Monday, December 21, 2009

Momentous learnings; a shift in yearnings

Sometimes there is too much information at our fingertips. Some things we are just not ready for. Like a young person viewing a porn site, the impact of such encounters imprints us and influences the way we think about very fundamental things.

I wrote just a couple of days ago about our lovely plant earth--our Love Boat--as I envisioned our future home. Inhabited by a civilization that knew their connectedness--that felt love towards all--I had/have hopes for such a thing. I spoke of an upgrade in consciousness and an accompanying physical change. Perhaps these things will come about, perhaps it will all take a different path.

What I started to do only a little more than a month ago (this blog) has taken me places I could not have predicted. It has grown out of my seeking--attempts to connect the dots of conscious self~subconscious self~inner self and our greater relationship to the universe or All That is. Honestly, I feel like I've been on the accelerated program. My head is heavy with information.

It is said, as we get closer to this phenomenon of convergence (the upgrade) our lives quicken. We are presented with stimuli to move us along the path towards recognition of our connectedness--large events of major importance will happen with more frequency--our planet will display changes (global warming), etc. As I process all of the information I've taken in I realize that I need to step back--get quiet--breathe--and look inside for signs of recognition. What resounds in my most intuitive places? Intellectual knowledge (Reason) must be balanced by intuitive understanding.

The holidays are upon us allowing some time away from the job, and if we are lucky, time together with the people we most care about. For me, this will be a time of reflection on all of the marvels I have stumbled upon, and a hopeful alignment of heart and head.


  1. The balance between the heart and head, reason and intuitive understanding and ALL THAT IS. Thank you for creating this blog. I am one that tends to get overwhelmed with all of the information being revealed as you mentioned in a quickened state. Talking about the love boat is directing me to read The Prophet (Kahlil Gibran) again. Reality, Seth and Eternal Existence is like having a new flower bud. Thank you.

  2. Hi Kathy--thanks for taking the time to write. I am glad to have such a like-mided friend along for the ride. AH--The Prophet! It's been a long time. Must dig up my copy.

  3. hey man, this is some great stuff! totally vibin' with everything you are saying as i have been experiencing it as well. total accelerated intuitive "downloads" of mass amounts of information that need to be processed with yes, a balance of the mind and the heart. the body becomes upgraded as our DNA becomes revamped with all these new waves of conscious light energy being transmitted by our beings. lots of inner working, adjusting, integration, re-calibration. no going back, heh...tho icould not even imagine doing so
