Sunday, December 30, 2012

It's a Love Thing

What has come to us in these last few weeks and what is straight ahead of us is an amazing transformation of our operating systems. We have downloaded the latest upgrades. My husband and I have noticed a strange and wonderful "happening" in our relationship. There has been a coming together like each of us has never experienced. An unbridled unconditional joy in each other with no barriers, no protective "devices", no conditions.

The 12-12-12 and the 12-21-12 dates have been simply targets for those interested or tuned into the larger picture--dates as a deadline so to speak. Get your acts together--face your fears--declutter your psyche--clean out the basement of your being! Remove and release everything that is of no further use. Why? To make room for the new. Why now? Because it has been decreed that humanity would begin a new age, that humanity would be released from an existential stranglehold, and that humanity would be stimulated to awaken to our own most real value--our eternal essence--our divinity.

So these dates have come and gone. WE have absorbed the light that was graced upon us. I hope that everyone has noticed a little something extra and beautiful in their world. Husband and I are still within the most wonderful of loving states. It occurred to me that we have been shown how union can be and should be--the deepest connection between two beings filled with unconditional love, respect, and laughter. As we go forward, we carry the blueprint of this incredible love-filled time with us. I believe it will be easier to make the choices that keep us in this realm of heightened love and compassion because we have already experienced it, our cells have reconfigured to it, and it is amazing! Who would choose anything different?

I wrote the other day about relationships and attraction, and the opposite of attraction. As WE move forward into 2013 we can solidify those relationships that we most honor. We can bring a new level of support and compassion to our friends and family, committing to this new grace we have revealed within us. President Obama was right. Change is a grassroots operation. And WE all will participate in the remaking of our world--one union at a time.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Reposting Dr. Linda Steiner's wise thoughts on the highly anticipated 12.21.12 events. Here is the link to her wordpress blog page, The Power of Social Consciousness.


Dates, Disappointments, and Divine Patterns

So for many (myself included), 12/21/2012 didn’t bring the explosive and sudden changes we might have anticipated. And as we crossed through this temporal point, many felt let down when comparing what “actually” happened to what we “expected” would happen. But for those who have experienced fallen hearts and disappointments in this disparity – I urge you to take a closer look.

Because of the convergence of scientific and spiritual events piecing together the puzzle of Truth, we can simply look to nature as our guide. When a bud flowers into a blossom, does it happen “instantaneously” – or does it unfold into its self-actualized beingness slowly and gradually?

When the essence of life merges sperm with egg, does it produce a completed and finished new entity in the wink of an eye? No. It takes time to gestate and slowly emerge into its perfect and holistic form. Does the acorn become the mighty oak right before our eyes, or does it undergo its process of transformation according to the laws of nature?
In this same way, I don’t sense that we can expect instantaneous results from our newly Ascended existence. Rather, just like the acorn, the blueprint for our destiny as Ascended beings has been activated.

Now is the time to assimilate our new energies and potentialities. Now is the time to allow it to grow and manifest within us and around us and between us. Just because we did not experience a “dramatic and noticeable” shift – does not mean that it has not taken place. After all, how often will a woman carrying a newly fertilized egg not recognize the event that has, indeed, taken place within her for at least a month’s time?

It is wise to remember that we are moving out of a 3D paradigm where most, if not all, of our attention and resources have been devoted to experiences within a 3D density. For this reason, it is still far easier to recognize the same, old familiar aspects that have governed our current lifetimes than it is to hone in on the newly forming manifestations within and around us. But don’t think for a moment that the change did not – and is not – and will not take its rightful place in this next Divine stage of our evolution.

The seed has been planted. With the new energies now enveloping us, it will be nourished – but we too must take responsibility for nurturing this seedling as it expands into its full glory.

A New Level of Attraction

I have noticed lately that I am being pushed away from or pulled towards..... some thing/some event/some one. It is an energetic/feeling thing, not a mind/judgement thing. Interactions with certain people result in a feeling of repulsion--like magnets can repel--that this relationship in its current form no longer serves me. It feels like drag--a hook or heaviness that holds me down. So too with events and situations. Have you felt this recently?

You may say that this happens during the course of living--that we are drawn to others or not--that this is nothing new. And I would say that there is a whole new level of awareness we are developing (actually remembering), and relationships with their resulting energetic fallout have an increased intensity. We are growing more sensitive to our own vibratory levels and to those of others in our life. Why? Because we are being stimulated to awaken to the MORE that we are.

