed. Not to mention our liver......

Honoring the Body Elemental

So now what? We are back to the only place of really knowing--the moment and our inner authority. If I am asked in this moment whether I want a drink or not, the answer will bubble up before I have a chance to think about it. It happens instantly. I can take this answer as my truth and what I can commit to. No, I do not want a drink now, as I sit writing this post. Then again, if asked this evening as I am sitting in my garden, a different answer may arise. Easy and accurate.The only thing muddling this process is when the brain kicks in and begins to judge/manipulate the sacral response. If you have to think about it, you will not likely get a true reading. 

Addiction is mostly if MAXine says no I do not want a drink, but the mind overrides this (because a drink has always been our companion), we take that drink against our intuitive wishes--and therein lies a problem........ 

Maximum Potential

In unfocused moments I feel my pure innocent childhood heart/persona waiting for me to return to it. I can viscerally feel the lightness, and freedom there--the joy of life.  It seems maximum potential has something to do with enabling this reconnection to a higher/purer aspect of self. Moving towards the best you takes work, and dedication. Mind body spirit all at their purest/most refined, working in tandem will put me back into the flow of universal nature.

I sense a time ahead when alcohol will no longer play a role in my adventure. For NOW I will forge a greater relationship with MAXine, which means paying attention and listening to my inner authority.