For me, the need is great for honest and valuable input in my life--that which speaks to me--that which makes my heart soar--that which makes sense to me--that which brings me joy. Really, there is no room for anything else these days. There is a path ahead and I am just out of sight of it, yet I can feel it there. So in this time out of time, I seek beauty--mundane and exalted, and the love of a close one. I try to let my heart lead the way--to follow the brain would be madness. And in the quiet moments, I tune to the clearest frequency-- I tune to my inner signal. Regular communing with that "still small voice" helps amplify and clarify what "It" has to say. The signal gets clearer. And the voice is amazing--It is wise--It knows me better than I know myself! In the quiet that we can eke out of the world, we all can access our inner/higher/future self and the contents of our greater existence! I must admit I have been spending a lot of non-time "there".
Deconstruct to Remember

As our self definitions drop away we are left not knowing who we are in the traditional sense, letting "the truth of us" slowly dawn. Into the void of no personality comes....comes what we are, what we have always been, and what we will be--the unchanging and ever changing! We are both sides of the divine coin. While we are the fabric of the Ground of Being--the unchanging, the unmanifest, we are also here now in this time to move humanity forward into a new era. An evolution of consciousness itself via you and I.
When you give yourself solitude and quiet, this true nature of yours becomes viscerally evident and so does the task at hand. When you know, really KNOW, that you are an eternal being partaking in a physical existence because you WANT to be, it changes everything. (At least it should.) We each have a role in this process of extreme evolution. Go inside to find your "script". Exercise your personal volition and find the enabling quiet, and the stillness from where your small voice emerges. What does it say?!
The impetus for sequester is not abating, for me at least. This process of remembering has risen to another level. Ute Posegga-Rudel says it beautifully:
This new space of
highly energetic consciousness needs our full attention now so that we can discover what wants to be
discovered. It requires our focus and attention in the way we would try to see things
hidden in the fog, but which we can locate more and more clearly while we
increase without any self-limiting presumptions our wide open perception and imagination.
First we might recognize just a scheme, a contour of something, and the more we concentrate the more this thing takes on an increasingly distinct shape and meaning. It is the discovery of the unfamiliar whereby we need in excitement to reach out for the unknown to realize perhaps later that what we found is nothing but remembrance or the discovery of something familiar, now appearing in new coordinates.
First we might recognize just a scheme, a contour of something, and the more we concentrate the more this thing takes on an increasingly distinct shape and meaning. It is the discovery of the unfamiliar whereby we need in excitement to reach out for the unknown to realize perhaps later that what we found is nothing but remembrance or the discovery of something familiar, now appearing in new coordinates.
As we transitioned into new territory, it dawns to me that we now are on the brink of entering new chambers of our own memory and simultaneous multidimensional existence to access in a new way, what we came here to become and to do. In this process it seems that individual paradigms are changing, as we left a part of the old world behind. However, that this actually happened, many of us must still discover, as we might feel a bit numbed and bewildered in the un-Knowable Room of the new human consciousness.
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