Many people are aware of the universal Law of Attraction---the energies you put out in to the world via thought, emotion, and intention, bring to you exactly what you have been focusing on. Focus on fear, and self defense, and you are likely to draw attacking energies to yourself. In becoming MORE, we REALLY have to take responsibility for our thoughts and emotions--what we put out into the great collective-- because as MORE (multidimensional beings) our collective is intricately connected. It is not so wise to poison the pond from which you drink.

We are now moving towards an increasingly unified world--a world where it is agreed that the needs of the collective are greater (more important) than the needs of the few. So this new level of attraction that many of us are feeling is a natural prelude to co-creation. We are being drawn to those with whom we can create the new world. Those that create drag or a sense of diminishment or chaos in our lives energetically will be released in favor of those that uplift and support and stimulate our betterment.

When we live as a true collective we are all supremely aware of the needs of the group. The group benefits from the experiences and energy of the whole. It is a good thing! A nurturing thing! As our Karmic debts are released and fade away, we are no longer bound to that learning matrix. We are free to move forward and into the next level of the human experiment.

Notice who you are drawn to and who you are not. There is a reason for it and there are great energies now supporting our increased need to find our right place. We all have a niche. Those like us--those with whom we can easily connect, share our niche. We will be seeing more and more of our compadres and ever refining our inter-relatedness. This, as a prelude to our next big undertaking, co-creating the New Earth.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Existential Letdown

Triple date portals--the end of an age--the seemingly sequential processes of our upcoming ascension into a higher state of consciousness can bring about expectations in the seeker. Those in the higher realms that communicate with us, warn us not to get caught in these cerebral measurements. But it is difficult not to, coming from a life in linear time.

I awoke this morning in a low place. This after a day of meditation and opening to receive the abundant energies we are being showered with. What did I expect? Something wild and wonderful? Some phenomena to occur? Visions. Sensations. Any kind of sign to show I am on the right path?

I did experience some subtle energetic sensations while meditating, had a wonderful feeling of opening, but apparently I was "looking" for more. Expecting more. And the underlying fear is of being passed by. Of not being on the leading edge. Of not having a high enough vibration. And on and on.

As happens when I need it the most, some divine voice finds me, and indeed this morning, I opened an email with the words I needed to hear--things I know in my heart to be true. A gentle reminder that we can get caught up in the process of seeking and totally miss the real show that is staged just for us.

The upside to a letdown

Sometimes we must get to the end of our rope and dangle a bit--scream, thrash, and ultimately give up our struggle--before we are ready to see the real truth. My existential letdown has been a chance for me to recognize (yet again) that my searching nature-- always looking for more info/more insight/more connection--gets in between myself and the prize--Oneness with ALL THAT IS.

Perhaps this well timed message (The Preciousness of Being by Eckhart Tolle) will buoy you like it has lifted me. Thanks to Angela Peregoff's Morning Blessings for delivering this when it was most needed. Goosebumps.

We're here to find that dimension within ourselves that is deeper than thought. 

This teaching isn't based on knowledge, on new interesting facts, new information. The world is full of that already. You can push any button on the many devices you have and get information. You're drowning in information. 

And ultimately, what is the point of it all? More information, more things, more of this, more of that. Are we going to find the fullness of life through more things and greater and bigger shopping malls?
Are we going to find ourselves through improving our ability to think and analyze, and accumulate more information, more stuff? Is "more" going to save the world? It's all form.
You can never make it on the level of form. You can never quite arrange and accumulate all the forms that you think you need so that you can be yourself fully.  Sometimes you can do it for a brief time span. You can suddenly find everything working in your life: your health is good; your relationship is great; you have money, possessions, love, and respect from other people.
But before long, something starts to crumble here or there, either the finances or the relationship, your health or your work or living situation. It is the nature of the world of form that nothing stays fixed for very long - and so it starts to fall apart again.

The voice in the head that never stops speaking becomes a civilization that is obsessed with form, and therefore knows nothing of the most important dimension of human existence: the sacred, the stillness, the formless, the divine. "What does it profit you if you gain the whole world and lose yourself?" 

