Get the Message?
Determining what this cosmic feedback (see Part One) offers has been a study in patience and receptivity. I suppose it would be easy enough to chalk the synchronicities up to random flotsam---we do that all the time. Or to attribute a truly unique meditation experience to one's rampant imagination. We have such a hard time trusting our inner knowing. What does this new found ability to connect outside of my physical body mean? Is it real? Just as it is 5 o'clock happy hour somewhere, so too, I see these forays into other planes/dimensions as happening someplace. There is no more potent power-plant of creativity than the imagination fueled by intent and emotion. It can take you places....
Determining what this cosmic feedback (see Part One) offers has been a study in patience and receptivity. I suppose it would be easy enough to chalk the synchronicities up to random flotsam---we do that all the time. Or to attribute a truly unique meditation experience to one's rampant imagination. We have such a hard time trusting our inner knowing. What does this new found ability to connect outside of my physical body mean? Is it real? Just as it is 5 o'clock happy hour somewhere, so too, I see these forays into other planes/dimensions as happening someplace. There is no more potent power-plant of creativity than the imagination fueled by intent and emotion. It can take you places....
So what about these cards I was dealt?
It is the auspicious year of the Water Dragon--2012. Fire and water. Balance.
A great shift is occurring in human consciousness and we are being called to weigh in on the scales. We must be balanced--we must lighten the load. It is time to get rid of the leftovers--old dark energies, habits, grudges, deep self judgement, etc. Our sacks have been full. Our backs are breaking.
Our planet is doing this too--finding her balance to the heavy masculine energies that have been dominant for millennia--ridding herself of what is no longer needed. Certainly our collective needs a heaping helping of receptivity, feeling, and nurturing these days. Can you imagine the upheaval a planetary body must feel when lightening the load?
The Playing Card
"Oracle" and the Aesthetic Junky
I am that Junky. I chose my new bike
solely because of it's looks, and a fantasy of the grace it would
bring to my life. Same for the espresso machine. Same for yada yada yada. I have design in my DNA and feel most alive when in the creative flow. Yet it is easy to replace creative output with fantasy consumption. The void can be filled in a thousand and one ways....One can get caught up....the light and dark both exist in our binary dimension.
The cards I was "dealt" can be looked at as a signpost, a gentle prodding, can be interpreted probably in myriad ways. If you were a gambling wo(man), you may look for meaning in a full house, or two pairs. I have gone with my first instinct--the ten cards adding to 64, providing the framework (The I'Ching and Human Design's Rave I'Ching) for interpretation of the recurring, synchronistic 2-2-2.
Back to Hexagram 22
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The Pi Hexagram |
So this Hexagram (hinted at by the playing cards and discussed in Part One) seems to warn of the shallow waters one can encounter when coveting only the surface beauty of things. I have seen this challenge in my life and know its hollowness. Am I being prodded to learn a lesson, learn it well, and learn it NOW? Probably.
There is another coin to this side...
The name of this hexagram means 'ornamentation', and also 'brilliance'. The old Chinese character, shows a flowering plant - which is actually the perfect
example of a being whose essential nature or function and outer
appearance cannot be separated. (Which part of a wild flower is 'only
ornament'?) This would have been at least as apparent to the ancient
Chinese, who knew that a plant's appearance reflected its energetic and
healing qualities. (From Clarity I'Ching)
As always, the universe holds our perfected template while allowing space for self exploration, and time to find the way back to our perfection."Which part of a wildflower is only ornament?" Good question! I feel we all know when we are the wildflower-- simply being what we were meant to be. It is called being in the flow, and when we are not, our inner knowing knows it. And our outer appearance reflects it.
Beauty is Qi showing. When life-energy is
present, colors become living and warm, proportions become like the
golden section, balance will be created. All coming out from the inner
life. A beautiful face or a rich fur, lustrous leaves and flowers, a
splendid stream or forest or landscape, they all talk about their
inherent health. Energy and beauty belong together.
Inside the big picture, we are all getting messages all the time. External ones, such as my 10 card find last week, and internal ones--little voice intuitive nudges, are there for our guidance. Where/who they are coming from is food for another blog post. It is time to begin to hear/feel/sense these calls for personal refinement. There is NO BETTER TIME!
I have had this Post It note stuck to my computer monitor for at least a year or two now.
Use your powers for good! Live in the flow. Listen to your inner knowing! Find a sustainable balance. Realize, and connect to the vast pools of creative energy that you exist in! This sums up perfectly the refinement/perspective change I have recently needed to make in my life.The Playing Card Oracle has reiterated this. Message received!
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