It has been said that there are two ways of being unhappy: not getting what you want, and getting what you want.  When people attain what the world tells us is desirable - wealth, recognition, property, achievement - they're still not happy, at least not for long. They're not at peace with themselves. They don't have a true sense of security, a sense of finally having arrived.
Their achievements have not provided them with what they were really looking for - themselves. They have not given them the sense of being rooted in life, or as Jesus calls it, the fullness of life. The form of this moment is the portal into the formless dimension. It is the narrow gate that Jesus talks about that leads to life. Yes, it's very narrow: it's only this moment. 

To find it, you need to roll up the scroll of your life on which your story is written, past and future. Before there were books, there were scrolls, and you rolled them up when you were done with them.
So put your story away. It is not who you are. People usually live carrying a burden of past and future, a burden of their personal history, which they hope will fulfill itself in the future. It won't, so roll up that old scroll. Be done with it. 

You don't solve problems by thinking; you create problems by thinking. The solution always appears when you step out of thinking and become still and absolutely present, even if only for a moment. Then, a little later when thought comes back, you suddenly have a creative insight that wasn't there before. 

Let go of excessive thinking and see how everything changes. Your relationships change because you don't demand that the other person should do something for you to enhance your sense of self. You don't compare yourself to others or try to be more than someone else to strengthen your sense of identity. 

You allow everyone to be as they are. You don't need to change them; you don't need them to behave differently so that you can be happy. 
There's nothing wrong with doing new things, pursuing activities, exploring new countries, meeting new people, acquiring knowledge and expertise, developing your physical or mental abilities, and creating whatever you're called upon to create in this world.  It is beautiful to create in this world, and there is always more that you can do. 
Now the question is, Are you looking for yourself in what you do? Are you attempting to add more to who you think you are? Are you compulsively striving toward the next moment and the next and the next, hoping to find some sense of completion and fulfillment?
The preciousness of Being is your true specialness. What the egoic self had been looking for on the level of the story - I want to be special - obscured the fact that you could not be more special than you already are now. Not special because you are better or more wretched than someone else, but because you can sense a beauty, a preciousness, an aliveness deep within. 

When you are present in this moment, you break the continuity of your story, of past and future. Then true intelligence arises, and also love. The only way love can come into your life is not through form, but through that inner spaciousness that is Presence. Love has no form.

Reprinted from Eckhart Tolle's Findhorn Retreat: Stillness Amidst the World, © 2006 by Eckhart Tolle, Eckhart Teachings Inc.

Monday, December 10, 2012

The Game of ROR

The Blue Diamond of the Universe
Adama through Kata, Lemurian Awakening, Dec. 9, 2012

an excerpt: 

"There is this ancient method I am here to introduce you. Let’s call it the “GAME of ROR”. You can do it anytime you feel to. You can easily transform your daily routine into a constant divine operation with this imprint of breathing.

The first breath is to RELEASE all that you do not need anymore. Just release all that creates obstacles to be seen through, all that tries to keep you in your old paradigm, and all that stops you from seeing yourself as a cosmic citizen with eternal history. So this first breath is to release. Visualization always helps this method. Feel as if your heart and entire body are experiencing a sacred wind. This wind is strong enough to diminish all the blocks that keep you at the level of duality when you are ready to fly further.

The second deep breath is about OPENING. The Lotus of the universe is opening up at your crown chakra. As it opens, your pineal opens with it. As your pineal is blooming, your heart is doing the same. Three Lotuses are opening up their petals at the very same time. These are the most precious receivers of the cosmic love emanating from the Heart of the Universe. So, first focus on their opening.

When your heart is open and you have your inner smile, you are ready for the third deep breath of RECEIVING. You are ready for your newly opened centers to receive ALL THE LOVE OF THE UNIVERSE. You can never get enough of this most precious vibration! It is the new fuel that your multidimensional body relies on. It is the unconditional love vibration form the Source. It is the essence that is leading you back to the Divine Master who you really are. It is the essence that keeps your 12 stranded DNA active. This is the tool that keeps your vibration beyond duality. With the universal love vibration in your heart, you are ready to comprehend the eternal perfection of the planetary mission you are so deeply involved in.

It is time to fully remember your divine origins. You are a galactic citizen with a truly precious mission to fulfill here on Earth. It is time to remember. A new chapter is forming for humanity and through it to our beloved planet. Your full recovery from your limited existence as 3D humans will soon be over. That is the gift of the shift to you. Build this simple exercise into your daily routine. Three breaths repeated consciously several times a day. Release – Open – Receive. The difference is imminent. Enjoy your new reality; you so dearly deserve all its beauty and gifts."

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

"Releasing the Habit of Time"

I have written about the illusion of time before in my blog. I have posted different thoughts from interesting sources regarding the validity (or not) of time and space. Of course this linear time and space reality that we are currently participating in is what we know--deeply and steadfastly.  We are born and our lives span years of growing and learning--all measured on the clock and calendar and on our bodies. Time controls our lives. 

Well certainly it seems that way, but what if I were to tell you that time is an artificial construct? That time is not a fundamental property of the universe. In my October post, The Present Moment--At the Brink of the Falls,  I speak about the power of NOW--that NOW is really all there is and any concept of time is part of the structure of our 3rd dimensional dualistic reality. Now, time (and its sidekick, space) in their very essence, do not promote unity. They are parameters of physicality-- of differentiation--of "that there and this here". Physical things need time and space to manifest.

Think of a computer program--a video game, programmed to transport you to a whole other reality in which you interact according to the rules of the game. That game is a sub reality and certainly does not encompass your day to day waking reality. So then, our day to day reality is a sub-reality of a greater more unified/rarified reality. And so it goes on up the spiral.

This greater reality that encompasses our 3d lives exists outside of time as we know it. That's why we can't see it, although we are already a part of this higher dimensional reality--at least aspects of ourselves are there. So what keeps us from really knowing and connecting to a higher broader spectrum of life?

We have this little habit called TIME. And, we have beliefs that keep us from exploring that which is not governed by time. We are weirded out by the paranormal--by the unexplainable. By the idea of other beings coexisting with us extra-dimensionally. The whole movement of humanity into a higher state of consciousness, what has been called Ascension, has been a process seemingly governed by time, strewn with calendar dates--markers of progress.

It need not be. An excerpt here written by Suzanne Lie discusses how time is a trap keeping us from that connection to our greater selves.

“We have come to you in your NOW to inform you that you can simply shift your attention to the ascended reality in which you already live. It is not your challenge to change your world. Your challenge is to change your own beliefs. Your long journey through the physical realm has taught you that change is an extended, sequential process. However, all change into the higher worlds is immediate.

During our experience of physical incarnations, we were also “trapped in time.” Because of our experience, we know how difficult it is to escape that illusion. The secret is, instead of focusing on the step-by-step shift of your sequential world; focus on changing your mind and your beliefs.

We realize that your measured ascension process has allowed you to gradually adjust your thinking out of the “3D time-trap” and into a new way of perceiving reality. We tell you NOW to release that prop. During your myriad earthly incarnations, you formed the habit of believing that which you needed to tell yourself to avoid being afraid. Unfortunately, this meant that you where not telling yourself the TRUTH. 

In order to re-align your consciousness with your SELF who is already ascended, you believed you needed to live the “time” that you believed it would take for you to “deserve” and/or “achieve” this alignment. We tell you NOW that YOU have already deserved and achieved that which you seek. Thus, you no longer need to give yourself time to be good enough to ascend."
Now, more than ever before, is an opportunity to step outside of time and connect to the higher aspects of ourselves. We have been "biding our time" waiting on these heightened galactic energies to help us release the illusion. Suzanne Lie's Arcturian calls this energy a portal:

“In fact, to our perception, this higher frequency of light that is bathing your reality and your consciousness is the portal of which we have so often spoken. This light is the portal out of time. Your test is not to just to enter this portal and accept this light, but to, also, allow this frequency of light to recode your consciousness." 

So what now? How to release TIME? There are so many questions that can flood ones brain about how that release will affect our lives--our families--jobs etc. How do you step out of time yet make it to work on time in the morning? Remember, that video game? From a higher reality we can operate our physical earth self and participate in this time based world, while also residing outside of it. It is a matter of focus and perception. We are fundamentally multi-taskers!

Why would we want to do this? Live in multiple realms simultaneously? Because we can! Because we DO already. It is our nature--we have diversified. So it comes down to finding a way to release limiting beliefs about what we are capable of, of what we deserve, and honoring the amazing multi-dimensional beings that we are, NOW.

Please do go to Suzanne lie's complete article--I have read it three times now and will go back again. It is finally sinking in.....